Chapter 18

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Cloverpaw peered out of the undergrowth. Where are all their patrols? She thought confusedly. She hadn't seen or scented any cat since leaving Thunderclan territory.

She tentatively stepped out of her cover.

And immediately was bowled over by a small bolt of golden colored fur.

Yowling, she forced her claws to stay sheathed. If she wanted to join Shadowclan, it wouldn't help if she started by attacking one of their apprentices.

"I need to talk to your leader!" Cloverpaw said in a muffled voice. The weight on her let up and she blinked away blood.

"What for?" the apprentice asked in an acrid voice.

Cloverpaw bristled. "This is between him and me. You'll find out soon enough."

The apprentice, who looked no more older than seven moons, huffed a grunt. "Fine."

Cloverpaw followed the apprentice, weaving through trees and over boggy ground. "So what's your name?" Cloverpaw asked the apprentice as she stepped over a patch of mud.

The apprentice kept walking. "Honeypaw. I had my apprentice ceremony yesterday. What about you?"

Cloverpaw hesitated. How much should she tell this young cat?

"My name is Cloverpaw. I had mine a while ago, but I never really felt like I belonged in Thunderclan. But you can't stay rogue forever, not when..." 

She blinked and broke off. Too far.

Honeypaw didn't say anything, just kept walking. "I'd advise you to not say anything you would regret around Jaystar." she told Cloverpaw. They had arrived at Shadowclan camp.

Maybe Shadowclan wasn't the best clan to run off to. Cloverpaw thought. They must still hate me.

When she had dealt that damaging blow to Snakepaw, she never thought that in her future that it might come back to haunt her.

They entered the camp and Cloverpaw looked around. Warriors were sharing tongues by the fresh kill pile, and a few apprentices were having a play-fight. A tiny kit poked its head out of the nursery but vanished when he saw Cloverpaw.

Jaystar came out of a den with his fur bristling. "Why have you brought her here?" he spat at Honeypaw.

Cloverpaw cleared her throat and took a step forward. "I asked to come. I need to speak with you."

Jaystar narrowed his eyes. Cats were beginning to gather around the clearing, some with friendly faces, some with hostile faces, and some with no expression at all. Cloverpaw noticed that a brown she-cat was giving her a particularly contentious look. She reminded Cloverpaw of someone... who was it...

Snakepaw! This cat must be his mother.

Cloverpaw blinked and looked back to Jaystar.  He held her gaze and after a moment turned around and vanished into one of the dens. Cloverpaw followed.

"Tell me why you have come." Jaystar spoke after they were settled. Cloverpaw took a deep breath.

"I was banished from my clan. I lived life as a rogue for a while, refusing the offers to be accepted back into the clan. After the battle on the gathering island, I went back to Thunderclan, seeking Finchstar's help. He refused. I didn't feel comfortable living on my own anymore. Things have... changed. So I came here."

Jaystar was silent. "I assume you want me to ask you to join Shadowclan?"

Cloverpaw nodded hesitantly.

Jaystar bared his teeth in the beginning of a snarl. "You killed one of our apprentices by training in the Dark Forest, another of our warriors died in the gathering battle that you lead. Your own clan doesn't trust you, what makes you think you would be welcome here?"

Cloverpaw stiffened. "My days with the Dark Forest are over. I truly did not mean to kill Snakepaw, and that battle was a mistake. As for my clan... well, they are not my clan anymore. And I can prove my worth, just wait."

Jaystar contemplated this for a moment. "You won't be allowed out of camp except to train, and I'll have a constant guard on you. Is that really what you want?"

Cloverpaw didn't flinch. "Its better than being part of a clan of liars." she said softly.

Jaystar nodded. "Then you are officially a member of Shadowclan. Welcome, Cloverpaw."

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