Chapter 16: When it's time...

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Hey guys, sorry for the last A/N. I was freak out when my friend said she couldn't read chapter 15 and see 'hhhhhh'. Sorry again guys for the buzzing around.

So anyway, I just realize something so important when Larra got bullied by bullies street. So in the next chapter, you will see or you could guess it right now on the comments below.

Enjoy guys~

"That's wonderful news! Can you take us to there?!" Everyone looked up to Lemon, who was taking the captain of the Oregon's Fire Department.

"But, we need to know why you want to see the fire in 2001. If we know the reason, we will take you there or you may leave" The captain said.

"How can we say this? It's very hard to understand but please just trust us..." Lemon's beg soon was cut off by Larra.

"Maybe, you might remember this...." Larra headed him her necklace as he exemited. A while later, he returned to its owner.

"Sorry young lady, but I don't. I was there at the mission too, but I don't remember other the surviver. All I know, it's that there was a little girl was saved" he explained.

"What if I tell you that, I am the child in the fire on 31st October 2001?" His eyes went wide as he looked the Chirtian girl.

"How did you know what day it happened?"

" parents came to tell me a few weeks ago..." her blue eyes were staring at the captain.

It took him a while to remember everything the happened. He was the rookie as he stepped into his first mission. 15 years has passed and he might remember his first day on the job, jumping into the fire and ran upstairs with his teammates. To find any surviver and there he saw the baby laying on her bed sleepying like nothing was happening. He saved her and brough her outside safely and when he looked down on the child, he saw her eyes and her necklace, learning her name, Larra

"Larra? You have grown so much. It's been 15 years already huh?" He hugged her tight as it brought surprise to her.

"Your parents will be proud of you so much if they are still alive. And I will take you guys there. But I might not remember the path to the house" He got up and took everyone to find the house in the forest.

It wasn't long until he drove the van to the edge of the forest. There wasn't any path to take lead to the house. But they still deturment to find it. It was still morning so there wouldn't be any threat around, except if you happen to find a deer eating glass. Don't worried, it wouldn't bite you, but seriously don't freak out because of a deer.

"15 years and still can't remember the path we came in. You can't remember much if you are getting old" the captain chuckled.

"Larra? What if we can't find it?" Andrew ran up to Larra, who was sreaching for clues.

"Then...I guess I have to parents will understand. And beside, they want me to get hurt..." Larra stopped talking, but it seemed Andrew didn't notice.

"Ok then. Don't worried" He patted her shoulder and ready to ran off, but instead he turned around.

"Hey Larra? How about we go look for the house and Pokemons? What do you say?" Andrew asked cheerfully.

"Yeah, sure..." She was still in a daze without he noticing. Just as Andrew went off to Contraczt to find Pokemons, Larra was still stnading near the path deeper intot he forest. The captain went looked around the area and the others were chasing Pokemons or looking for clues.

"Come Larra..." A voice cried out from the forest.

"Come this way, my dear...." the soft voice asked her to come deeper into the forest.

"Come now...Don't be afaird" Larra couldn't think of anything else, but listened to the voice. She walked away from the point where she was standing. She took steps deeper and deeper into the path, which was covered in bushes and flowers. No one noticed the 15 year old girl waling away from them slowly.

"Follow my voice, I will lead you the way..." Larra couldn't gain her thought, she just wanted to follow that voice to where it took her. As she stepped through the trees and through the bushes, the sunlights came through the leafs. Everything was so peaceful on the blonde girl way, walking closer to the unknown female voice.

"You're here...Goodbye for now, my darling. We will meet again...." The voice disapeared into the cool bliss blowling with the summer wind.

^^Larra's POV^^

As I snap out of my thought. After the voice disapeared. I look around the area and there I remember... It's the place in my dream...this is the place where the fire happen. This is my was my home...

I start to mive my feets toward the burning house. It has been taken a few things...must be the treasure hunters. I hope the basement is still here. I start to pill up the wooden pieces away from the basement.

After a few while, I open the burned door down to the basement. It isn't really dark thanks to a window in there. I took out my phone and turn on the flashlight, turning to a corner and under many and many wet boxes, I find the small metal door.

How am I suppose to open it?...

"....her necklace is the key to open the cell..." a flash of my mom voice ran through my mind. I quickly take out my necklace and put it over the shape on the door. I push my necklace in slowly but strong. And soon after tI did that, a click came from the metal door. The door peaks open.

I open it, there was a layer of dust busted out while doing so. I cough a bit and slowly my eyes pill open. There is the box and the albums that I saw.

"I better take these out before it gets more worst" I quickly took everything including my necklace, not caring dirtying my white sleeves shirt, I walked on the stairs to be greet with the sunlights.

My phone buzzed and I take it out. It's uncle Charlie. They must have notice me missing. I slid my phone to answer and saying hello. He is nervous about me missing for 30 minutes and asks me if I'm okay or not. I explain the whole thing and say I will returned back to them.

Before leaving the house behind the trees, I turn around and look at my once called home. I could have so lucky to love in this place with my parents. But the past is in the past now, there is no way to stop it. But I'm happy that I was born to this world and live with my new family, not Cloud9....but the whole LCS.

"When it's time...I will find you again...Mom, Dad" I walk into the path and leaving my 'home' like a grow up child leaving her family for college but inside, she still remember her loved ones...

Thank you...

'We will always be there with sweet daughter' that was the last thing I heard before seeing the others again...

^^To be continued^^

Okkkkl. This story is getting more shitty and shitty. Im planing to end this story real soon so I will finish the others.

Ofc, if you guys havent notice. I have a daily book, just make it a few days ago. You guys could read and find out what is it like the life of the author behind this story

Bye bye guys

Btw, #C9WIN !!!!!! Wohoooo! Finals!!!! TSM vs C9! Legedary NA match!!!! ><

Kim Yong Yon

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