Chapter 2: Knock Knock!

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A Ice cream truck was driving by with them ignoring some kids with money to spend but soon Y/N and the rest of the KND jumped the truck as it drove out of control with 4 driving 3 in the back and Y/N, 5, and 1 on the roof. Y/N now dorn a blue jacket with a white shirt underneath, blue jeans, white gloves, red shoes, and some blue wireless headphones.


We were standing on top of the truck with us having magnets attached to our shoes as Numbuh 4 drove.

Numbuh 1: Alright  Ice Cream Man, spill it!

Ice cream man: Please! I don't know anything! I swear!

I grabbed him by the shirt as Numbuh stood next to me

Numbuh 5: We've had it with you guys just driving on by when kids want ice cream

Y/N: So your going to tell us what you know before I throw over the side of this truck.

As we drove down the road Numbuh 4 shouted from the driver's seat.

Numbuh 4: Hang on gang!

As he drove through a tunnel we started to drive on the ceiling with our magnets  holding onto the roof with an ice cream drill going into the truck ahead of us and exploding and sending it flying into another truck.

Numbuh 1: That was close now where were we?

Y/N: We know your ice cream factory has a defense system and there's a password around it so you'll talk or.

I made him look over the side of the road.

Y/N: It's quite the long fall, so unless you don't want to be like an piece of ice cream that's fell to the ground you'll talk. And I hurry cause I'm losing my grip

Ice Cream: Ok! Ok! It's Frosty! The password Frosty!

Numbuh 5: Fingers

Numbuh 4 then showed up

Numbuh 4:  Hey, Numbuh 1, you might want to check this out.

We looked and saw a road block

Numbuh 1: A road block, quick tell Numbuh 4 to turn the truck around.

Numbuh 4: But I am Numbuh 4

Y/N: Wait, if your here then who's driving the. Son of a

We soon drove off the side of the side of the cliff with Numbuh 2 and Miles catching us.

Miles: We gotcha guys.

They flew the Mosquittoh up as I tossed the ice cream man at the others.

Numbuh 2: Yee-haw!

Numbuh 1: So long losers!

We soon flew off to the ice cream factory with us soon boarding the Mosquittoh.


As they flew off the ice cream man from before went over to one big ice cream truck with him meeting with the Delightful children from down the lane.

The DCFDTL: So, did you give them the password?

Ice cream man: Oh I gave it to them alright.

As they laughed one Ice cream man was pulled aside and was face with him pinned to the wall by one hand.

???: Where's that factory?

Ice cream man: Oh what like your going to

Before he could finish his capture did a one inch punch which sent an ice cream truck flying. He then raised his fist to his face.

???: I suggest you rethink that statement before you make a grave mistake.

Ice cream man: It-its that way

He pointed in the direction the KND flew off to.

???: It better be for your sake.

He tossed him aside and made a running start and jumped off the cliff gliding in the direction of the KND.


Numbuh 5: Man that was way too easy.

Y/N: Tell me about it.

Numbuh 1: Blast them! First, they refuse to stop ice cream trucks for any kids. Then, they lock all the soft serve away in cold serve so they can achieve their ultimate goal.

He then pulled down a poster which showed what seemed like an ice cream party of somesort.

Numbuh 1: A super huge ice cream party with no kids!!

Numbuh 5: Get out!

Y/N You got to be kidding!

Numbuh 4: Blast!

Miles: Say isn't so!

Numbuh 2: No!

Numbuh 3 pulled out a sparkler and a party horn.

Numbuh 3: Party!

As she went around saying party over and over I placed a hand on her shoulder.

Y/N: You know that we aren't invited right?

Numbuh 3: How come?

Y/N: Well it's sorta of an adult party, but trust me after this, we are going to have a top notch party.

Numbuh 3: Ok!

She went back to her seat as we kept flying.

Numbuh 1: I like you handled that.

Y/N: What can I say, I'm just doing my job.

Numbuh 2: Heads up, Captain. We're getting in range.

Numbuh 1 got into his seat as I took my seat next to Numbuh 3

Numbuh 1:  Let's get us some ice cream!

As we flew by we soon saw the ice cream factory only a few clicks away.

Numbuh 1: Numbuh 3 transmit password.

Y/N: You remember the password right?

Numbuh 3: Of course silly.

I watched over her shoulder as she put in the code Frosty.

Computer: Access approved.

Y/N: ( Sighs ) For a second there I thought you would forgot the password after what happened on the freeway.

Numbuh 1: Take us down Numbuh 2.

He flew us to the ice cream factory with us landing on the roof. The rest of us went while Miles and Numbuh 2 stayed with the ship.

Numbuh 1: Steady everyone. Prepare for procedure "Rooftop Swirl"

We lowered ourselves down as we drilled through the roof. We then lowered ourselves in with us looking around the ice cream factory.

Y/N: This here is a ice cream lovers paradise.

Numbuh 3: But it's so cold in here.

Y/N took off his jacket and gave it to Numbuh 3 to wear.

Y/N: There, now you won't get cold.

Numbuh 3: Ah thanks it's so cozy, but what about you?

Y/N: Heh I don't mind the cold that much.

Numbuh 4: ( mumbling )

Y/N: Something you wish to share with the rest of the team.

Numbuh 4: No let's just get this cruddy mission over with.

We went over to the nearby ice cream tank with me tapping it.

Y/N: This seems to be the one to me Numbuh 1.

Numbuh 1: Bull's-eye ( speaks to Miles and Numbuh 2 ) Snow Bird to Mother's Nest, we've found white gold

Numbuh 2: Roger that.

Miles: Prepare for Ice cream extraction.

They started to drain the ice cream from the tank with it going to the Mosquittoh.

Numbuh 1: Looks like clean cut here, 2. How's your end?

Numbuh 2: We should have a full tank in 30 seconds.

Numbuh 1: Roger that, Numbuh 2. Alright, team, let's roll!

We were about to leave until we were interrupted by some not so friendly faces.

The DCFDTL: Poor, poor, deluded Kids Next Door, falling once again into a trap set by the Delightful Children from Down the Lane.

Numbuh 5: I told it was too easy.

Numbuh 1: It figures you creeps are in with the adults. What flavor were you planning on sharing with them? Peach? Rum raisin?

The DCFDTL: Us eat the ice cream? Oh dear, no. I'm afraid the ice cream will be eating you.

As we stood there we felt the ground shake.

Numbuh 1: Numbuh 2 and Numbuh 92 what's going on up there?

Miles: Not sure, there's seem to be a breach.

Numbuh 2: And something up here is going haywire.

Y/N: Get out of there!


As something tried to break through into the cockpit Miles got out of the copiolets seat and used a toolbox to smash the glass. He then grabbed Numbuh 2 and tried to lift him up.

Miles: Man your heavy.

Numbuh 2: It's not my fault.

Miles: I'm just stating a fact not trying to be mean.

Miles lifted Numbuh 2 out of his seat with them flying out of the Mosquittoh before the cockpit had been breached and making it crash through the ceiling with Miles safely placing Numbuh 2 onto the ground with him sorta out of breath.

Numbuh 2: Thanks.

Miles: No mention it.


As Miles placed Numbuh 2 onto the ground we soon saw what breached the Mosquittoh with it forming out of the ice cream we had harvested

Y/N: We're going to need a bigger ship. So you got a plan Numbuh 1.

Numbuh 1: Of course I have a plan... Run!

We all split up as the ice cream monster went on a rampage.

Y/N: Miles your the jealous here got any ideas how we can hurt this thing?

Miles: I'm not sure, with it being made out of ice cream I'm not sure if we can physically hurt it unless you want to suffer before Diabetes and the world's worst brain freeze.

Y/N: Yeah not doing that, any other plans?

Miles: Not sure, just give me a moment.

Y/N: Ok you think of something while I help the others.

I dashed on by trying to get its attention away from the others with me dodging ice cream cones. As I ran around it used sometype of ice breath to freeze my legs sold.

Y/N: You got to be kidding me.

As it came towards me I tried to get myself out of the ice with Miles trying to get me out.

Y/N: What you doing? Save yourself.

Miles: That's not what brothers do.

As he tried to get me out it kept getting closer, as it was about to strike us someone broke through the roof and punched it square in the face knocking it back a bit. After the smoke cleared we saw who it was.

Y/N: What the? Who are you and where you came from?

Miles: How you do that?

???: No time, I'll handle the beast you focus on saving your comrades.

Y/N: Got but seriously who are you?

???: Call me Knuckles now go!

We nodded with us heading towards the others.

Knuckles POV

I turned around to see the beast that stood before me as it roared

Knuckles: Alright you horded beast made of frozen sweets, it's time for you to fall by my hands.

I punched my fist together with them igniting on fire.

I charged at the beast with it charging back with me jumping up and punching it back with its face burned. It then fired a stream of frozen yogurt but I did a drill dash blasting right through it as I borrowed under ground and ross back up and upper cutted it in the face.

As it screeched in pain it tried to slam me with it's paw but I caught it and gripped it's paw as I pulled it in and punched it back with it toppoling over and landing on it's shell.

I then jumped into the creature stomach I rapidly punching it with bits of ice cream going everywhere. It then knocked me off it's stomach with me smashing my fist into the ground to stop myself from going flying.

As I pulled my fist out of the ground it fired ice cream cones at me which pinned me to the wall.

Knuckles: Do you think these cones can contain me?

I easily broke free as I smashed the ground with a chunk of debris coming up as I punched it at the beast and while it turned it into ice and smashed it I blasted through and punched it again as I glided towards the wall.

As I latched onto the wall I jumped up and dunked the creature on the head with it landing face first onto the ground.

As it fell to the ground I made my fist ignite as I dashed towards it and upper cut it so hard it's head went flying and splashing onto the ground as a massive pile of melted ice cream as it's body collapsed and I landed on the ground.

Knuckles: Victory is ours.


As we helped the others we saw that Knuckles had defeated the creature.

Y/N: Woah that was sick, how you do that with the flame fist?

Knuckles: That's a technique only accomplished by me.

Numbuh 4: Hey where did those delightful brats go.

Numbuh 2: Maybe they ran when things got crazy.

Knuckles: Then they are skimpy cowards who didn't finish a fight they started.

I looked back at Knuckles as he dusted his hat off.

Y/N: Hey thanks but why is it you helped us?

Knuckles: I had a debt to pay and I paid it.

Miles: What debt?

Knuckles: The debt I owed you two for giving me my freedom.

Y/N: Wait what? Mind explaining what you are talking about?

Knuckles: Very well, you see you weren't the only ones who escaped.


Knuckles ( Narrator ): As it went per usual I was tested an experimented on but one day everything changed

I looked out and saw both the Hedgehog and carrying the fox as he blasted through the facility.

Knuckles ( Narrator ): As the lab went into panic and you escaped everyone else took advantage of the chaos myself included.

I broke out of my restraints and attacked the guards holding me as I sent one flying through a wall and smashed the other into the ground. I soon left the lab I was contained in as I spoke up.

Knuckles: This is your chance to claim your freedom! Break your restraints, break out of your cells, and kill the guards and scientist that have tortured you for so long!

Knuckles ( Narrator ): Many knew this was our only chance for freedom so we took it with many breaking out of their cells, killing the guards and leaving that damn facility.

We all had broke out of the lab as we set off for freedom.

Knuckles ( Narrator ): Many choose to take their freedom in their own direction while I had formed a small pack as we set off the the new world.


Knuckles: And that is the story.

Y/N: So us escaping gave you the chance to break out.

Knuckles: Correct, since you gave me a chance to claim my freedom, I had a debt to pay so that's why I followed you here.

Y/N: Kinda creepy but you did have good intentions so I'll give you that.

Miles: So are we going to see you again?

Y/N: Or was this a one time thing?

Knuckles: Even though I had paid my debt, I'm sure we shall see each other again.

As he was about to go I made a suggestion.

Y/N: Hey why don't you join us in the KND?

Numbuh 4: And why the crud would you do that?!

Y/N: He just helped us! Don't you think we should give him the choice to join.

Numbuh 1: He's a teenager.

Y/N: And he just saved our skins and your going to say no because of his age.

Knuckles: There's no need to fight cause like I said I already made a pack, while I do appreciate the welcome I must decline. But here take this.

He handed me a slip of paper that had a number on it.

Y/N: "The Chaotix detective agency"?

Knuckles: If you wish for help give us a call, also the pack leader or my boss Vector wanted me to tell you, you get one freebie since you helped us break out.

Y/N: Thanks I'll hold onto it. Take care Knuckles.

Knuckles: You too as well. ( Puts hat on ) May fortune smile upon you two.

He then left with us standing in the ice cream factory.

Numbuh 2: So what happens now?

Y/N: Well I have one idea. Ice cream party anyone?

I pointed over to the remains of the creature as it dropped with ice cream.

Knuckles POV

I made it back to the city with me entering the building vector rented out.

Vector: So you gave him the message?

Knuckles: Indeed.

Vector: Good work. Now then boys next step is spearding the word out of our work and make some money to pay off the rent.

Espio: Roger.

Charmy: You can count me.

Ray: Same here.

Mighty: Got it

As they finished Vector turned on the radio with music playing

And that is it I hope you enjoyed it. The next part won't be a chapter but more of a showcase of designs I have in mind, I'll also ask some questions about what I should do for the series. Anyway see you later

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