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Don't mind the pigeon I just found it funny * if you know you know  ammber *

Branzy had just put Clown to bed he went back to the arrow it seemed familiar but he couldn't put a pin in it he had cleaned his hands from the blood and decided to clean the arrow maybe it will give a clue to who may have shot it. It had a carving on it *K* branzy didn't know anyone who started with a k. But the type of wood the arrow was made with felt so familiar branzy sat there for about half an hour just thinking and staring at the arrow, he then remembered the piece of paper he had picked up he opened it and was paralyzed he read over it it was a list of names with the following: 1 branzy, 2 clownpierce 3 vitalasy 4 rekrap and then some other names that branzy knew were definitely not in this server and at the bottom it had coordinates and it then said 'met you there old friend '. So this person is probably from another server but what did they have to do against branzy he didn't even know anyone with a K name but if they're from a different server why would they come to this shit show of a server? But all thoughts put aside he had two things on the agenda one make sure clown gets better and two got to those coods . 

Clown could only think of who was shooting the arrows and why branzy came from that direction, did branzy betray him but he wouldn't he was too scared of Clown and helped heal him after so why did branzy come from there clown got up after half an hour of thinking and playing scenarios in his head but he couldn't fall asleep, especially after the fight. So Clown got up out of bed and looked out through the slightly open door to see if branzy had left or was waiting, he only saw branzy getting up with the arrow which was once in his leg and was now cleaned of his blood. So now he was curious he stayed at the door just watching branzy pace around he then saw branzy moving towards him clown quietly sprinted to the best and layed down. Branzy opened the door to see what looked like a sleeping clown but branzy wouldn't be fooled easily. "Hey Clown I know you're awake you want to come to see this I found it after the fight", clown just kinda lay there not giving up easily but he also really wanted to know what was going on so after three minutes of laying there he got up and walked slowly over as his leg still hurt.

Branzy showed him the arrow and the carvings in it then showed him the piece of paper he had found. Clown knew that people on that list were not a part of this server which meant this person wasn't from this server and probably had unfinished business with someone but he didn't understand why his name was there.

this is where I'm going to end this I lost motivation halfway through so yay enjoy I may not upload cause I've been sick and haven't gotten any ideas.

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