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Before we begin here's the winner of the vote

And with that let's begin.


My eyes slowly opened as I got up from the bed I was on as I got up and looked around my cell wearing the same uniform.

As I got up the slot to my cell door opened with a tray of food coming in. It mostly consisted of some ground beef, a cup of water, a small fruit bowl, and a fortune cookie.

Y/N: Oh what the heck.

I cracked it open and read the fortune.

Y/N: Today your life will take a huge change. Yeah right.

I slipped it into my pocket as I ate my food and soon enough some guards came in.

Guard: Move it kid.

I got up and walked over to them with them putting me in cuffs as I was taken down the halls of this prison seeing others being tested and experimented on with some getting it worse than others.

Scientist: Another failure. You know what to do.

As I walked down the halls I was brought into a lab with me pushed inside as they undid the cuffs and soon strapped me to a table with some of men coming into test me.

During the whole process it was nothing more but scientist digging into me, cutting me open, injecting me with sometype of green liquid that had small bits of crystal of it and all I could do was grit my teeth and suffer through whatever they did to me.

As they finished sowing me up again, the doors opened up with me seeing Miles walk into the room cuffed too with him brought in by guards.

Guard: This one is meant to be tested on too.

Scientist: But we just finished with subject. S-O-N-I-C, we don't have time to prep.

Guard: Just unhook him and do this one.

They soon unwilling listen to their suggest and unhooked me and put me back into cuffs.

Miles: Y/N.

Y/N: Miles.

I was soon pulled off with Miles being forced down even though he tried to fight but they soon sedated him.

Y/N: What did you do? What did you do!

They started to drag me away with Miles slowly passing out with a mechanical arm coming down with a buzzsaw, as they dragged me with the saw coming down closers to me.

Y/N: Let me go! Don't do it!

They then stabbed me with a electrical prodals as it forced me to the ground as they tried to pull me away but I can only see Miles look at me with him trying to reach for me with it looking he was about to cry. That's when I felt it snap.

Y/N: Let. Me. GO!

I pushed them back with them sent flying. As I glowed dark and soon snapped my restraints

I dashed over at high speed grabbing the buzzsaw and tearing the robot arm out of the ceiling and tearing it in half.

As I stood there some guards showed with an alarm going off

As they entered they soon shot at me but I blocked the bullets from hitting Miles. I gripped the buzzsaw and threw it at one of the guards which went straight into his head, while the other I dashed at, with me showing my hands into his torso as I hovered in the air, I then vibrated my hands with him soon shaking and then exploding into a bloody mess.

I then went back to Miles and ripped off his restraints and blasted out of the room. As I dashed through the halls with others noticing the chaos that was taking place. Guards, Scientists, and even others who were experimented saw me and Miles ran out but it didn't matter to me, what mattered was Miles.

Some tried to get in the way but I blasted right through them as I ran through the halls. As I ran through the place to find an exit I soon blasted through the walls leading into the snow covered landscape. I then ran through the snow with it seemingly trying to slow me down, as I kept running I soon heard Miles groggily waking up.

Miles: Y/N.

Seeing Miles awakening seemingly claimed me down a bit with me back to my normal blue.

Y/N: It's ok buddy I'm here.

Miles: Are we away from that place?

Y/N: Yes far away, I won't let them hurt you again.

As I kept running Miles eyes started to shut close.

Y/N: No come on bud, stay awake you got to stay awake.

Miles: But it's so cold.

Y/N: I know it is just try to hang on I promise to find someplace warm for you.

As I ran through the snow the cold started to get to me too with my legs starting to give in a bit.

Y/N: Come on just a bit longer, please don't quit now, not now.

As I kept running I soon tripped over something falling over and dropping Miles onto the snow.

Y/N: Miles!

I tried to walk to him but I twisted my ankle after I tripped, I must've landed on my ankle. I soon fell on the ground with me crawling over to him and holding his hand as the snow fell on us.

Miles: Y/N.

Y/N: It's ok I'm here.

Miles: Are we going to die?

Y/N: No, don't say that we'll make it. It's just.

Miles: Y/N. Can you please stay with me. Please, I don't want to be alone.

I gripped his hand as I looked at him.

Y/N: I won't leave Miles. Never.

I hugged Miles trying my best to keep him warm. As the snow slowly consumed us I soon saw a bright light with footprints coming this way one sounded like a boy and the other a girl.

???: Numbuh 1 there's some kids buried in the snow.

???: Hurry bring them aboard the coolbus we'll bring them back to the tree house.

I soon felt myself lifted off the ground along with Miles as we were taken wherever we were going.

And that is it, also sorry if those find this a bit dark for a beginning it was the best I could think of for an opening that fit the description of the story. Anyway I'll see you later

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