Chapter 12

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"Poolpaw?" Poolpaw glanced up from her work. Needlenose was standing in the den entrance with a confused look on his face.

"Yes Needlenose?" She asked.

He shuffled his paws. "Have you seen Finchstar? I need to talk with him."

Poolpaw frowned. "Is he on any patrols?" She asked.

Needlenose shook his head. "I checked with Frostpetal."

Poolpaw tilted her head to the side, trying to think where he might be. Then she remembered.

"He told me he was going to find Cloverpaw and bring her back." She said.

Needlenose sighed. "Okay. When he comes back, let me know." He exited the den.

Poolpaw started again at her herbs, when a voice spoke in the entrance.

"Finchstar's bringing her back?"

Poolpaw shoved her work aside, figuring she wasn't going to get anything else done. She looked up and saw Firefang standing in the entrance, blocking the sunlight.

Poolpaw nodded. "Yes. He feels he made a mistake."

Firefang snarled, shocking Poolpaw. "He didn't. She deserves the be banished. After what she did... killing an innocent cat..."

Poolpaw studied him. She knew there were a few grumblers in the clan who didn't want her back. But she hadn't thought Firefang was one of them.

"From what I hear, he wasn't so innocent." She said this carefully, not wanting to give away that she actually saw Cloverpaw in the Dark Forest. No one in the clan except Finchstar knew Cloverpaw was training there. Finchstar had been careful to withhold that information, instead telling them that she was banished for killing that cat. Poolpaw knew that was accurate, but the main reason she was banished was for disrespecting Starclan and her leader. Finchstar had told her everything about why she was banished, even what Cloverpaw had told him. The only thing he had left out was the prophecy, and Poolpaw figured Cloverpaw must not have told him.

She snapped herself out of her thoughts to find Firefang staring back at her. Her eyes fell to the ground and when she looked back up, Firefang was gone.


Finchstar opened his eyes to a starry forest. He shook his head, wondering where he was. Then he remembered.

Cloverpaw had sunk her teeth into his neck, breaking into the life-giving artery and killing him. He saw the look of undisguised hatred in her eyes, and a hint of sorrow. Finchstar had felt confusion and sadness when the last bit of color faded into nothing. He hadn't known she was capable of doing something like that, even though she had been training in the Dark Forest. He hadn't thought that she would even try something like that, especially because she was...

He shook off the thought. Cloverpaw didn't know that. And it was too late now.

Finchstar looked up to see a silver she-cat standing in front of him. "Junipercloud?" He whispered.

Junipercloud smiled, her whole face lighting up. Finchstar felt his heart lighten. Rushing over to him, Junipercloud brushed muzzles. Finchstar breathed in her sweet scent, feeling all his worries fade.

Junipercloud stepped back and her look of happiness  faded when she saw Finchstar's neck wound.

"She did it?" Junipercloud whispered. "I didn't think..."

Finchstar ducked his head. "Cloverpaw? Yeah..."

Junipercloud brushed her tail against his neck, and when she stepped back, the wound was gone. "Be careful. She isn't as stable as you think. She's being controlled. Her actions are not her own." Junipercloud hesitated. "And she has a choice about the upcoming battle."

Finchstar blinked. "What battle?" He asked.

But Junipercloud was starting to fade. "Stay safe, my love." And with that, she was gone.


Poolpaw bounced on her toes, excited. Finchstar had come back okay, reassuring the clan that Cloverpaw decided rogue life was better. She had felt a pang at that news, but if its what she wanted...

She was going to the gathering in Needlenose's place. He had to take care of Blizzardclaw, who had fallen out of a tree and sprained his ankle. She was a little nervous, since she had never been to a gathering without him, but she was also filled with anticipation.

"Is everyone ready?" Finchstar called, bounding from his den. When the cats nodded, he led them out of the entrance.

Poolpaw raced through the forest, the dead leaves crunching under her paws. She felt exhilarated, and was sure this was going to be the best gathering of her life. The moon was shining, and the lake was still. She followed her clan across the tree bridge, and the scents of many cats wafted over her.

They gathered in the clearing, and her Thunderclan started to disperse among the other clans, until Poolpaw couldn't tell one from the next. She watched as Finchstar leaped up onto one of the branches jutting out from the massive tree. Poolpaw settled down next to Creekpaw, the medicine cat apprentice of Windclan.

She let her gaze wander as Acornstar let out the call to begin the meeting. He reported a new warrior, and more Twoleg activity. Then he stepped back to let Emberstar speak.

"We have had more-" She started. She was interrupted by a fierce yowl near one of the trees. A dark tabby tom stepped out into the light, and Poolpaw stood up. The tom snarled, and the clearing fell silent.

"I will not allow this to go on any longer!" He shouted. He waved his tail and Poolpaw glanced up as cats began to fall from the trees.

A Riverclan cat cried out, "Its an attack!" and soon blood and fur was flying everywhere. But Poolpaw didn't hear anything over the blood pounding in her ears, too shocked when she saw a familiar face in the crowd.

The cat called out orders, and the attackers split into groups. But Poolpaw couldn't move, couldn't think.

The cat leading the attack was Cloverpaw.

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