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Pass 1- Get off my lawn

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Princess Analissia Marie Larson of Sweden

Full Name | Analissia Marie Larson

Preferred Nicknames | Ana (to literally everyone) and Polar Bear (to those select few who get the reference to her personality and she trusts)

Age | 18

Gender | Female

Sexuality | Bisexual as hell, but goes toward guys

Role/Country | Youngest Swedish Princess

Face Claim | Loren Gray

Personality | Ana is a bit of an asshole. She doesn't mean to be but she's not in touch with her feelings. She's open that she doesn't think she can love anyone and that anyone could love her. She normally has a hard time with relationships, even with her family, so if she is vulnerable around you or you can crack her exterior, you are one of the rare few so savor it.

She is very temperamental and bipolar and will snap with a moment's notice. It's not that she isn't patient, normally she is, you just have no clue she's even kind of upset until it's way too late. She's a wanderlust and wants to travel the world and leave everything, and everyone behind.

Usually, however, she has one single person who has known her a long time that she shows even the slightest bit of emotion toward. This figure is usually male and extremely platonic... until it's not.

Strengths | Nurturing others, resistance to cold (it's ungodly), cooking

Weaknesses | Not sensitive to others, overheats really easily, math

Backstory | Ana has never been a kid who connected with other people. She always spent her time with an acoustic guitar or an oven. She became close to a few of the chefs in Sweden and would always skip etiquette lessons to go help them cook.

She would also hide from her parents and siblings out because quite frankly she didn't care how they felt. She barely knew them, as they mostly fancied royal things that she could not stand even when she was forced to. 

She got older and met a guard around age ten who she became best friends with. He had a similar sense of independence and wanderlust that she did and whenever she would sneak out he would go with her. She feels that he is more of a brother to her than her brothers.

If she has to get married, she hopes it's to someone who will be loyal to her and will make her feel love for the first time. She's a hopeless romantic like that even if she never ever shows it.

What She Thinks | She honestly doesn't know her siblings. Like she knows their names but the little details that most siblings know about each other like their favorite color or what makes them smile, she has no clue about.


Crowned Prince Asher Kylan Westcott of The United Kingdom

Full Name | Asher Kylan Westcott

Preferred Nicknames | Ash (To friends and family)

Age | 23

Gender | Male

Sexuality | Straight

Role/Country | Eldest English Prince

Face Claim | Corentin Huard

Personality | Ash is a tall, cocky, player-ish boy. He likes the thrill and adrenaline of being bad and it seems that girls especially like the idea of him. He's the type of "player" who isn't an asshole as he obviously has a softer side. This softer side is reserved for his siblings and his future wife.

He has this amazing ability to make others feel cared about even if he doesn't entirely mean it. It's not intentional but he believes that every human has worth and they should feel that way, even if he doesn't necessarily see them that way.

He is loving and compassionate and honestly falls way too hard, way too often but he'd never admit it so he seems like a bad guy when really that's just the picture he painted in attempt to hide himself and not seem weak, especially to the public as the future king.

He is bold and loyal and will not take shit from anyone. He has a bit of a drinking problem and a temper but he would never intentionally hurt someone especially a woman.

Strengths | His charm, his persuasion, his looks

Weaknesses | Easily hurt, Has a huge ego, Alcohol

Backstory | Asher fell in love with a maid at age 15. He thought he could give her the world and he promised it to her. They would sneak around and she would visit him late at night, usually for nothing more than company and talking.

What they had was really innocent and sweet and seemed like a totally different Ash. He was happier, he was sweeter, he was just in a better over all mood with that girl around. But then the press found out, and since he was the crowned prince and he was supposed to marry a royal woman, he was forced to be even more careful about being with the girl he loved.

When she was 16 and he was 17, six years ago, the girl was hung on charges of treason for not stopping her relationship with the prince. Ash became deeply depressed and fell into his bad habits of drinking and started sleeping with any girl who he thought was remotely interested in him.

Almost 5 years later, as they approached the anniversary of the death of his only real romantic partner, he decided she would've wanted him to move on so he cleaned his act up, not to say he wouldn't still flirt with everyone but he became more calm and collected as a future king should be.

He is looking for a woman who not only will be his life partner as his wife but his queen as they ruled one of the world's superpowers together. He wants a girl who he loves and not only has physical beauty, but a strong heart, a kind soul and a captivating and lovable aura for his people. It's just as much about his country as it is about his emotions and feelings, but if the two conflict he'd follow his heart to who he truly loved.

What he thinks | He loves his siblings to death and he would support them in whatever they wish to do. He is definitely your stereotypical protective big brother, especially when it comes to his sisters. He wants them to be able to come to him with anything and look up to him.

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