Survival Of The Fittest

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June 17 2019

The Girls were sleeping in the bunker beds while the men were sitting in the sofa while trying to figure out the situation in their hand.

Alex: What do we do?

Wyatt:* Sigh* Hell if I know man

Jared: Nothings going good for us

Tobias: This was suppose to be a trip, A Fun Road Trip but fuck man

James: Dammit, We shouldn't have left New York

Chris: Guys, Calm Down

Alex: What do you mean calm down Chris. Cant you see the shit we have been through

Chris: Guys we shouldn't panic in this situation

Rhys: Chris, We are literally in a city with fucking insects, weird earthquakes and A Fucking strange green gas

Dario: Guys guys stop

James: Okay then Alex and Rhys what's your plan?

Alex: I don't even have a plan

Rhys: Yeah what the fuck man

Tobias: Guys guys don't do this

Wyatt: Seriously stop

The Fight was getting worse as Rhys shoved Jared and jared looked like he was gonna murder him until


They stopped arguing and looked at each other

Chris: What happened to us we use to be friends and brothers that care and support each other

Tobias: Chris is right, We are arguing for stupid reasons

James: Crap

Dario: Look We should not do this


Tobias: Guys we are brothers and whatever situation we are at, We will work through it together and we will protect each other. We have to protect our sisters too

Alex: I'm sorry James

James: Yeah man I'm sorry too

Rhys: Jared, I'm sorry bro I didn't mean it

Jared: Look man we are cool, I'm sorry too

Wyatt: We can do this

The Group nodded knowing that they are friends and they couldn't fight with each other.

Jared: Okay since we are all cool, Let's check out this bunker

Chris: Jared's right

James: Okay then let's do this

Tobias: This Bunker is Huge

Wyatt: Well we have to split up to make it even easier

Rhys: Okay I'll check this room out

Alex: I'll check over there

Dario: I'll check out that weird room

Jared: Okay I'll check over there well let's hope nothings there

James: Yeah let's hope to god for that

The Group nodded and left to check out the rooms. Tobias went to a room and found Clothes there. It was a big room full of Clothes.

Tobias: Guys look what I found

The Group went towards Tobias and saw the room

Jared: Damn, This many clothes for who

Rhys: Probably for that old man

Alex: Really then what's that?

Wyatt opened a box and found

Chris: Oh


Alex: That's......

Rhys: Wait what is( Rhys saw the box).....oh

Jared: Wait....oh

Tobias: Did someone else lived with the old man?

Dario: Judging by....these...Clothes and that yeah I think so

James: There could be a chance that women could come back

Rhys: With that green gas, I don't think so

Wyatt: So I do....with it?

Alex: Ummm

Chris: We can give those Clothes and....that to the girls

Tobias: Alright this is awkward let's move on

The Group closed the door and continued checking out the bunker. Alex saw a brown door and found mattresses and lots of them.

Alex: Um guys look what I found?

The Group went to alex and found the mattresses

Tobias: Oh my god

Jared: That's like Ten Mattresses

Rhys: Wonder why he needed all of that

Wyatt: No Clue but this is useful for us

James: Yeah we can sleep on these

Chris: We can also use it in case of anything

Dario: Yeah but is there any pillows or maybe Blankets?

Alex: I'll check give me a minute

Alex searched the room and found nothing

Alex: Nothing

Rhys: Looks like the Girls have the pillows and blankets

Chris: Looks like we gotta share then

Wyatt: Smart

James: Yeah let's keep going, This is getting interesting by the second

Dario was checking out a room and it had a generator with Five Gasoline cans and Four Gas Cans

Dario: Damn that's a lot of Fuel and Gas

Dario closed the room and went to check on the others. James opened a door and found guns and weapons.

James: Guys, Look what I found

The Group followed him and saw the room

Tobias: Weapons at least something to protect us

Alex: Damn A rifle, Shotgun and pistol

Chris: All with Ammunition in it

James: Old man's got Two Rifle, One Pistol, Two Shotguns and Ammo

Rhys: Yeah but at least we got protection

Wyatt: Yeah and we can save ourselves from these insects

Dario: ( Sees a Fireaxe) Theres a fireaxe and A Huge Box

Chris opened the box and found Fire Extinguishers

James: Okay in case of fire

Tobias: True

The Group Continued looking. Chris found a room, It had a Fish Tank, Ventilation System and A Fuse Box For The Electricity. Rhys Found a Room and it was an old Storage room just filled with parts and other tools.

Rhys: This Place looks nice

Jared Was looking around and he stepped on a empty sofa can and it woke Michelle up

Jared: Sh sh I'm sorry go to sleep

Michelle: Wait, Is everything alright?

Jared: Everythings Alright don't worry

Michelle nodded and fell right back to sleep

Jared: Damn I'm really sorry

Jared Looked around and saw another room full of Food and water. Jared Counted The food and water including the foods expire date and if the water is contaminated or not. The Group Finished Checking out the bunker and sat down on the sofa in the main room or living room you can say.

Jared: So let's say what we got so far, I found a room full of food and water which lasts For 5-7 Years

Alex: I found a room full of mattresses

Dario: I found a room and it had a Generator along with Fuel and Gas Canisters

Chris: I found a Ventilation System Along with a fish tank and fuse box

James: I found Weapons

Wyatt: Sorry Guys I'm back now

Jared: What did you find?

Wyatt: A room and it had a med kits and Pills

Alex: That's useful

Tobias: I found a room full of Clothes and You know

Rhys: I found a storage room and it has tools that we can use

Dario: Okay and that's all

The Group saw the Television in the room and Wyatt found an Old movie case

Wyatt: Holy Shit

Alex: The Fuck?

Rhys: That's like 500 movies in there

James: Maybe if he's bored, He watches it

Chris: Damn that's a lot of movies

Jared: I'm surprised where he got the money for it

Tobias: Yeah, This entire place along with the items cost like thousands of dollars or maybe more

Wyatt: Why all of this?

Alex: Maybe he's preparing for the apocalypse

James: Maybe he is a weird cultist guy that scream the end is near

Chris: Maybe but he got his wish

Rhys: Yeah but that's a lot of stuff

Jared: Its all overs now

Dario: Yeah and he made a big mistake attacking us

Wyatt:....So wanna watch a movie?

Jared: Sure

They were watching the movie until they fell asleep

A.N: Thanks for Reading and Stay Cool :)

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