Chapter 1

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7 years ago..

"She's too small" hissed a cold voice that was full of spite and disgust. "She's Not too small" a voice hissed back. There was an angry snort of disgust. "She'll never be a good fighter. Look at her" hissed a huge, sandy yellow dragoness covered in scars. The smaller one looked down at the tiny pale yellow dragonet that was pouncing and swiping at a small beam of light. "Burn, I am looking. And I see a perfect dragonet who could take you down" the smaller one said. Burn snorted. "She's a weak one. You'll see that one day, Blister" Burn hissed and stomped off. Blister snorted and flicked her wings around the dragonet. "She's just jealous don't listen to her, my deadly Cobra" Blister purred. The dragonet, or Cobra, squeaked proudly. The dim light reflected off of the two Dragon's diamond shaped patterns that spread on their scales. Blister nudged Cobra to her talons and lead her to her room.

7 years later....

A small dragonet sat on a sandy bank outside of a small den. She twitched her wings back and the Sun shone on her black diamond patterns that sparkled against her sandy yellow and golden scales. She took in a deep breath. She looked over to see her cousins, Serenity and Scorpion, wrestling in the sand and biting each other. Cobra wished she could join, but they would only tease her and beat her with their tails. She winced at the idea, and brushed her talon across an old wound on her wing that Scorpion had given her last time They fought. Her Aunt Burn broke them up but remarked to Cobra that she should have fought back and called her weak. Cobra flinched as she remembered. "DRAGONETS!!!! DINNER!" cried a girly, female voice. Cobra poked her head up hearing Aunt Blaze's voice. She slowly walked past her family and into the dinner room.

Towards the middle of dinner...

Cobra chewed slowly on her fried lizard. She finished the lizard and began to chew on a dessert rabbit. Scorpion smirked and stopped eating. "How was your pathetic day, Cobra" he sneered. Cobra flicked her ear. "No injuries. No trespassers over the Sand Kingdom... And no sign of mother.." she added in a mutter. Scorpion flinched and continued eating. Serenity frowned. Ever since their parents had started this huge war, Blaze agreed to watch Blister and Burn's dragonets along with her own, Serenity. Cobra finished her meal. She growled and stood. "I thought she would come today. You said She would!" she growled at Blaze. Blaze blinked. "She is a very busy Dragon, Cobra. Calm down.." She said gently. Cobra flicked her poisonous tail. "I'm finished.. I'm going to my room" She said and swept around and flew up to her room, only to collapse on her bed and sob quietly in her blanket.

The next day, Cobra woke up to the blazing heat and light that filtered into her window and into her room. Cobra looked out of her window, noticing two blurry shapes winging their way here. She rubbed her eyes and blinked. One was a huge scarred shape of a female Dragon and the other, a smaller Dragon with black diamond patterns much like Cobra. Burn and Blister. She smiled happily and flew down into breakfast. "Its mom! And Aunt Burn!" she cried and gave her cousins a hug. The smiled and cheered happily for once. They all polished their scales and ran out and waited. They were overly excited as the two dragons landed in front of them. The diamond patterned one walked to Cobra and looked over her, flicking her talons over Cobra's wings and tail and elegant snout. Cobra's wings shivered with excitement. Scorpion ran out and buried himself in Burn's wings. Burn smiled and stroked his head lovingly. Blister smiled wickedly. "Growing strong, my deadly Cobra" Blister cooed. My deadly Cobra. She was talking about ME. Cobra thought. That made her even more excited. There was a snort of disgust from Burn as Burn wrinkled her snout in disappointed. "Pathetic creature. I bet she ciuldnt take MY son in a fight" Burn sneered. "I bet I could, oversized lizard" Cobra shot back and she frowned and mimicked Burn's sneering look. Burn's eyes widened in shock, and that shock turned to a small smirk. "You've grown some guts" Burn said, and ran her talon over Cobra's head as though to ruffle her hair if she had any. Cobra stepped back out of Burn's reach. Scorpion stood proudly next to his mother, sneering at Cobra. Cobra looked at her mother. "Mind if I see how you have grown in Your training, my Cobra?" Blister said. Cobra nodded. "Of course!" she said. Scorpion stretched. "I'll help" he said and shoved past her.

They all gathered in a small clearing, circling each other. Scorpion had Burn's strength and size, while Cobra had Blister's smarts, and agility. Scorpion lunged at Cobra but she dodged quickly, tripping Scorpion as she leapt away. Scorpion growled and dashed at her again but was rewarded with a mouthful of sand sent up his snout. He snorted and trashed around. Cobra darted her black eyes around for something she could use. Scorpion swiped at Cobra and she dodged, grabbing his arm and biting his wing. He roared with pain. He swung his tail at her and she dodged. Desperate to please Burn, he pinned her down. "Say goodbye!!" he snarled as he drove his tail down towards her heart. Cobra panicked, and swiped her tail along his face. He roared in crazed agony. Burn roared and ran to her son. Blister smiled proudly. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" Burn roared, swinging around to face Cobra. "I-I dont know!" Cobra said. "She did a brave thing" Blister cooed. "She really IS a deadly Cobra"

Cobra was REALLY starting to hate that nickname.

That was chapter 1 of Cobra Striking. Hope you enjoyed. I might update again today because I have an idea. Love you all. Bye.

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