Chapter 24

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You held your breath staring down the barrel of the shout gun at the Rick. You could sense the panic building in the (y/n)s behind you. You adjusted your grip on the gun as the first Rick spoke.

"Now little ladies you're gonna need to come with us." He said almost too cockily, "So put down-" you pulled the trigger cutting him off

The bright red blast cut through the cleanly through the air right beside his head. A few scorched locks of his hair drifted down the concrete floor. You straightened yourself when his baby blue eyes laid on you.

"That was a warning shot." You cocked the gun sending another shot to quickly power up, "Unless you want to test me I suggest you leave."

Almost instantly several more portals opened up. You swallowed heavily then an idea popped into your head. The Ricks filing out you quickly aimed for the large light above them.

"SCATTER!!" You cried sending a blast into the glass light

On your command every (y/n) started to run down one of the halls of the maze of a building, you included. You bolted down a hall lined with bedrooms several Ricks chasing after you. Picking up the pace you took a sharp turn down a smaller hall and quickly lost them. You looked behind you to make sure of it. Not daring to slow down you pressed two fingers to your comm unit to send a message out to all (y/n)s.

"Everyone lose any Ricks you have on your tails and reconvene at the control center, I need a portal up pronto." You quickly closed down the line and turned down the hall towards the center.

Your mind wondered if your Rick was here, through you highly doubted it. He probably is still worrying about where you are. You shook your head and quickly worried about the asset hidden within the secret safe vault in the base. You turned down another hall just now realizing how far you were from the center. You pushed some of your hair from the longer side out of your face.

You swallowed heavily worried there would be a rick around every corner. You worried about the (y/n)s had they gotten to the center and out safe? You soon arrived from a small hall into a large circular area and a small hall on the other side. Something, you didn't know what, compelled you to look back. Something strong, something urgent. So you did, the second worst mistake of your life.

The whole right side of your face felt as though it were on fire. Your head jerked backwards as the blast slashed through your face. You stubbled backwards and fell on your butt the gun clattering to the ground. The long side of your hair drifted down immediately catching itself into the fresh wound. You opened your eyes, or at least the one the would open. You were in shock. You heart drumming against your rib cage as though it were an animal about to break through. Tears welled in your good eye. There he was at the entrance of the room blaster in hand. Rick. Your Rick. The man you have been running from this whole time. You stared up at him completely shaken, he had the same look across his face. With a shaking right hand you slipped it under the blood clotting hair and slowly ran your fingers down the length of the wound. You drew your hand back and your breath hitched.

Covered with blood. A tear steamed down your cheek. You were no longer in doubt, at least for now, no longer trying. You gaze up at a still shocked Rick.

"R-Rick??" You spoke voice wavering slightly, he looked down at you unibrow scrunched in concern, your brow lowered, "I. Fucking. Hate. You."

You gripped the strap of your gun as you quickly got up and bolted away. You heard Rick call out for you but did not slow. You did it. You affirmed your hatred, then why did it hurt so much. You shook your head slightly and kept running. As you neared the center you looked back behind you worried he was following you.

"Boss!" You heard someone yell

You turned to see B you released a breath of relief, "Thank god your alright."

"Yes I am fine, but we have a problem." She said pulling you toward the portal... that no one was getting in...

Goat quickly rushed up to the both of you a large chunk of her ear missing, she looked like she was going to cry, "I fucked up! I-I fucked up bad!! In my panic in trying to get a portal up a didn't realize I deleted lines of code and now only one more biological being can go through!!"

You swallowed hard but forced your panic down, "So your going to ask me who I want to go through?" You opened your eye and looked up to B's bruising face, "I'd that's the case, I chose B, she'll lead the rebellion the best."

You didn't realize you were standing in front of the portal as B tears up and wrapped her arms around your neck in a hug. She buried her face into her arm and your neck and sniffled a reply.

"T-that's the nicest thing anyone as ever done for me... but I can't let you do that.."  she spoke softly

"B? W-what-!?" You didn't get you ask what she meant when you were pushed through the portal

You hit the ground with a grunt. You immediately snapped up tears in your eye.

"B-B-B-B?" You whimpered walking on your hands and knees towards where the portal once was, "B? B!!" You started to try and scramble back in some impossible odds, "B!!" 

A metal arm wrapped around your shoulders and tugged you back. You nuzzled and cold metal and sobbed into Nurses arm.

~~~B pov~~~~

I watched as the portal snapped shout behind my friend. I used the palm of my hand to push away the tears staining my cheeks. I turned to my people about twenty or so were still here. They were silent and staring at me. Time to make the speech of a life time.

"My people! We are the few that must be sacrificed for a mistake." I pulled my blade from my boot, "Hey we have nothing to be ashamed of! We started what is going to be something great! We are the kindling that just needed some gas to become a fire! We showed each other what we truly want here! Are we going to let the Ricks take that from us!? No!" I raised my blade above my head, "absolutely not! For the fire to spread we must die, prove our point to the Ricks that we want our freedom!" Slowly other (y/n)s started to get out their blades, "Use the things they have implanted us with against them! Drive your blades into your wrist! Break your tag! Show the Ricks we will not go back!!"

All around me small explosions sounded sending (y/n)s to their deaths. I looked to Goat to head her blade so tight her knuckles turned white. Blood splatters staining both of us we didn't stop our stare. She raised her blade above her wrist.

"See you on the other side my friend." She spoke driving the blade into her wrist her hand rupturing into nothingness she toppled over into death

It was just me as Ricks started flooding in baring witness to the bloody in the control center. I stared them down and lowered held my wrist out. I studied the small bump in the skin. I let a small smile crease my lips.

"Rickie~ what's revolution without death?" And with that I drove the blade into my wrist

I heard two beeps. Then I was consumed by darkness.

Ok so if you guessed all except Nurse for the poll you are correct! Kinda sloppily written, but meh. The third book will come out. Stay posted I'll update on its progress. Yeah. Tell me what you guess thought was gonna happen or how you thought the book progressed or something. I love reading your comments and talking with you folks! Oooohhh I'm probably gonna have like eight million notifications in the morning.

Hope ya get noticed,


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