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"I never wanna leave this
sunset town but someday
the time may come. But I'll
take you at your word and
carry on, but I'll hate the
goodbye, and I won't forget
the good times."

full name | Lucas "Luke" Michael Black

age | 18

grade | senior, 12

fine art | photography

gender | male

sexuality | straight

appearance | Corentin Huard

personality | In the most blunt way, Lucas is a total flirt, but a respectful flirt. He really doesn't know he's doing it until a girl has caught feelings and it is far too late. He is a sweetheart and he cares a lot about people, and he falls really hard really fast. He's just a romantic, quite frankly and wants love just as bad or worse than a normal human being. He is the type of guy who wouldn't use a girl for her body, but rather just want to shower her in love and affection and be there for her with a blanket and ice cream to cuddle. But funny enough, though he flirts like a madman, he cannot tell AT ALL if someone flirts back with him, so bear with him as he tries to be a ninja just to find out if his crush likes him back. A total extrovert, and thrill-seeker that one. He carries his family's wanderlust just like his other siblings.

strengths | His charm, his wit, his photography skills (boy will make the ugliest person look good on camera), his siblings, a fantastic listener, social skills

scoot scoot machine

weaknesses | Too trusting, cannot read people, DRAMA KING, does not freaking know how how to articulate his feelings and instead will be very nonverbal about things, addicted to sweet tea and nicotine

bio | He grew up in Indiana with his siblings, being one of the Black triplets. They were always extremely artistic and both of their overwhelming analytical parents didn't understand how they could have created one, more or less three, talented kids. They always had a pretty easy life as the only kids, since their parents decided they wanted one and got three so they just accepted it and made surgical precautions to never have another kid. It wasn't until they were going to be going to high school that they all decided to audition for Golden Ridge High and they all made it in. It was his proudest moment, and he was so excited for a fresh start with his siblings by his side.

others | He is the oldest being 3 minutes and 29 seconds older than Graylin, and his insta handle is "lucas.black"

"she's a psycho from a
midwest suburb, no
straightjacket could hold
her, wild eyes they would
lure me into her trap I
go mad just to hold her."

full name | Graylin "Gray" Hazel Black

age | 18

grade | senior, 12

fine art | music

gender | female

sexuality | flaming bisexual, but leans toward guys

appearance | Maggie Lindemann

personality | This girl can be either really endearing or really frustrating. Like her brothers she is very flirty, but she flirts more with awkward humor and laughs. She is a sweetheart and really protective and loyal to her friends and the people she cares for most. She finds it easier to express her feelings with songs than straight up saying them, because the moment there is a melody behind her she can easily hum away her feelings to the strings of her uke or any of her stringed instruments really. Gray can be a bit like water to a degree, she's very go-with-the-flow and even when she has a strong opinion, she finds it hard to vocalize it in fear of upsetting a friend or contradicting something that they really want. She hates giving people bad news, and like the mom friend she is, she always has her bag full of anything anyone could possibly need. She's basically a young Mary Poppins, and being away from their parents, her brothers quite appreciate it. Most of her passiveness has come from being raised with boys who ALWAYS have an opinion.

strengths | Her bag of wonders (pretty sure she'd die without it), people skills, being supportive, stringed instruments (if it requires breath support she'd die), forgiveness, laughing in stressful situations

scoot scoot machine

weaknesses | Addicted to nicotine, gets walked over really easily, peer pressure, her siblings (she feels responsible for them since she's the girl and that's how she was raised), forgiving too much

bio | She grew up in the same situation as her brothers, but always had it hard in your stereotypical upper middle class where her father was a business executive and she was constantly the one who had to be present for stupid luncheons and dinner parties while her brothers were free to do as they pleased and be kids. She was raised young how to be a good wife, and that included classical music education on stringed instruments such as the viola and cello. When she got older, about 12, she discovered that she adored the ukulele and she started writing some of her own music. She really isn't the best singer but she definitely could be an amazing songwriter for someone if she paired up with the right singer. Neither of her brothers were musical at all, so she felt a bit outcasted and unusual, especially when her parents weren't artistic at all. 

others | She's the middle triplet, being just 1 minute and 44 seconds older than Emilio, the youngest Black triplet. Her insta handle is "thegirlwithstrings".

"i met a superhero, i lost her,
i want her back, she did things
to me that no one else could
and I miss that, oh oh oh, don't
wanna talk about it, oh oh oh,
i was so wrong about it, oh oh oh,
can't do a thing about it now."

full name | Emilio "Milo" Jacob Black

age | 18

grade | senior, 12

fine art | writing

gender | male

sexuality | straight, but questioning

appearance | Milo Manheim

personality | Milo, who will fight someone literally if they call him Emilio, is a complete nerd and he absolutely adores his writing. That being said, he is extremely social, and like any good reporter, he has a knack for getting people to open up. He loves social atmospheres and can be a complete party animal. More than anything, he is a closet nerd and most believe he should be a performer with his confidence, charm and wit. That being said, the boy has some HUGE insecurities that usually stem from not being as good as his older brother, who always seems to have it together. He also often tends to be really hard on himself and get really paranoid about being good enough or being smart enough or being attractive enough, and he hates being written off as a dumb boy because he is actually really effeminate with his feelings and can be really emotional, in fact too emotional at times. He doesn't like people seeing him like that though so he usually bottles it up until he can sit down with his sister and pour it all out.

strengths | His charisma, making people smile, his siblings (they always seem to make him smile), writing, really anything with words, fearlessness

scoot scoot machine

weaknesses | Nicotine (idk it's a family issue), fears not being good enough, too tall? (he hits door frames rather often), his emotions, not being able to open up to people, often cannot say what he feels, but is too loud with what he thinks

bio | He was the youngest kid growing up, but that never stopped him from dominating his siblings socially. He always needed to be heard, so he found ways to be heard, especially in journalism. He felt like his opinion and view mattered there and that was all the acceptance he needed and could ask for. He found himself writing more and more, and as much as he loved journalism, he fell in love with creating beautiful stories and jotting them down. He loved the recognition he got, and eventually started working for his dad writing the company's news reports and updates as his dad's ghostwriter. It's how he planned to save up for college and how he bought his first car.

others | He is the youngest triplet, though the tallest, proudly four inches taller than his oldest brother at 6'6". His insta handle is "TheRealMiloBlack".


I hope you like them because
I had a real blast making them
and they're some of my fav OCs
who I've made lately. Just let
me know what you think! Sorry
they took so long, life has been
a hot freaking mess lately :(


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