Vampire/Werewolf Winner's Circle

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🌥️ You made it! Thank you for participating in the first Clouded Ink Awards! Below you will find the standing of the top three spots with your judges review! 🌥️ 

🥉3rd: IT'S A TIE!!!

Dandelion: Entangled in Eternity - bored_mama

Title: 4/5

Cover: 4/5



Writing Style:8/10






TOTAL 79/100

Catchy, clear and convincing. Pacing seemed highly intentional. Some areas seemed a bit slow. Excellent consistency! I did not notice any grammatical errors. The slower areas were more difficult to stay as engaged. However, all in all this was a fantastic read!


Half Brothers - kinalhariya





Writing Style:8/10







Title is straightforward and easy to understand and envision. The cover could be more in tune with the title of the book. The text of the cover is not as complimentary with the image. I think the blurb is really good, it not only tells us what is in the story from the perspective of the main character but also from one of the other characters but also gives them both little titles so it looks like two different stories. The pacing is really good, fast but not too fast. Something is happening all the time and so we are not stuck in the same scene for like 3 chapters. There is a full chapter that is telling us all of the terms we need to know, also there are a few references and things like that which I liked. Only a few grammatical errors. Very easy to read.

🥈2nd: Entwined Bonds And Twisted Fate - miss-omi

Title 4/5

Cover 4/5

Blurb 4/5

Pacing 8/10

Writing Style 8/10

Plot 12/15

Character 11/15

Details 8/10

Grammar 15/15

Enjoyment 8/10


Title and blurb are very good and the cover looks quite appealing. The pacing was outstanding and was one a highlight among the competition within this genre. This book offered lots of narration and very good dialogue. The plot was highly intriguing. Excellent work with your characters and details! Very enjoyable read!

🥇1st: If You Were Mine - laceyshae

Title 4/5

Cover 4/5

Blurb 4/5

Pacing 8/10

Writing Style 9/10

Plot 13/15

Character 13/15

Details 7/10

Grammar 15/15

Enjoyment 9/10


Very good work with the title, blurb, and the creative cover. The pacing and flow was great with much happening to keep our attention. The plot did not fall flat. Really was a fan of the writing style. It really made a statement among the competition in this genre. Characters were good, maybe consider how to make them a little more original. All in all, a wonderful read!!!

Honorable Mentions

Anchor: [Little Red's Tale] Runt-Teen Wolf - fLOoPyNoOdLe013x

Adventures of Grace and - ALBWesternAustralia

Thank you all! Please DM me regarding your stickers, shoutouts, and participation prizes! Also, if you are interested in receiving your score DM me as well!

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