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I havent talked to Treason in a few weeks. Just been dealing with shit on my own ya know. I got a baby on the way and I really dont want the extra trouble especially dealing with the feds trying to lock me up. But at least my mom back and ready to be a mother again. She told me everything about how she had gotten addicted to drugs and she didnt want my brothers and I to see her like that so she went and got clean before she came back to us. I aint even gone lie I missed my mama.

Today is Treason's 16th birthday party and no matter how mad I am at her I wanted to be there for her but I couldn't. OG felt like since the fed's were looking at us so closely we needed to be careful and stay lowkey. so while all my friends were celebrating her I could only be there through Facebook. I was just glad she had her support system there to make her day special. I tried shooting her a message but  I had been blocked. I lost my best friend and it aint nobody fault but my own.

Prophet you ready for our doctors appointment? Shanayla asked coming out of my bedroom. Yeah I know what yall thinking and yes Shanayla and I are together. Just for the baby though I want my kid growing up in a two parent home like I did and hopefully she or he dont get into no shit.

Yeah I'm ready I kissed her stomach smiling. Today we find out what were having and I cant wait. This my baby and Imma make sure it got everything and need and want in life.

Hey lovebirds breakfast is ready Mom said walking into family room where Shanayla and I were watching Martin.

Omg I'm hungry man! Arahmani ran into the kitchen causing all of us to laugh. We followed behind shortly afterwards. My mom asked Shanayla some questions about the baby and her plans while we ate. And after Nay and I got cleaned up and went to the doctors appointment.

"Do you both want to know what you're having? " The ultrasound tech asked after the doctor had finished the exam. Shanayla nodded her head as we looked at the screen and I couldn't help but tear up seeing my little one with all its fingers and all its toes, I didn't get to do this with Envy because Shawnie didn't know she was pregnant until  the last minute. we were younger than but I feel like I'm a lot more matured this time I want this and I want my family to work, I just hope Shanayla is on broad with this and can see that we can make this work.

"Looks like you have yourselves a boy, You can pick up your pictures on the way out" The tech said handing Shanayla a napkin so that she could wipe her stomach. We cheered and gave each other a kiss before quickly pulling away giving each other a brief look then looked away. I only ever loved one person and that's treason but could I be feeling love toward Shanayla?

"Um I gotta go meet Cherry for lunch but we can talk later tonight when I get home okay?" Shanayla said as we walked out of the office building hand in hand.

"Yeah most def.  We can make this work Shay I promise I wont steer you in the wrong direction, I'm in this for the long run and I know I'll be a great father to our son." I placed my hand on her growing stomach and smiled when I felt the baby move to my touch.

"I know you will baby and I want this to work too but I jus..Lets just talk about this later tonight okay" She walked away not giving me time to give her an answer.

Since she was going to lunch with her sister I decided I would go see my daughter and drop off some toys for her while she at her granny house. Shawna broke up with me, grabbed her and my daughter shit and hulled ass when she found out that I had gotten another shorty pregnant while we were together. She only mad cause I got her pregnant not that I cheated but apparently she was doing her own dirt and ended up with something she cant get rid of. now she leaves my baby with her grandmother while she go and do whatever she wants and when she wants. I of course give mama Nita a couple hundred a week for taking care of my daughter just until I find a bigger house to accommodate our needs as a family.

"Hey mama Nita how you doing?" I asked as she let me into the house.

"If it isn't my favorite grandson in law coming to check up on me, I'm doing great now that you're here" She replied sitting back in her recliner that she kept in the living room.

"I'm good just came back from the doctors office with Shayna, Its a boy" I smiled sitting on the couch.

"aww that's good I'm happy that you and Shayna are working it out you two had me worried their for a minute."

"Yeah I know I'm trying to become a better person and father, and I know I need to get Envy from you soon just give me a little while." I handed her my usual envelop of money for her and Envy while we talked a little whole longer.

"Prophet baby you working so hard and you're so young I need for you to rest sometimes baby. Go have fun be a teenager I got Envy until you're ready we have ourselves a good ole time don't we Envy Zariyah?" She asked tickling Envy as she ate her food.  I hung out with them long enough to feed and give Envy a bath and watch her sleep before Getting a call from a frantic OG telling me to meet him at some weird Hotel I was nervous as fuck cause OG  never calls me like that.

Whats up man,What's going on here? I asked as I walked into the ball room where everybody stood around talking amongst themselves. I saw Selena Holding Miss Ruby as she cried in her  arms and talked to the police.

They took my baby Krayzee... He paced around the floor holding his head.

Who did? Who took Treason?" I asked then quickly kicked myself for letting it get out that I knew her name.

How the hell you know my daughter name? He asked quickly lifting his head giving me a look.

She and I had been hanging for a while. I aint know she was your daughter at the time and when I found out I cut off all ties with her 

So you the nigga she was so distraught about. Just help me find my daughter Krayzee He replied handing me a folder with the information in it. I nodded slowly as the police officers walked up to where we stood. I walked over to where Miss ruby and Selena were clearing my throat holding out my hand for miss ruby.

"I promise to find your daughter Miss Ruby"I kissed her hand then walked back to where OG was giving him a head nod letting him know I was leaving before heading for the hideout. All I could do was pray and hope we found this girl alive. I don't think I could take losing my best friend for real.


Peace,Love and Blessing beautiful people.

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