Chapter 15

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~Rick (c-137) pov~ 

I was standing in the kitchen leaning over the counter as Morty talked at me. I was staring at the sores and burns forming on my thinning hands. Suddenly a large tremor of pain rippled through my left side and I doubled over in pain. My face was pressed against the counter and wrapped my arms around my stomach. Morty gasped.

"Rick!" He called 

I gritted my teeth together in pain, I've been doing this a lot recently. I forced a pain hissed through my teeth and shivered. Whatever (y/n) did it hurt her wound. I took a few deep breaths trying to force the pain down. The occasional tremors of pain I felt from her. That's the only way I knew she was alive and healing, that and I'm still alive, if you could call it that.... I felt Morty place a hand on my shoulder. 

"Rick, this is getting out of hand. Your still limping and refuse to explain why." Morty said, "And for god sakes (y/n) has been gone for nearly a year. What's going on?" 

I grunted and shrugged off his hand. I straightened myself with a wince of pain. I stared down at him, his brows were furrowed and his blue (pretty sure I said his eyes were blue) eyes glazed with concern. He's so innocent... I sighed my voice rough. 

~Morty (c-137)~ 

Rick stared down at me. His dark eyes colder than ever, through he was the most sober I had ever seen him. This has me really worried, he hasn't been eating, which can be normal sometimes, but not drinking there is definitely something serious going on here. Rick sighed his throat sounded sore.

"Is anyone else home?" He croaked not taking his eyes from me

"N-no, mom and dad went on a date, a-and Summer went out s-shopping..." I said 

Rick nodded solemnly and turned, "Follow me." He said and limped into the garage 

I quickly followed him. He closed the garage door behind me and sat me in a stool and pulled out the marker board he used a lot. With his sleeve he erased whatever design he had for a machine from the surface. He grabbed a marker from the tray and started writing on the something. "(Y/n)s." Was sprawled across the top and he drug the marker under the word to underline it. 

"(Y/n)s." He started his voice hoarse, "In Rick society are servents, slaves if you will, to the Ricks. So when the council first formed, and some how for some reason, (y/n)s were the ones chosen to be tagged. A tag is a technology developed by one of the first Ricks to identify his (y/n) from the others. Soon they became common technology around the whole multiverse. Soon (y/n)s lost most of their rights as a human being, not that they had many to begin with, so the council took the (y/n)s from universes where they believed Ricks didn't deserve them." Rick drew a small diagram, "I thought they would have taken mine, but there she was moving across the street.. anyway most of the time they'll take the (y/n)s at a young age and place them in schools so they can become "the best (y/n)s" for their Ricks, er chosen Ricks." He continued to draw across the board, "Each Rick only gets one tag and one (y/n). That's why the stolen (y/n)s are taken are trained or why you can send a (y/n) to these schools to learn." He drew the marker all the way across the board, "Ricks can place a tag into (y/n)s wrists, which takes out a part of her main vein in her wrist and replaces it with a filter on the tag so the Rick can track and make sure the (y/n) is fine." Rick seemed just to be scribbling across the board, "Once the tag is placed in it needs to be actived." He was just dotting the board, "You need to activate it through sex, good idea right, through some (y/n)s don't want to do it after the painful tag being placed in their wrists, so many get raped by their Rick's." The marker snapped in his hand blue ink splattering every where, he continued to whisper, "Raped... raped..." 

He collapsed to his knees with a sob. His hand was still placed on the board smearing some of the chaos he made on the board. I stood up shakily worried. I have nevered seen this part of Rick, well that's not true, but even with the end with Unity he wasn't this distressed. His hand still on the board twisted into a fist and smashed the side of it to the board his voice breaking with each sob. 

"Raped.. I raped her... that's why she ran.... FUCK!" He cried out punching the board again causing it to crack, "I-its my fault.... fuck..." he whimpered, "S-s-shit..." 

There was a small puddle of tears forming below him. He brought his hand that wasn't on the board to his face. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to help him. Rick was never like this, never showed his emotion. This is was really breaking him, not that he wasn't broken before. Though his has completely shattered the rest of what was left his sane existence. He whimpered his body sliding down the floor. I stared down at him worried. I fiddling with my fingers slightly watching Rick have an emotional breakdown. 

"I-I-its m-m-my fault...." He kept whimpering, "my fault... my fault..." 

I wanted wanted to help him. But I'd didn't know how. I just kneeled down next to him and rubbed up and down his left bicep trying to comfort him. He continued to whimper and cry. I just sat there rubbing up and down his arm. 

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