Chapter 12.1: Buddy Time [3] Version 1

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Dyrus and OddOne made the place more cuddly and housewarming. In the time, Hai stopped whining about Internet, they shared stories with each other, some were funny, some were spooky. As the storm kept pouring above their head, they still have those time together.

And before they know it, the power turned back on.

"Hey Hai, the power is back, wanna head to streaming?" Altec asked, smirked at Hai.

"Nah, man...Let's just chill tonight..." Hai leaded back on the solf bean bag and sighed in happiness.

"Kill the lights guys. Tonight is just candles and chill" OddOne turned off the lights around the house, leaving the Wifi on incase someone (*cough*Hai*cough*) might used it or someone Skype.

"Do you think anyone is going to Skype us soon?" Andrew asked everyone as it got everyone's attention.

"I think either Dad or Bjergsen call us? Or maybe both? Who knows?" Larra giggled.

"Speaking of the devils..." Dyrus held out his HTC phone, which was ringing from Skype and the word Søren Bjerg appeared on the screen.

"Not to mention Jensen is ringing me" Lemon held out the same but it was Nicolaj Jensen.

They decided to troll a bit and set things as quick as they could. As Larra took Lemon's phone

"D..Dad?" Larra faltered into the call to her Dad, Jensen.

"Larra?! What's wrong? Why are you faltering? Where's Lemon?" Jensen started to ask her many questions.

"I..I don't know...Andrew, he came to the house and visit with Dyrus and OddOne and then...the lights...the storm...Everyone was gone, except for me and Andrew..." Andrew beside her was trying to hold into his laugh next to her and earned a punch on the shoulder.

##Meanwhile in Riot Korea Gaming Center##

"Larra! Where's Andrew?!" Jensen asked panically as Sneaky next to him also trying to call for Hai, but no signal. Right now, Meteos even took interest and trying to call for the police but he got a text from Balls...

Hey Meteos, try to not let Sneaky and Jensen or anyone called the police, we are putting on a show to prank on Jensen and Bjerg :D

Oh by the way, tell TSM, but not to you know who ^^

Meteos filmed and skyped the whole thing, giggled to himself.

"Can I talk to Andrew?!" Bjerg crashed into the call and it was is turn to panic.

"He' to ... but...t...he's pass out. Someo-one attacke...acked us...we're in ... my room...and being quite..."

Knock knock...

"Andrew...Andrew...wake up...please...." Larra was begging to wake him up.

"Where are you kids? Come out come out where ever you are..." even though they were listening, they could tell the person, who was calling the two kids, were smirking.

"Meteos! Call the Police! Now!" Jensen shouted at him who was filming, but quickly hide it away before they noticed.

"Ok! I will! Hello! California Police Department? Yes, my niece and her friends...." he just blah blah many many things into his phones making severes people holding their Doublelift.

"Andrew!" Larra shouted.

"Oh...your little friend has awake huh? So you two are in there"

"Meteos!" Sneaky shouted and looked panically at Meteos.

"I called them! They're on their way to the house now!"

"Stay close to me will be safe"


"Guys! Just stay close! The police is coming!"

"Come here you two...."


"No no no no..."

"And now is for the grand finally...."


"Where the police!? Don't you dare to touch them!"

"Oh...I already have...and there's a little secret too...."


"..." everyone was like stoned...

"Hey guys..." Larra popped into the cam and happily waved.

"Yo! You guys got prank!!! High five Larra!"

And they did that famous 'high five'. They were safe and unharm.


"Hello, I'm the kidnapper" Dyrus waved at the cam and retreated back to the other room.

"You guys set this up huh?" Jensen smirked and happily smiled at his daughter.


"Why it is mine!?" They could hear him yelling from downstairs.

"Everyone is ok, Dad. We are unharm from the storm, Dyrus didn't birn down the house and XeXe and Beth made soup, which is delious"

"Now I really wish I had their soup, it's simple but best" Sneaky hitted his head up and down the table as he groaned.

"I grad you are safe, but please, don't scare us like that"

"Oh, I thought a second ago, Søren was there..." Andrew asked.

"Oh yeah, where is Bjergsen goooooo....oh dear..." Jensen showed Bjergsen laying on the floor, patting like he was running out of breathe.

"Is he ok?"

"'re dead with me..."

"Oh no...I'm getting cover soon, save me please!" Andrew begged Larra and whining like a baby.

"I will call you back Dad, have fun in soloQ and read the meta that changed in NA! Bye!" And Skype cut off.

"Thank god they're safe..." Jensen sighed.

"Yeah...but, didn't Meteos called the police?" Sneaky looked at his bro and saw the smirk on Meteos's face.

"You just got prank. Damn, how can I say this?" Meteos thoght for a moment.

"Fuck you, fuck your ass and your pussy" Sneaky groaned at him.

"Oh, Welcome to my butthole man" Meteos laughed and walked away, who knows what he was going to do.

>>>>Version 2>>>>

Btw, I am too lazy to write version 2

I'm hitting the bed now

See ya fam

Kim Yong Yon

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