bitches be crazy

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i complain about my brother part one:

my brother has spent 18 years on this planet and still cannot turn off a light switch

he's been at his moms house for eight days and i opened his door to find out he left his LIGHTS AND HIS TV ON

he even muted the tv and just left it

what kind of fuckigg bbg Jndkajek

he doesn't realize that, since his school ended early and he's officially graduated, he's an adult!! he asked my mom if he could buy a game and she was like "with what money" and he said "yours" and she laughed rnsksl

he also likes to act like my mom is inferior to his own like ????? Sir the amount of times your mom was like "i don't want to deal with him you have him" to my mom throughout my childhood

he's also such a hard person to put up with? like not just because i'm his sister he
• doesn't do anything
• makes a mess out of our bathroom and won't clean it up
• acts like my parents are a bank
• fucking almost failed school but likes to say he's going to become a chemist like dude??? You can't even get a C in science how you gonna do chemistry

i do something a sister would do (like steal his switch or something) and instead of acting like a normal older brother and fighting me like a man he called his mom and his mom called my dad and told him that she was tired of me AbuSing hEr liTtLe BabbBy

when i was ten he told his therapist i bite and hit him (which i did when i was little) and didn't say what age i was when i did and cps showed up 😋✨

he once locked me in the attic which is a weird story when i tell it but it happened

he doesn't think he should be home alone because he's too young

he said he's not old enough to learn how to drive

he told my mom he'll get a job when she gets one too (my mom.... has a job. she's the breadwinner of the household)

he once told me that i was the failure child and that i wished i was like him and i busted a gut laughing

yeah i'm annoyed at him we're arguing over text over lights so here's my rant

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