Moving on

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Mitchell pov.

He awakes with a start and glances across the room. The window cast distorted figures agains the now barely visible walls. He stares transfixed at the wall. His mind bends then into different shapes and the shadows flicker. He sighs and tears his gaze away from the wall. He swings his legs over delicately. His toes graze the bare, cold tile floor. He shivers slightly from the contact and slips off the bed. The monitor beeped steadily. Various machines sounded in the room. He ripped the tube out of his arm. One of the machines started making a racket. He cringes from the lack of stealth and shuffles his feet out the door. He avoids the nurses and doctors knowing if he would be caught he wouldn't hear the end of it from his teammates. He slips out of the hospital heading to his barracks. He passes Gideon's and Iona's rooms smirking slightly. "I could scare you guys so bad" he chuckles softly and decides against it. "I'll probably get a couple punches in the face. Possible concussion and bruised ribs." He laughs as quietly as he could and slipped into his room. Once there he put on normal wear and laid down. A thought occurs to him. I killed my best friends father....the only remaining family he had left. Although his father had killed thousands of innocent lives for power. But he was one of the only things connecting this world to Will. He tears up slightly. His blue eyes glistening from the unspilled tears. Without a mission things really did come back to you. And it sucks when it did.

Gideon pov.

"He's gone? What do you mean he's gone?!" He practically yelled in the doctors face. That kid is going to be the death of me. The doctor stared calmly at him "I mean he's not in the hospital." This fed on his anxiety more.
"Why didn't you guys catch him?!" He demands. Mitchell was his brother in arms. He had grown attached to him. He taught him when they where first at atlas. He also saved the kid multiple times. The kid was a great soldier. Maybe even passing his own abilities. The thing that worried him was that Mitchell had PTSD. Who could blame him but sometimes you think unrationally when episodes happened. Also Irons had taking a shine to him. That means if their suspicions where correct then Mitchell would be a bigger target. He sighs and sees Iona approach. She looks at him her gaze cool and collective. "What's the problem?" She asks her Russian accent very defined. "Mitchell's not in the hospital." She simply smirks. Oh no that's not a good sign. "Follow me" she says and leads me to his barracks. We open the door and see Mitchell sprawled out over the bed. Damn Mitchell. When you awake in gonna kill you myself.

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