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Writing at 10:00 on a school night for I need help I can't promise this to be good as I am tired and writing this from my phone so yea bye eeeee

Branzy had just fallen asleep he though of saying he loves clown but didn't really know if he said it or not because he had passed out he was that tired . When he opened his eyes next he saw a black figure in what seemed to look like the void which concerned him as his last memory of being awake was him lying next to clown. To speak but when he tried nothing came out he went to walk but he didn't move he wasn't feel good but put on the ' I'm okay ' face and acted like this was fine when it definitely wasn't  , he stood there for what felt like hours and eventually the figure turned around it looked exactly like himself he tried to talk again and he asked the figure who he was . It just looked at him then it disappeared branzy then was able to move he had the feeling where he was greatful that he couldnt move cause he felt a sudden peace and relaxing vide appear when the figure left .

 He was now sitting in the void went he hears yells someone was yelling his name he almost immediately recognised the voice it was clown but he couldnt seem to wake up or see clown he got up and started to walk in a random direction he saw a figure curled up in a ball he slowly approach the stranger and yes to see there face cause the clothes didn't give anything away as there short was purple and pants were black he got to sit in front of the person they didn't show there face though he attended to talk to the person only getting a few unhappy grunts 

he asked them what there name was a couple times on his final attempt the person said "I'm so so sorry I don't want to but you need to leave avoid people and trust no one please for our safety he is always try to control and kill he kills servers and if you die I- " then all of a sudden branzy woke up he saw clown pacing in the room next to the bed he looked at clown who was clearly panicking "Hey clown you good man" clown snapped his head to face branzy who looked fine clown jumped over and sat next to the bed and started shooting questions "what happened? Are you ok? Why didn't you wake up when I shook you? Do you need help?purple?" Branzy was confused about the purple bit clown seemed to be looking branzy directly into his eyes clown the moved over to the bedside table opened the draw he had graded a mirror ( just pretend mirrors exist here okay for my sake) and handed it to branzy . 

Branzy looked in the mirror  and almost dropped the mirror at the sit he knew he had purple eyes lavender to be exact but his left eye seemed to be dark purple like nether portal purple it freaked him out and his faced showed it cause when he looked at clown clown was sharing the same expression . Out of all the events no one had noticed that clown wasn't wearing his mask but branzy kinda liked it . It felt like clown was trusting him and he trusted clown.

Eeeee hi this definitely didn't take like four days to write w nope no sir no ma'am and everything in between this took way longer then expected BECAUSE I was stuck in a never ending loop of watching YouTube  playing Minecraft and  occasionally reading ao3 but I have been thinking about hermitcraft stuff and want to write it but will write it when I finish the other story the one I write awhile ago and decided to publish but that will be awhile 

Pls leave comments I love reading them and it makes me feel happy pls I'm sad 🥺🥺 anyway bye lil out eeeee

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