Last Day

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(Bri's POV)
I flip my hood on and keep my head down as I stalk through the crowded halls. I hope they don't see me! "Hold it," a voice orders behind me. Damn it. "Turn." I turn. "Off." I reluctantly remove the hood of my jacket and face the demons. "So you thought since it's your last day you could get away peacefully?" The ring leader, Alexis. "Well, I was hoping," I say, trying to keep cool. "Hand 'em over," Emma demands with her hand out. "Fine." I hand them each a piece of paper with the answers to the up coming test. "Can I go now?" I say, glaring at them. "Not just yet..." the third, Allie, grins. She lunges at me and throws a punch to the eye. Well, at least I won't have to use my makeup tonight. They cackle and walk away. Jokes on them. Wrong answers. I chuckle and pull my hood back on. "One would think you'd stand up to them. Especially on your last day," a voice smirks behind me. "Do. In my own way," I grin and turn to see my friend Alex. "Are you going to the club tonight?" He asks, scratching his dark brown hair, much like mine but without the purple. "Uh...I might have to skip..." I try to think up an excuse. "Lots of uh...packing! To do!" "Ah I see...too bad. I haven't seen you around there before. Oh well. Glad I got to say bye before you left." "Yea. Me too. See ya on the flip side, dude," I wink and give him a two fingered salute. Oh no. Damn it! I wasn't supposed to do that! That's Honey Badger's line!! "Uh...y-yea. See ya," he stammers and walks off. I entered the student exchange program at school the other day and I'm going to the dance school in France! It's a great school too! Maybe even better than mine! I sigh and head home. "Hey Mom. Wazzup?" I ask as I head to my room. "Nothing. How was school?" "Same as always." I had packed everything I own into the two suitcases sitting on my bed. It'll be getting dark soon and I can't wait. The club, Club Breaker, is the only place I'm my true self. I open my closet and grin. "I'm headin to bed Mom!" I shout downstairs and no one replies. Sweet they're all asleep. I slip on my Honey Badger costume, black sweatshirt with a white hood, black sweat pants, black and white high tops, and my black and silver choker. I sit at the mirror and set to work, chalking my short uneven hair so it's solid white and smearing black face paint around my eye and a white stripe from my forehead to the tip of my nose. "Perfect," I smile and hear a rustle from my sister's room. "What is she doing?" I walk outside and peek through the door. There she is, blue crop top with a pink splatter feather on the front and blue wings on the back, pink athletic shorts, blue sneakers, the feather hair clip in her pixie cut brown hair, and pink and blue mask. "You go to Club Breaker?!" I ask in amazement. She turns to me and her eyes grow wide. "Please don't tell- You're Honey Badger?!" I blush and scratch the back of my neck. "Well...uh...yea?" "I didn't know you have that much balance!" I roll my eyes. "Oh get over it. Need a ride?" "That would be appreciated," she smiles. "Come on BlueJay," I grin and we climb out my window and down the tree below it. We make it to the club and the bouncer says, "Honey Badger," he nods. "What's your name?" "Bella, BlueJay," my sister replies and the bouncer let's us in. "Hey! Good to see you Badger!" One of the owners, Bella, smiles at me. "Hi Becca!" I smile and my sister looks at me wide eyed. "Becca, this is my, uh," I look at BlueJay pleadingly. "Friend. I'm BlueJay!" She grins. "Any friend of Badger's is a friend of mine," she holds out her hand for BlueJay to shake it and she does. "Oh, Blue! Here comes the other owner, Draac, and Black Dragon," I wave and Black Dragon waves back. "How ya doin Badger?" He smirks and winks at me. My partner wears a black T-shirt, black sweat pants with gold on the accents of both, gold face paint with black dots down the nose, a short black dragon styled tail with gold spikes down it, and a black beanie with gold horns covering his black scraggly hair. I laugh and roll my eyes. "Just fine Dragon, this is my friend, BlueJay. Blue, this is my partner, Black Dragon." "Oh. My. God. YES!! I'm finally meeting you!!" She cheers and smirks. "Badger talks a lot about you..." "What?!" I blush. "I seriously do not. You have lost your mind." Dragon smirks. "So you have... Pleasure Hun." He puts his elbow on my shoulder. "Ugh. See what you've done Blue?" I face palm but can hide the smile spreading to my lips. "Alright!! Hey Club Breaker! How ya doin?!" The DJ, Spinit, who dresses like a bright blue and green spider, asks the crowd who cheers. "See ya on the flip side, Blue," I laugh and do my finger salute/wink. I walk up to the stage as Spinit says, "Will our champs, Honey Badger and Black Dragon come up to show off?" We climb up on stage and wave to the crowd. "Hey dudes!" I grin. "Ready for a show?" Dragon asks. The crowd cheers and jumps. "Ready?" I ask. "Ready," Dragon smiles and I whisper Spinit the name of our song. As Monster by Skillet starts playing, we hop from side to side as the song gets heavier and heavier. I jump to the side and roll my hand over my face, do a flip, and point to Dragon who does an insane kick flip he's been working on. The drums start and we do some spins and I flip over him. He does an air guitar and head spins. I flip on my head and support myself as I kick my legs up and sit there as Dragon does his move. We kick, flip, and spin around each other and the song stops with the two of us back to back facing the crowd, him smirking with crosses arms and me upside down with crossed arms and a smirk, supporting my legs on his shoulders as the crowd erupts in applause. I flip onto my feet and grin at the crowd, spotting the demons, my sister, and my friend Sadie, who video taped everything so I could see it. "Dudes, we have some bad news," I tell the crowd in the microphones and a sad, "Awwwww!" Emits from them. "We are going to be out of the country for a while," Dragon finishes. "We are going to be taking classes in France!" "As much as we hate leaving you dudes, this is a great opportunity! We get to see the famous, Club Miraculous!" I smile. The crowd cheers. "Now for less depressing news, who wants to battle?!" I grin and numerous hands shoot up. "What about...BlueJay and Alpha?" I ask and Dragon nods. "Come on up dudes!" My sister and friend climb up to the stage with competitive grins. "Your goin down, chicka!" Blue smiles. I laugh, "Have fun with that dude!" "We'll kick your butts!" Alpha laughs. She's wearing a gray short cut, long sleeved sweat shirt, black shorts, and gray sneakers. Her frizzy blond hair is tied up in a ponytail. "As the challenged, you pick the song," I say and step back to our side of the stage. BlueJay whispers something to Spinit and Believer by Imagine Dragons plays. "In honor of The Black Dragon and Honey Badger!" She grins and starts bobbing to the beat. Blue stands in front of Alpha and they lean opposite each other, grin, and nod. Then Blue busts into a back flip over Alpha and lands upside down. Alpha does a side spin and stops on her side with her head resting on her hand. They look at us before they flip back on their feet and me and Dragon look at each other. He does a cartwheel and spins in a circle like a ballerina would and does a front flip to the edge of the stage and winks at the crowd. I laugh as I pull him back to the center and use his shoulders as a boost in the air. I do a flip and land in the splits. "Beat that," I smile. The two pretend to be confused looking at each other and suddenly start swaying back and fourth with their hands on their knees and flip back as the song hits climax. They fall on their feet, cross their arms and nod. I cover my mouth, impressed and we both let out an, "Ohhhhhhh!" Before I slide around Dragon and flip onto my elbows again and kick my legs as though I'm throwing a fit. Dragon grabs my feet and tugs so it looks like he's flipping me back. We dance in sync and stand facing each other. We laugh and kick flip backwards, away from each other. Blue and Alpha join in and we dance like we are fighting a war. Me and Dragon flip around them and lean above them just as the song ends. "VICTORY ONCE AGAIN TO THE DYNAMIC DUO!!" Spinit grins. We shake hands with BlueJay and Alpha, "Nice moves," I smile at them. "I wouldn't be ashamed if you two became the champs after us." They smile and say thanks. "Give it up for BlueJay and Alpha!" Spinit grins and the crowd roars. "Give it up, for the last time in a long time, Honey Badger and Black Dragon!" They roar louder. "Thanks guys!" Dragon cheers. I grin. "See ya on the flip side dudes!" I wink and finger salute. The crowd cheers as all four of us climb down. "You did great Hun," Dragon winks. I laugh, "Thanks BD. You did good too." I elbow him in the side and wink. "Come on, mask is wearing. Plus, I need a drink," Dragon says and we head to the bathrooms to touch up and meet back at the refreshment table. I grab a bottle of coconut water and lemonade and hand the lemonade to Dragon. "Thanks," he smiles, "You know, there's a good chance we won't be at the same school. There are loads of dance schools in France and loads of transfers too." "Whatever happens, we'll get through it. I promise BD," I smile and hug him. He stands stock still then hugs me back. I could tell he's enjoying it and doesn't want to let go. Although I don't show it, what Black Dragon said actually scares me. What if we don't see each other again? I also mean what I said though, we will make it through whatever. "Thanks Badger. I needed that," he blushes and scratches the back of his neck. A habit we both have when we're embarrassed or confused. "Np BD," I smile and shoot him finger guns. Then we hear Spinit shout on the microphone, "Who wants to see our legends end where they began?" A cheer. "Than let's get em up here!" We climb back on stage and wave. "End where we began, huh?" I ask and cheers of affirmation reply. "Well let's see..." ponders Dragon. "It was two years ago. When we were, 14" "Yea. You came up here, BD," I smile. "and I kicked your butt." The crowd, "Ooooohhhh's!" and Dragon stumbles back and puts his hand on his heart in mock hurt. "Pardon me Hun, but I believe it was me who beat you!" "Yea right!" The crowd laughs. "Only one way to settle this," I grin. "Y'all know what it is!" I tell the crowd, pumping my arms to get them to say it. "DANCE BATTLE!!" They cheer. I tell Spinit to play the song we danced to the first day at Club Breaker. Big Girls Don't Cry by Fergie. I smile and put my hand on Dragon's shoulder and wiggle my body. I flip backwards with my arms strength out. I kneel down and when the music climbs I flip up into the air and turn twice. Dragon doesn't miss a beat as I land. He jumps back up and land right in front of me. He lip sings and pumps his heart with his hands and kneels down and holds my hand. I laugh and pull it back before he kisses it. I flip over him and start to spin more. As I spin, I bend down almost in a sitting position and stick out my leg almost as if I'm going to trip him. He jumps it and I spring up. We flip around each other and spring up at the same time. With perfect timing and shape a heart with our bodies in the air. He lands on one knee with his arms out and I land with one leg out and the other tucked under myself, leaning back with my arms crossed. "Alright! Time to decide the winner!" Spinit says and points to Dragon. "Black Dragon?" The crowd cheers happily. "Honey Badger?" He crowd erupts with roars. "I think we have a winner folks! Give it up for Club Breaker's legend, HONEY BADGER!!" The crowd never stops cheering and only increases. This right here is what I live for. These guys right here are my purpose. This adrenaline is my fuel. My partner, is my motivation. "Thank you dudes so much. Seriously. I wouldn't be here with out you! I'm going to be so lonely when I leave!" I shout and climb down with Dragon to talk to the crowd. After what seems like forever, we finally got a moment to ourselves. "I gotta go soon," I tell Dragon. "I know. I wish we didn't have to. That we could just stay here forever. Just like this. Just us and the rhythm," he sighs. "Me too," I smile. We watch a few more compositions and I check my watch. "Times up BD." Is high and grab BlueJay who was watching the dancers intently. "Time to go," I tell her and reluctantly leave the place I love and my best friend.

Hey wazzup?!

So this is my first MLB breakdance AU so don't judge me!😜😜

I am psyched to start the next chapter and meet the MLB gang!!!!

Hope you liked this chappie and read the next!!

See ya on the flip side dudes!

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