Chapter 19

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(2nd pov)

They say all is absorbed the the vacuum of space. Where everything is calm and peaceful, where one could be able to escape their minds and look to the planetary bodies around them. The brilliance surrounding them should put minds at ease.

The silence was suffocating though your mind was anything but quiet. Your cheeks were still damp with tears, some still prickling in the corners of your eyes. You were drawn from your thoughts when the screen in the middle of the handle suddenly Started to glitch out. With the two of your knuckles you tapped the screen. It stabilized for a brief moment then glitched again. Suddenly you began to see a pattern in the seemingly random numbers that broke into the glitch. Coordinates. You soon turned the asset slightly.

"Well (y/n) you could be heading head long into a Rick out post, but why would a Rick out post send out glitches that effect the nanosectors in near by ships in a certain diameter?" You debated with yourself as the asset continued forward on its newly dictated path

Soon the glitches started to last longer and happened more and more often. You cast your graze around trying to decipher where the center of the glitches is. You soon saw a small building on top of what looked like a small moon. You turned the asset towards it. The asset rumbled beneath you and happily flew towards it, unaffected by the glitches happening to its screen.

"Thatta girl, Night, thatta girl.." you muttered softly standing slightly in your seat

You soon reached the small moon. The wheels shifted and returned to their land form as you started to navigate the dusty terrain towards the run down building. The whole screen was just a glitch now meaning you had found your source, but why? Why was there glitches leading you here. You rounded around the building searching for some sort of transmitter of the crumbling building. Finding non you sighed softly and pulled around to what looked like a door.

You tilted your head slightly and drummed your gloved fingers on the handle of the Asset. You did a quick scan of the atmosphere. Breathable. You pulled off you helmet and let your hair fall down your shoulders and back. You groaned softly and ran a hand over your face. It was crusty with sweat and tears. You've been flying for who knows how long and you felt kinda gross. You jumped at the sound of locks clicking open.

The door you were parked before slowly creaked open continuing the ominousness you felt landing on this moon.

"Enter." Said a cold voice in the darkness

"What if I choose not to?" You asked sassily tilting your head

"Then get ambushed by Ricks." Another slightly lighter voice replied this time

You stiffened at the sound of his name. Rick. You shook your head slightly and eased the asset forward into the dark building.

"I swear if you are some weird cannibal family who wants to eat me piece by piece I'm gonna freak out." You muttered as you drove in

The door almost immediately slammed behind the back wheel of the asset sending echoes through the building. You squinted through the musty darkness just making out a few forms of people, maybe alien maybe human. One stepped forward into the sliver of light that shown through down through the ceiling. It wore a hood that covered its features.

"Now, why would we want to eat ourselves?" You were about to ask what they meant when they pulled the hood away and you were met with your own gaze

"What?" You muttered your voice squeaky

The other dimensional you laughed softly, "I'm B-238 (lol almost put S' dimension) Most here call me B, mainly cause I'm the only B dimension (y/n) here." She explained

"W-wait, there's more of you?" You said holding your hand up motioning for her to slow down

She giggled gain, "Oh yes, there is about fifty rouge (y/n)s here."

Rouge (y/n)s.. your gonna faint. So you weren't the only one... but why are they in your dimension? Huh? What did she just say? You were too caught up in your own thoughts to even realize she said something else.

"Huh?" You muttered in a daze

"So are you c-137?" She giggled obviously repeating herself

"O-oh! Yes..." you stammered

The few other beings in the room muttered softly to each other when you replied.

"Heh? What did I become a legend?" You laughed

"To an extent, yes." You eyes widened when B replied, "Escaping the Rick Council Guards twice is no ease feat. Managing to hide from them for four (I think that's right) days is even more inconceivable! But here you are the living legend herself! C-137!"

"Huh..." you clicked your tongue slightly, "Do you still have contact with (y/n)s still in Rick possession?" You asked softly

"Hmm... why yes a few, why?" B mummered softly

"How is L doing? Is she alright?" You asked before you could think

"I-I'm sorry what dimension is this 'L'?" B asked softly

"B-417! She has a blind eye! Fuzzy hair, bandaid on her face all the time?" You said almost furious

"O-oh! She isn't one of of our direct communication lines, but I did speak with her for a time." B stated softly, "She is fine, and doesn't appear to be physically abused to any extent."

You sighed in relief, "So what are you guys doing in my dimension?"

There was immediate hush that was put into the room. B tapped her fingers together nervously.

"W-well... How should I put this..." B trailed off, "We need a leader, and we want her to be you." Your eyes widened as she spoke, "We decided you would lead us the best.."

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