Chapter Nine

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Triple update, just because I'm feeling nice. - Kirsten


Chapter Nine: Not Edited.

After the long  talk with Ivy it was finally time to go back to class with Mr. Nathan. The only good thing about this class was that Ashton was in it. I left the bathroom with Ivy on hot pursuit to make sure no one messes with me. I'm glad I have a friend like her because I would've never got the confidence without the dyed blue haired girl. So with the boost of confidence I had, I pushed the door to my English class open and every head turned to look in my direction. I ignored everyone's stares and walked straight to my normal seat in the class and sat down without even looking at anyone.

The late bell finally rung and everyone was on time, even Luke and his group were on time which took me by surprise. I felt a pair of eyes on me, making me turn to see Ashton looking at me with concern in his hazel green eyes. He mouthed the words 'are you okay' and I nodded to make sure he understand that I was in fact okay.

"Listen up everyone. I've split the class up into pairs to work on the project that I have made for this semester." Mr. Nathan said once everyone took their seats and settled down enough for him to talk. "Please go sit by your partner when I call your name."

"Luke Hemmings and Ryder Miller."

I watched the pair high five each other and I rolled my eyes. Of course he would've of put them together. I zoned out the rest of his talking and I tuned back in when he called my name. "Ashton Irwin and Calum Hood."  I silently did a small fist bump when I got paired with the gorgeous boy and a small appeared on my face when my partner moved his desk to mine so they were connected together.

"Hello partner." Ashton grinned as he sat by me, making me grin at him back. "So I was thinking since it's the weekend you could come by my house today and we can work on this project together."

"What about Michael?" I asked, biting my lip when I imagined seeing the redhead at the house. I wasn't afraid of him. I was more scared of his reaction of me coming over after the whole scene that happened this morning.

"What do you mean?" I watched Ashton take out some paper out of his binder and turned his attention on me. "You're not scared of him are you?"

"No, no. I'm not scared of him." I blushed a tiny bit, but of course his stepbrother saw and his eyes narrowed suspiciously. "What?" I asked when I saw him looking at me weird.

"Do you like my stepbrother?" Ashton asked as I watched him write on some paper. I wasn't sure on how to answer that. I did find Michael attractive but I don't know if I'm up to be with someone who has anger issues that they can't help.

"No, I don't." I replied, biting the tip of my pencil as I began to write stuff down from the board that the teacher has left for us to copy down.

"Well, that blush is telling me otherwise and if I were you, I would stay away from him." Ashton warned, making me furrow my eyebrows on why everyone keeps telling me that. "He doesn't have a good history of relationships from what I heard. I've only been living with him for about a month and I haven't seen him talk about girls or anything in that sort."

"I don't know why I can't be friends with him." I said honestly. I would like to be friends with him if I can't be with him in a relationship. "I didn't say that, Calum. Just be careful with him though." He warned which made me let out a sigh of relief.

We worked silently together until it was time for us to pack up and leave for lunch. "Oh, I won't be at lunch today." I saw Ashton walk up beside me and I nodded in understanding. "But be at my place after school and we can order some pizza's while we work."

"Okay see you then!" I waved at the boy and watched him walk away while I headed to lunch. When I got there I saw Ryder at my table and made me raise one of my eyebrows when he turned and saw me approaching the table a smile appeared on his face.

"Hey Calum!" Ryder chirped as he pulled me into a hug which left me confused. "How are you doing this afternoon? Are you doing okay after that whole incident?"

"I'm fine Ryder. Thanks for asking, but do you need something?" I questioned as I watched him mess with his keys on his jean pocket.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you would like to go out with me sometime." The tan boy fiddled with his fingers as he waited for a answer from me. "I mean we don't have t-." I cut him off with a large smile and I nodded my head. "I would love to go out with you."

"I will pick you up Saturday at your place." Ryder gave me a another hug and walked off to join his group of friends who where looking in our direction with curious looks. I inwardly let out a squeal of delight because I actually got a date. Ivy is going to be so happy for me but one person in the school wouldn't be.


Please do not question this chapter because it's all part of the plot. Remember to comment and vote.

- Kirsten & Claire.

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