New Pawn in this game called war

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Dedicated to @TheLaw123

Mitchell pov.

He felt a sharp blade pierce his shoulder but displayed no reaction. Will's face twisted into one of confusion. Mitchell stared blankly at him before answering Wills question. "You got damaged. I did too." Will stared blankly at him, a confused expression lining his features. "I saved you. I thought.." Mitchell shakes his head. "You saved my life but not my arm". Will looked disappointed for a minute. Then he cleared his face of emotion. "Too bad" he says grabbing the knife. "Ya I have nerve damage throughout my arm. Can't feel it all too much. Now can you let me go?" He asks a bit hesitant. Will just three his head back howling in laughter. Mitchell gave him a frustrated look and eventually Will stopped. Tears lined the corner of his eyes "oh god Mitchell. You haven't changed. You really don't understand this situation do you?". "I understand you are my best friend! I understand you should be dead! How the hell are you alive? Answer me Will! You where alive this whole time and you left me to dwell. Your 'death' killed me! You haunted my thoughts, encased my dreams! For years! I m-missed you!" His voice cracked at the confession. Tears brimmed his eyes as he snapped. "I wanted to see you on the other side but I never did!". Will say taking in every word. His brain brewed up replies. He listened to every word, every voice crack. And finally came up with a result. Will looked at Mitchell thoughtfully. "I was your friend. You'll find out all the answers to your questions in due time. Now I got to go meet someone special. I'll see you later" he said walking out. This left his friend wallowing in questions, guilt and hopelessness. Mitchell didn't know what was worse. Having will dead or alive..

A/N I'm sorry guys! I haven't updated in around two weeks! I've been stressed and this chapter probably sucks I'm sorry! I normally have a plan for chapters but I don't really. I'm just improvising. Constructive criticism is welcomed.

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