6: Punishment

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! or it's characters!

(y/n) = your name
(l/n) = your last name
(f/n) = friends name
(e/c) = eye color
(h/c) = hair color


"Let go of me!" you screamed while the guards were trying to drag you away. You were stuggling extremely, and they had a difficult time containing you.

You just kept screaming and opposing, but they wouldn't let you go. Their grip on your wrists only seemed to get tighter with every sound that came out of your throat.

And suddenly, the corridors of your house became longer than they had ever seemed to you. When they had, in an aggressive kind of way, summoned you out of bed, they didn't give you any explanations why they were doing this to you. But you had your suspicions, of course, and when you saw Olympia standing in the doorway of her room, just smirking, you knew for sure. While they dragged you past her you gave her the most devastating look you had ever given someone.

You stopped struggling, for it was useless and for you were too angry at Olympia to struggle. You kept staring at her until she was out of your sight.

And now you knew what was going on and where they were dragging you to.

The stairs that lead down to your destination were made of a dark kind of stone, and they felt cold to you, just as cold as the air down there. You shivered.

You had never been in the dungeons before, but you knew from your fathers stories that it was the most horrible place one could ever find themselves. And now, Olympia had ensured that you would be thrown in that horrible place.

One of the guards held your hands tight to each other while the other guard opened the cell. Then the one who held you pushed you inside, and you almost trembled.

Before you could turn around and say something, you were pushed against the wall so that the guards could put the steel handcuffs that were attached to the wall with long iron chains on your wrists.

Then they left you there, without saying something.

You tried to free yourself from the handcuffs, but of course you knew that it was no use. How much you tried, it wouldn't work.

"Looks like the mistress won't be doing so much damage anymore," you suddenly heard.

Olympia's voice was followed by the sound of someone coming down the stairs, and when you saw her walking towards your cell you felt sick.

"I am really sorry that I had to do this, (y/n)," she said. "But you left me no choice."

Her fingers curled around the iron bars in front of you. "You see, the only one that deserves to be with Atem, is me. And if what you said is true, then I have to get rid of you. You understand that, do you?"

"Oh, please, Olympia. You're the most pathetic thing I've ever seen," you hissed.

She clenched her teeth. "I'll destroy you... Mark my words!"

And with that, she left as quick as she had came.

You sighed. The walls were slimy and something was dripping down from them, the handcuffs were way too tight and it was way too cold. The only light came from the above the staircase, and it was only morning.


Hours and hours had passed. The light had fully dissapeared, and no one had came down the stairs since Olympia left. You were cold, hungry and lonely. You wondered if your father, (f/n), and above all, Atem knew that you were down here.

You guessed they didn't. Maybe it was Olympia's plan just to let you slowly die down here, without anyone ever knowing it.

But that couldn't be, Atem would come look for you. He loved you, so he told you. And your father loved you, and you knew that even (f/n) loved you somewhere deep down. They would look for you. You knew for sure.

And just while you thought that, you heard the faint noise of footsteps coming down the stairs again.

"Hello?" you said softly, but no answer came.

It was too dark to see directly who it was once you heard the footsteps coming closer and closer to your cell. Then you suddenly heard the key from your cell was being turned and that this person was entering your cell. You were tugging at the chains, trying to come closer.

Everything was still pitch black, but you could see a silhouette when you came close enough.

"Atem..." you whispered while he closed the cell behind him.

You were so happy that he had come here to undo you of your handcuffs and free you from the dungeons.

"Quick, please take my handcuffs off," you whispered to him. But he didn't respond.

"Atem...?" you whispered again, and now he began to scare you.

Suddenly, he pushed you against the wall. The sound of the chains hitting the walls echoed through the dungeons.

"What are you doing?" you asked, a little panicked.

Atem leant in, and his lips brushed against your cheek before he reached your ear.

"(y/n)..." he breathed into your ear, "Soon I'm going to pound into you so hard... That even the Gods will hear you scream..."

You gasped for air, and Atem's hand dissappeared under your dress. He went slowly, stroking every inch of your slit.

"You must have done something really bad, habiba... To end up here..." Atem whispered. Then two of his fingers entered you suddenly, with force, pushing you further against the cold wall. You moaned, and he pulled them out again, to return running his fingers along your slit and spreading your wetness.

"Do you deserve to be punished...?" Atem whispered seductively. You moaned again.

His fingers moved to your clit and he started rubbing it. You felt electric sparks spread all through your body.

"Ah... A-Atem..." you moaned. He made you so wet! He made you experience heights you had never experienced before!

"Go on, please...!" you begged him.

And then he stopped.

The sparks dissapeared. You wanted him to continue.

"Answer my question," Atem said. "Do you deserve to be punished, (y/n)?"

And before you could even think of an answer on his question, Atem spread your legs. The cold air against your womanhood was soon replaced by Atem's warm tongue.

"I love how you're so wet for me, (y/n)," he said. He entered you and you felt his warmth spread trough your core. You felt so much sensations at once, his hands were everywhere on your body, the vibrations of his voice against your clit, his moans, his saliva making your slit only wetter and wetter...

"A-Atem... Oh... A-A-Atem!" you panted. "Please continue!"

And while you said that, Atem stopped again, for the second time. "But you've been a bad girl..." he said. "Otherwise you won't be here."

"I have," you panted.

"Then what did you do...?" he asked while kissing your abdomen.

"I fucked the pharaoh... But he's engaged... And his fianceé found out..." you said.

"Hmm," he moaned, and suddenly you didn't feel his lips on your abdomen anymore.

"That's one of the biggest crimes one could commit..." he whispered.

Suddenly you felt something teasing your entrance. Atem's member just entered you for a little, and was directly pulled out again.

"So you so deserve to be punished... By me..." he growled while he entered you for a little again, before pulling out right away.

"I think so..." you said softly.

"You're not really convincing..." Atem said, and you felt him entering you deeper before pulling out.

"I think I deserve to be punished..." you said again.

He slammed into you. You got pushed against the wall really hard and you moaned.

"What did you say?" he asked. You felt his warm breath in your ear.

"Please... Punish me, Atem!" you said.

"That's more like it," he whispered.

And then he started thrusting into you so hard, over and over again, at an insane speed.

"Oh Ra, yes, Atem, oh yes please!" you screamed.

"Yes, scream for me," Atem moaned.

"Harder, Atem! I want to feel you so deep inside of me!" you screamed.

You didn't feel the handcuffs anymore, the only thing you felt was Atem, everywhere.

The sound of skin slapping was to be heard in every corner of the dungeons, as well as the chains hitting the wall over and over again.

Your muscles clenched everywhere when Atem hit your spot deep inside, and you just screamed in pleasure because of the force he slammed into it with.

"Yes, Atem! Oh, yes! There!" you moaned.

Atem kept hitting your spot and your muscles started to clench more and more, and the feeling that he had brought you every time before was almost there again...

"I'm so close! Atem! My pharaoh!" you screamed.

And every muscle in your body stiffened, you moaned in pleasure while you opened your mouth entirely.

Not long after that, you felt Atem emptying himself deep inside you.

While you were both still heavily panting, Atem pulled out of you and gave you a kiss on your lips. You sat on the floor, totally exhausted, and you could just hear the sound of the cell closing behind Atem, before you closed your eyes and eventually fell asleep.

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