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"so, um..." jeongguk trailed off, taking a sip of his bought drink. "jimin said you bought this for me, right?"

"what?" taehyung spat out, almost choking on his own beverage. he gritted his teeth. "no, i didn't."

"oh, well then." jeongguk spun his straw around, watching it spin around in endless circles.

a minute or so of uncomfortable silence took over the air, entailing a subtle cough from jeongguk after he had finished his drink so quickly.

"listen, do you just wanna leave? i have a better place to hang out, if you want," he spoke out with a fresh burst of confidence, looking over towards the window.

taehyung quirked his eyebrows, standing up anyways to throw both of their drinks away. he smirked smugly, leaning over the table to talk lowly, "so are you asking me out or something?"

"no homo, dude." jeongguk promptly stood up too, briskly walking to the entrance door of the cafe.

the older male couldn't just leave like that, so he skipped over to the counter and left a tip for seokjin like he always did every time he ordered a drink or two here. it was the only way besides talking with each other that he showed his gratitude towards seokjin's exquisite coffee-making.

he was about to catch up with jeongguk who had already exited the building, but not before seokjin whispered in his ear. "go get him for me, okay?"

taehyung blushed a deep red, swiftly waving the barista a goodbye and pushing the door handle out into the open swiftly. he swore he had heard a chuckle come from the employee as well, huffing on his way out.

rushing to jeongguk's side, who had strode along quite far, he tried to catch his breath as he slowed down his pace. he attempted to match his footsteps with him, briskly walking with the careless male next to him.

"can you," taehyung panted out, "slow down? like, seriously. how did you even get this far?"

he received a shrug as a response.

"well, can you at least tell me where we're going?"

jeongguk answered with a simple, "we're almost there, don't worry."

it left taehyung speechless, but maybe it was because of the aftereffects of his heartbeat from all of that exercising. maybe.


"we're here."

taehyung halted to a sudden stop, slightly shocked from where they were at.

"what the heck? where are we?" taehyung questioned to particularly no one.

"you've never been to a hill filled with flowers? wow, you're missing out, taehyung."

"shut up!"

"come on, the pretty ones are up there." he pointed to the top of the hill, starting his mini journey up the minuscule slope. 

"wait for me, you idiot!"

a rush of wind passed in front of him as taehyung sprinted towards the top. his feet stomped on the grass promptly, each step leading him to even more curiosity sparking within his brain. his eyes spotted the tiniest hint of a marigold, and his eyes widened from the sight. he dashed his way towards jeongguk, discovering more and more flowers along his way.

'pretty... they all look so pretty,' taehyung thought, exhausted but mesmerized by the scene in front of him.

his mouth subconsciously hung open, his eyes sparkling from the amount of beauty he was witnessing. he peered down, catching the design of a dandelion in front of him. he bent down and marveled at it, gazing at the other flowers around it as well.

"you like it?" a voice snapped him out of his reverie of amusement.

he looked back, facing jeongguk who was sitting in an empty patch of grass, most likely because he didn't want to squash the flowers. taehyung suddenly jumped, shocking jeongguk as the former landed next to him, lifting his feet so he wouldn't crush the blooming plants either.

"yeah," breathed taehyung, feeling giddy from his experience. "yeah, i do."


'i'm glad you do, you know.'

"so, why'd you bring me here in the first place, mr. flower man?" taehyung asked, poking a lavender that laid in front of him.

"you looked pissed, so i brought you here."

he hummed, the sun beaming towards them, shining a light that forced the both of them to squint their eyes, but they didn't mind; after all, taehyung couldn't say not to such a beautiful sight. he intertwined his fingers with the flower, finding comfort in his movements. the foreign feeling felt welcoming, almost as if he were given hot chocolate on a cold day. it was no surprise that his favorite color was purple, so it only gave him more approval from that factor.  

but, then he thought about what would happen if there were only cold days. no hot chocolate, no blankets wrapped up to protect him, nothing else besides sitting in his bed, staring at the blank wall endlessly, thinking how much he was so-

"hey, you ever think about life?"

jeongguk scoffed. "don't we all at some point?"

"and do you ever think about how it's never nice to us at all?"

his eyes widened, and then they dilated back to their original size. he peeked over to see taehyung with some sort of melancholic face on him.

"of course i do. but, at the same time, it's cool, too."

"and how is that?"

"well, you have life, and life is shitty, that's no surprise. but, then again, life is also short. like, really short. so, why not just look at the things in this shitty life and call it cool?"

taehyung surveyed the area in front of him, nodding his head as if he were urging jeongguk to continue. "like what?"

"like the rain."

"and what? that's it? what if people have never seen anything else besides the rain and the sun?" he questioned even further.

"then they should live longer to see it."

"tch, you know, you're really idiotic for someone who's talking to a guy that's never seen snow."

jeongguk widened his eyes, snapping his head towards taehyung. "wait... you've never seen... snow?"

"shut up! it's not like it's that surprising or anything..." a sudden color of scarlet dusted his cheeks. he looked away, feeling his face heat up.

"you've lived for twenty-two years and you've never, ever seen snow?"

"what, is that shocking to you or something?"

"no- i mean, yea, but- like, it's just that you're older than me and you've just..."

"never seen snow?"

"yea," jeongguk blatantly said, admiring the now reddened look on taehyung's pouting face.

"whatever, okay? besides," taehyung mischievously spewed out, "have you ever experienced this?"


a fluttering feeling arose in his stomach and the pressure of the funny urge to laugh arose, erupting from his mouth. taehyung kept tickling jeongguk, running his fingers around the latter's body and increasing his actions further on. he avoided jeongguk's subconscious kicks that were directed towards him.

"oh, you're gonna fucking pay for that-" jeongguk retaliated, doing the same action taehyung did to him.

the ticklish feeling felt the same for taehyung as he laughed along the way with jeongguk. had anyone seen them if this were a public place, they probably would've been disgusted, but the two boys didn't care.

finally, after minutes of playful torture towards each other, the two males laid on the patch of grass around them, all while flowers surrounded them comfortably. they were catching their breaths, panting from quivering exhaustion and hurt stomachs. they sat still in place, the only sounds coming from their mouths, save for the occasional chirping from the birds in the skies above.

taehyung clapped his hands together, a smile put together on his face. "well," he grinned eagerly, "that was pretty fun. and cool, too."

"told you," jeongguk replied, sighing in the humid airs around them.

"... what?"

"i told you," he looked at taehyung with such a delighted expression that it made the latter blush suddenly, "just look at the cool things in life."


does anyone still have this in their library ?????

this book is dead so like :thinking:

no but srsly, im extremely sorry for not updating, ive been too busy with skool and the amount of projects it's throwing at me + plus not to mention the fact that ive been crying more due to it and the added stress it comes with lol

umm if u still have this book in ur library somehow, thank u ??? ily. <3

this isnt proofread so tell me if there r any mistakes and i'll fix it !!! <33333

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