₪Chapter 4₪

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Prophet's P.O.V

"Yo so you really pregnant?"I asked nayla,the girl who I had been seeing for a few months. Shawna gone kill my ass I just know it.

"Yeah, I'm a few weeks, I'm not keeping it, My mom has this loving family it can go to. I'm just not ready to be a mother"Nayla replied looking at the ground then up at me.

"Can we atleast have a conversation before you go giving my child up Shanayla I mean goddamn, how you know I dont want this kid?"I asked slightly fustrated. See this why I gotta stop fucking with these young bitches.

I met shanayla while waiting for Shawna to get off from work. I saw her walking out just as I pulled up and started talking cash money. next thing I knew she was riding my shit and smoked a fat ass blunt with me and that was just that. now here she is 3 months later telling me she having a baby for me.I really gotta stop putting this good dick on these females.

"There's nothing to talk about P, We barely know each other how we gone raise a baby together? Look I have work I'll talk to you later"She gave me a quick side hug then walked to her car leaving me in my thoughts. Damn two kids under two what the hell is wrong with me. I left the parking lot we were parked in and went to the squad hangout which was basically a lil condo on the southside that each of us pitched in for and this shit was always jumpin.

When I walked in I saw Roo and Selena on the couch chilling and watching TV and heard loud moans coming from the back I looked at Selena and Roo laughing sitting on the smaller couch closest to the window.

"Yes nigga we hear the shit why you think the Tv so damn loud?"Selena asked giving me a playful mean mug. I was really missing Treason but I aint really want everybody to know so they can call me lovestruck puppy, fucking haters just a bunch of haters, None of us had heard from her in about 4 weeks not even at the zone and when we try to call her it goes straight to voicemail. we were all pretty worried.

"Ayo guess what fam" I asked after we all had settled in the living room just chilling and smoking, Ralph and Lauren had finally come out from the back and joined us in the chill session.

"Whats up bro, what is look like?"Roo asked passing the blunt to Ricco.

"Shidd a nigga got another baby on the way cuz"I replied sitting back in the chair in deep thought.

"Damn you and Shawna might as well get married now thats two under two fam"Jeremy stated.

"Nah Cuz..its not Shawna, Nayla having my baby, you remember good jaws from a couple months ago?, Yeah her thats my baby mama"

"Oh yeah see Shawna about to beat yo ass and I wanna be there when she do"Leandria stated causing all of us to laugh.

"Well congratulations muthafucka you about to be a pappy,I think this is a cause for celebration"Roo said before coming out the kitchen with a bottle of champagne and popping it open causing it to bubble over and get on the freshly waxed wood floors.

The crew and I all chilled for a few more hours then OG called and told me to meet him at his house . it must have been serious cause unc never tells me to pull up to his house. I mean I've been a few times and Ive met Queen but his daughter is never around for me to meet her. OG protective like that. he says thats how niggas weaken you, when they know about your personal life and shit like that. Thats why I dont have my daughter or Shawna out in the open  like that cause I dont want nobody having access to my family like that.

When I pulled into the driveway of OG's house I got out and knocked on the large french doors of their farmhouse style home and waited for someone to answer. I turned and took a look at my surroundings while also taking a look at the view before me. I mean the landscaping was gorgeous I couldnt wait to stack my chips up and have a nice ass layout like this. I mean the shit was crazy.

"Good evening Master Prophet how are you this evening?" The butler Chris asked as I walked in giving him a slight nod and handshake."Master Juluis is in the office right this way" Chris simply replied walking me to the office where OG was standing talking on the phone. I Sat in the chair in front of his desk and waited for him to finish his phone call. I looked around his royal purple and white themed office taking in the smell of brandy and cuban cigars rubbing my hands together subconciously when I came across a familiar picture on the wall. I stood up from my seat to get a better look and what do I see? A huge family picture of him,Queen and Goddamn Treason Nadirah Kinkade up there smiling like a happy fucking family. She's OG's daughter?I've known this girl for a minute and she aint discuss with me the fact that her pops is the biggest business man to come out of the southside of Atlanta,Georgia. She out here acting ghetto and the girl is living in a 24,000 sq foot house with maids and butlers and shit.

"Alright young blood talk to me,How's business" OG asked clapping his hands together. I looked away from the pitcure looking at him smiling while sitting back in my chair. "Oh man business is great Eastside still moving product like its supposed to and you have a new shipment coming in a couple days thats the new work you asked for oh and Dude wants to talk to you about selling him some of that other stuff you got on the northside"

"Thats good, I need you to take a trip out to mexico for a few days,the cartel is gonna show you how they do things we're now adding them to our roster and I dont want no troubles out of anybody"

"You got it sir I wont let you down" I stood up from my chair and gave him a handshake hearing the door open. OG and I both turned around to see Treason standing at the door looking sexy as fuck in her pajama shorts and tanktop,Baby girl was sexy as da fuck,what am I talking about Im supposed to be heated at her lying ass.

"Treason say hello to Krayzee my right hand man, Krayzee say whats up to my daughter Treason"OG introduced us oblivious to the fact that me and his daughter already knew each other very well, I can still taste her pussy juices on my lips I know her so well but I wont get into that.

"We've met before,Hello Prophet its nice to see you"She greeted giving me an uneazy look. OG gave me a side look then decided to keep quiet giving Treason a look as if to ask her what she needed.

"Oh yeah right, Mom said dinner is ready"Treason said turning around to leave the office. I watched her as she walked away shaking my head at how fat that ass was before finishing my conversation with OG. we said our goodbyes and then I walked out into the foyer catching up with Treason causing us to come face to face.

"So how long did you think you were going to be able to cover up the fact that you are the princess of atlanta hm?"I asked sarcastically as we walked to my car.

"Look I didnt tell anyone cause it was no ones business, Out there I'm just a normal teenager hanging with her friends not Julius "OG Juelz"Kinkade's daughter you have to understand that prophet"She replied looking up at me with those beautiful grey eyes.

"Nah I cant understand how a girl who lives in a 24,000 sq foot home would wanna be from the trenches so bad, and whats even worse is you really had us fooled shawty, like you really bout that life and you really not bout shit lil ass girl living comfortable as fuck and wanna be hood so fuckin bad. do me a favor lose my number yeen gone need that shit no more we done, I dont wanna kick it with you,I dont wanna hang with you I dont wanna do nun of that shit with yo lying ass, go back in yo big ass house and enjoy yo rich ass life aint shit for us to talk about lil mama" I looked at her one last time then walked out to my car slamming the car door driving off leaving her to think about all the shit she lied about. I Later found out that Selena knew everything and didnt tell nobody shit so I ended up just cutting everybody off. I wasnt even hanging with the guys no more I just really needed to kick it by myself I guess. I mean shorty lied to me did she think I wasnt going to notice?


A short little chapter in Prophet's P.O.V for something quick just to get back into the swing of things, I hope you enjoyed this little chapter and remember tell yo friends, tell yo cousins, tell yo aunties, and tell yo mommas. Peace and Blessings ❤️️✈ Shawty is Getting married and just had a baaaaabyyy

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