Trip Planning And Talks

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June 15 2019

Alex woke up in his bed tired and Sleepy. Alex check the time on his phone saying 8:30 AM along with a message from Jared Lane.

Jared Lane:( In Text) Hey wanna hang out?

Alex Ambrose:( In Text) Sure give me Ten Minutes to make it there

Jared Lane: ( In Text) Alright I'll be Waiting

Alex Got up and took a shower before putting on his Black Jean's, Dark Blue V Neck shirt along with a hooded Black jacket. Alex put on his Black boots and grabbed the camera. Alex loved Recording certain things so He made it to Jared's house since he lives close by and rang on his door bell. Jared opened the door.

Jared: Took you long enough also is it Recording?

Alex: Yeah

Jared: Well Come on I know a pizza place and I already invited the others

Alex: Cool

Alex got into Jared's SUV as They drove to the pizza place and sat down. They saw Chris entering the restaurant and he waved at them.

Chris: How are all of you doing?

Jared: Good what took you so long?

Chris: Aliyah is with the girls so you know there is a delay

Alex: God they will take a year to make it here

They laughed at Alex joke as Chris sat down.

Chris: So What do we do now?

Alex: Well Tobias and Wyatt have a plan so I'm waiting for them

Jared: Yeah they woke my ass up just to tell us about a plan they will discuss

Chris: I think its gonna be good

Jared: It better be or I'll break his face

Alex: I'll be Recording it

Chris: That will be cool

They turned to see Tobias and James coming in and sat down with the group

James: God, I'm waiting for Rhea!!!

Jared: Let me guess they are having a talk

Tobias: Yeah they are having a huge girl talk and they say no boys allowed

Chris: Well we have girlfriends and we have to respect their privacy

Jared: Well I'm Single

Alex: Count me in

Tobias: I remember the time, Jared tried to ask Penelope Ford out for a date

James: Yeah and it failed miserably

Alex: I even recorded it happening

Jared: Shut Up Ambrose, You tried to ask Charlotte Flair out for a date

Tobias: What the hell man you ask Flair out?

Chris: Oh my Godness

James: So What Happened?

Alex: * Sigh* She threw water at me

They laughed at Alex as Alex was getting annoyed

Alex: Hey Shut Up all of you

Tobias: *Laughing* I cant it's too funny

Chris: Hahhaha That's pretty funny

James: I understand you partner dont worry

Alex: *Sigh* Jared can I join your Single Club?

Jared: Sure it's free

They kept talking until Wyatt and Dario Made it

Dario: Sorry Guys there is traffic along with Wyatt taking his sweet ass time

Tobias: What do you mean?

James: He means Toni Storm and Wyatt were having fun

Alex: What the Hell dude?

Wyatt: What? She was begging for it

Dario: That doesn't mean you have to make me wait outside * In Macedonian Language* ( Lazy Motherfucker)

Wyatt: Alright I guess we have to wait for the ladies

Jared: Dude, Just tell us your plan

Tobias: Not yet we have to wait for everyone

Michelle Shaw came in and smiled at the group

Wyatt: Wait your not with the girls?

Michelle: You guys were waiting so I decided to join you guys

Jared: Huh at least Michelle is here

Alex: She is like our sister from another mother

Michelle: Aww thanks guys

Jared: Well you are our baby sister

Wyatt: and we are your big brothers

James: Expect Alex

Alex: Hey why?

Chris: Your too young

Tobias: Yeah your 25

Alex: You too tobias

Dario: Look look can we just get to the plan

Michelle: Yeah what this trip about?

Alex: Wait a Minute where's Rhys?

Michelle: Rhys is with Dakota and they are doing something special since it's there one year anniversary

Jared: Great we gotta sit even longer

Rhys and Dakota came in along with the girls as the boys sigh in relief

Alex: They are alive

Rhea: Alex, One more joke your dead

Chris: Hehe

Aliyah: Chris oh my god I missed you

Chris: Me Too SweetHeart

Rhea: Hey Cutie pie

James: Hey Babe

Tegan: Tobias I'm sorry if we took too long

Tobias: No Problem Babe

Rhys: Guys sorry we took some time but we are here

Alex: No Problem dude

Dakota: Okay, Now That we are all here let's talk

Jared: First I'm hungry

James: Same

They ordered what they wanted in the Pizza Restaurant as they were now on their drinks.

Wyatt: Okay since we are all here

Toni: Yes and we can tell on what we are gonna say on this plan

Chris: So what is the plan?

Tobias: Well since we are friends for four years and we liked and respected each other

Wyatt: Not to mention we are all like brothers and sisters

Tobias: Me, Wyatt, Tegan and Toni have decided to go on a road trip

Rhys: NO WAY

Jared: Seriously?

Alex: Your kidding?

Wyatt: Nope and we are going to New Orleans

James: WAIT NEW ORLENS That's like a twenty hour drive

Rhys: Yeah from New York To New Orleans On a car

Tobias: Yeah plus it will be fun since road trips are fun

Rhea: So when are we leaving?

Toni: Well me and wyatt decided to go after two hours

Kairi: Oh well dario we gotta go pack quickly

Dario: Yeah Kairi let's go

Jared: Well I got only some things to pack

Alex: Same thing Bro

Chris: Hmmm Well Me and aliyah dont have too much to pack

Michelle: It is cool I love road trips

Dakota: We all love road trips michelle

James: So who's driving?

Wyatt: Alex

Alex: Wait why me?

Tobias: We are going by Jared's car and you are driving since you know

Alex: Aw come on

Michelle: Please Alex

Alex: Fine fine

Aliyah: You better deal with it Ambrose

Jared: Damn I'm leaving

James: Same we gotta go pack

Rhys: See you guys at Alex's house

Alex: I'll be waiting

The Friends got into their houses and grabbed what they need for this trip as they had a lot to pack up before they all reached Alex house.

Michelle: Wheres Alex Sister?

Jared: Heard she was sick and she went back to Seattle

James: Damn I hope she gets better

Rhys: Yeah no kidding he loves his sister so much

Wyatt: There he is

Alex: Okay by the way who's paying the gas?

Tobias: Since we are all driving I guess we all pay equally

Dario: That is a cool idea bro

Tobias: Thanks

Chris: Well Let's go we are burning day light

Jared: Yeah let's go

Toni: To New Orleans

Dakota: This is gonna be fun

They drove to New Orleans after a twenty two hour drive and made it. The group were trying to find a hotel.

Alex: Okay where do we stay and sleep?

James: Only God knows ambrose

Chris: Hmmm I'm checking on my phone dont worry

Rhys: Same

Tobias: Well The Intercontinental Hotel is open let's go there

Wyatt: Well who's paying?

Jared: We all are since we are all equal in pay

They drove to the Intercontinental hotel and fell asleep

But the friends dont know what's gonna happen next in this happy week.

A.N: Thank you for reading and tell me how it is?

Question: Should I Update one more chapter of Cloverfield or SAW?

Stay Cool and have a nice day :)

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