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     September 20, 2076

     In an undisclosed location stands what looked like a large apartment complex or a prison. In truth, this is actually a special orphanage that is also used as a school. There's a cheerful, radiant light shining from the sun, yet the atmosphere feels dim. The sound of joyful children playing in the distance was mixed with the lack of enthusiasm from the children in the facility. Despite the gloomy feel, not all is depressing and moody. For today is a day of celebration for one of the kids in this establishment.

    "Welp, tomorrow's your birthday." A young kid exclaimed. This excited kid was known as 61460, which may seem a little odd given that numbers can't be real names. Only in this facility using codes as names is not unheard of since every kid in the building has been coded as well. The birthday boy is called 82160. "It's your sweet sixteen, which means you only have two more years until you get your name! How exciting is that?"

     82160 chuckled, looking at his friend with a smile. "I'm ecstatic." The boy's face quickly went from a smile to a more serious expression. "Although, I'm not sure how to feel about the whole name thing."

     "What do you mean you don't know how to feel about that? You'll finally have a real name and not this code crap." 61460 explained with a slight whine in their voice. "I only have to wait one more year, and I can't wait!"

     "Dude, your birthday was two months ago." 82160 chuckled. "You still have a long way to go before you get a name."

     "I know, but I just can't help myself! It's exciting to think about!" 61460 squealed in excitement. "I already have a few names picked out."

     "Doesn't the government pick our names?" 82160 asked, slightly confused.

     "Kind of, yes, but do you remember Four-Zero?"

     "You mean Jack? Sure, I remember him. Why?"

     "Well, before he left, he told me that you get to have some say in what you're called for the rest of your life." 61460 explained before shaking their head. "Whatever, that's not my point. How are we going to celebrate?"

     "Oh, I haven't actually thought of that." 82160 said honestly while rubbing the back of his neck. "I guess I could do what any sixteen year old would do."

     61460 glared at their friend with a raised eyebrow. "What? My government loans are getting suspended, now that I'm going to be old enough to make my own money."82160 tried to explain feeling a little defensive. "You, out of all people, should know this, considering..."

     "Yeah, yeah, I know, but what do you want me to say?" 61460 said, crossing their arms over their chest. "Sure, eight-two, don't do something wild and fun for your sweet sixteen. This is only one of many important milestones in a person's lifetime."

    "What's the point in celebrating anyway? It's not like this year will be any different,' 82160 argued. "There will be a small party thrown, I'll get maybe two or three gifts, cake, and then be broke by midnight."

     61460 came to a stop and scoffed in disbelief. "Really? Is that all? Then that's all the more reason to do something big for you."

     Stopping in his tracks, 82160 turned and opened his mouth as if to say something, but nothing was able to escape his lips. He closed his mouth and turned, facing away from the kid, looking down to the floor.

     61460 slowly brought their arms to their side as they grew more concerned, realizing that this was bigger than they had once thought. "What's going on, Eight-two?" they asked.

     There was no answer at first and a long pause between the friends, so quiet that you could hear the little pitter patter of mice feet across the floor. Finally, 82160 took a deep breath, turned to his friend, and spoke up. "Every birthday I celebrate is just a reminder that I've lived another year without a family," he explained, holding back tears. "And the fact that I'll never know who those people are or were makes me feel. . . hopeless." That's when the tears fell.

     61460 sighed sympathetically. "God. Eight-two, I'm so sorry." They walked over to the boy and handed him a
tissue. "We don't have to celebrate if you're still not up for it."

     "No, it's okay. We will find something fun to do," 82160 said, wiping the tears away and hugging the kid. "Besides, I think I might actually need this."

     "Are you sure you're okay to do this?" 61460 asked, breaking the embrace and placing their hands on 82160s shoulders. "We don't have to do anything if you don't want to."

"Yes, I'm sure." 82160 chuckles.


"I promise."

     "Did I just hear Eight-two making promises? Now, this should be interesting." The kids froze as they were a little startled by the sudden, yet familiar, voice coming from behind them. When they turned around, it was a girl with long silky hair, eyes colored like the ocean, and a smile so bright the sun would be jealous. 82160 sighed a breath of relief as he knew exactly who she was. The girl was known as 30359, or Three-zero for short.

     "Three-zero, sup dudette?" 61460 asked as they walked up to the girl ready to embrace her. However, 30359 just put her hand on their chest and pushed them away before making her way towards 82160. "Okay, rude."

    "So, what exactly are you promising?" 30359 smirked, placing her hands on her hips.

     "Nothing really," 82160 explained. "Just that I'm okay with doing something fun for my birthday."

     "That's it? Well then, dont worry about it," 30359 smiled, giving the boy a playful punch in the arm. "Six-one and I will put something together."

     "You guys don't have to do that, you know," 82160 said honestly. "Sure, I told Six-one that I'm okay with having fun, but I'm not okay with you guys spending money on me."

     "But, it's your birthday," 30359 stated as she put her hand on his shoulder. "And we're your friends, so let us do something special for you."

     82160 gave a sigh of defeat, he really didn't want his friends to spend money on him like this, but he also knew when 30359 has her mind set on something, she will accomplish it no matter what. "Fine, you win." 82160 threw his arms up in frustration before turning his attention to 61460. "Six-one, make sure she doesn't go overboard."

     "Right, because I'm the only one allowed to go overboard with presents and decor." 61460 said in a playful and sarcastic manner.

     "I'm serious about this!" 82160 said sternly. "I appreciate what you're doing for me, but nothing big, okay?"

     "Okay, okay, I'll keep an eye on her. Geez." 61460 said annoyed. "Can we at least check out the party room to get some ideas?"

     82160 thought for a moment as a slight smile appeared on his face. That's actually not a bad idea. He thought, as he opened his mouth to give an answer, but was quickly interrupted by a loud beep followed by a male voice coming from the intercom.

     The man's voice sounded tired and monotone, as if he was living off of nothing but cheap coffee. "Everyone between the ages of thirteen through seventeen, head over to the cafeteria to grab your lunches, and report back to your rooms for your individual time. Thank you."

     Once the announcement was made, the intercom beeped once again, indicating that it was turned off. 82160 was a little disappointed yet relieved at the same time.As much as he liked the idea of scoping out the party room, a small part of him still dreaded the idea of having a party

     Thank God for individual lunchtime. 82160 thought, turning his attention to his friends. "Why don't you two go ahead? I think I'm just going straight to my room."

     "You're not hungry?" 61460 asked, confused. "But, it's Pizza Day."

     "I. . . had a heavy breakfast." 82160 said honestly while giving a small wave. "Don't worry, I'll see you guys at dinner."

     "W-Wait, hold on a minute!" 30359 called out, but it was too late. 82160 was already heading in the direction of the dorms. The girl tried to chase after him but didn't make it far as a horde of teenagers scrambled through the halls, making it difficult to catch up to the boy. "Damn it, Eight-two."

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