Tik Tok

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Once upon the time, in a small village, there's a boy whos named Alex lived with his grandfather. He was a cute 14 year olds boy and everyone loved him. His grandfather was a clock maker and his clocks were wonderful. Alex loved his grandfather and he also had passion in clocks. The village had always been peaceful and the people were friendly. But, if things went out that well, this story wouldn't have been made...

There was a day when everthing went awful. A thief had come to their small village and had killed 6 people in a house. Their death was horrible when they all had big wounds all around their bodies. The wife's head was cut out and blood was everywhere. All of their stuffs has gone. But the husband has fight back and the thief was injured. Villagers prayed for the deaths and tried to find out who did it. But they couldn't.

The sun went down and the night came. Alex was making a clock when he heard a huge noise. He ran out and saw his grandfather lying on the ground. His head was hit. Blood flowed out. Alex was shaking. He couldn't belive in his eyes. This is just impossible! He ran towards his grandfather. He wound was serious. It might has been made by a really strong people with a cudgel. He can barely see brain inside. It is frightening but Alex had no time to think. He hugged his grandfather. There was no breath. He was dead. Alex was shocked. He shaked his grandfather and shouted loudly. His tear was falling drops and drops. He yelled until his voice became husky. But there was another person in his house. This person didn't care if he cried or not. A cold-blooded person who just tried to kill people. He had been to the kitchen and at that time, with a knife on his hand, he walked carefully towards Alex, who has been crying and didn't know what was going on, and.....


..... Alex fell down. 

The thief, who had a wound made by his victim, had been to Alex's house. He knew that this house only had 2 people. He knew that he could easily kill them. He knew that he would have a house to stay for that night. He didn't care who he would kill. He only care if it's convenient for him. A cold-blooded murderer is the best word to describe him. He is smart but he couldn't know everything, because he didn't know what is going to happen to him....


The thief was lying there, in the middle of the house when suddenly, all clocks hang on the walls popped out and sang loudly.

"Tik... tok... You must pay!"

The sound of a boy sang out with the clock. His voice was full of hatred.

"Who! Who is there?"

The thief jumped up and shouted, but there was no reply. His head suddenly think about all the people that he had killed and he immediately felt guilty. This feeling had dead in him for long but now it flowed out like rivers. The faces of the victims stucked in his head and he couldn't think of anything else.

"Nonsense! Get out here now! Don't try to trick me!"

He shouted again, trying to move his attention into something else. He wanted to kill this person right away, because he could feel thedangerous of this voice. If this kept on going, he would suicidal or turn crazy.

But at that time, all the broken clocks, which had been destroyed by the murderer, and all the undone clocks sang. It was louder than the last one.

"Tik... tok... Your time is running out!"

The thief is now frightened. He has been through lots of place and he didn't belive in ghosts, but the sound of the boy just sang again and again in his head nonstop. It haunted his head and he could see that he was getting older and older. He stabbed himself trying to be conscious, but could he? The voice, it was a nightmare that he could never wake up. It was a maze that he could never get out.

The third time, all the clocks in the house sang out. It was large. He yelled in fear. He saw Death waving his scythe at him taking his head. He saw ghosts screaming obsessed sounds moving their hand up from the ground and take his soul out. He felt like he is in hell and was teared into thounsands of pieces by the devils.

"Tik... tok... Let's go!"

The next moring, people found two dead bodies in Alex's house. One is his grandfather and one is the thief. The thief's death was unexplainable but everyone could know that it was horrible. He had many wounds all around his body. It looked like he had turn crazy and stabbed himself with the knife, and hit his head to the floor. The only thing that people knew was that on his right hand had a "0" made by knife.But no one saw Alex, no sense of his blood, just like he had totally vanished into the air.

From that, the village was haunted. Many people died, the only things that were the same was that they all died at midnight and they all had a "0" on their right hand. There were rumors about Alex had turned into a ghost and killed everone, but no one really knew what happened.

The village soon turned empty, and weird deaths were spreading all around the world. "0" became an banned number because it might bring the ghost to your house.

So, when you suddenly hear your clock sang louder than normal at midnight, you must be careful, because you might never know who is coming.

"Tik... tok... You must pay!"

"Tik... tok... Your time is running out!"

"Tik... tok... Let's go!"

Hold his hand and he will take you to hell! Sorry i can't draw it creepier >.< he looks so cute <3

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