Chapter Twenty Four P1

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I'm going to start editing the story soon. The first part of this chapter will be in third person because it's a dream. Also this chapter will be split into two parts.

Chapter Twenty Four P1; Not Edited.





The sound of footsteps were getting closer as the raven haired male an up the front porch of the house he lives in. Sweat was beating down his pale face as pure horror filled ever ounce of his body as he realized this was the end. He had no one to run too, or anyone to hide behind as the stomping of shoes got closer to the point he ran inside the house after ripping the door open as fast as he could.


The voice made his skin crawl and whoever was speaking scared the hell out of him. He knew this guy didn't just want to have a nice little chat he wanted revenge and it was something he wanted to. The boy ran through the house as he tried to find a safe place to hide from whoever is after him. Lucky, he found a coat closet in his parents room and slid inside after closing the door softly to make sure the man didn't find him 

"Calum. Don't be like this."

The man continued to taunt him as he got closer to the room he was in. More sweat was beating down his face as he started to panic when the shadow of the man appeared nearby. He was in the room now and he could hear him breathing heavy as if he was running around the house until he could find him. His breath hitched in the back of his throat when he heard the doorknob to the closet jiggle a bit before the man gave up and started to go somewhere else. A sigh of relief left his lips but he wouldn't have that comfort for long when the closet door was swung open and the shadow of the man was face to face to him, making a scream escape his throat.

It was Luke.

*End of Dream*


I flew out of my bed as I clutched my chest in horror. My breath came out fast, but slowed down once I realized it was all just a dream. I've been having the same dream now for about a couple of days after the incident with Luke and it's always the same thing, the guy finds me at the end of the nightmare and then I wakes up in the same way. I wished it could be a different scenario than me being in the house that I loved so much but no it will never change, even if I wanted it to.

I heard some noises coming from the room next to me and it made me feel alert. I wasn't at my house, no I was at Michael's because my parents weren't going to be home for a couple of days due to work and traveling.

"Michael?" I called out, not hearing any response and that's when I got out of bed and grabbed the bat that was in the room I was sleeping in. I heard footsteps heading toward the door and I braced myself for the person to come in, but they never did until I ran into the corner of the wall. "Shit!" I cursed out loud and that's when the door swung open, making me run at them with the bat and swinging and hitting whoever was in the way. I heard a mumble of incoherent words and looked up to see a very confused Ashton, who was clutching his stomach.

"Ouch! What the hell Calum?" The dirty blonde shouted, clutching his stomach even tighter, hoping that a bruise wasn't forming because of the aluminum bat in the my hand. "That hurt like a bitch." He grumbled loud enough for me to hear. I knew that a bruise was probably going to form and I looked guilty at him.

"Well, it's not my fault you're sneaking in my room at five in the morning." I sassed back, earning a glare from Ashton. "Ashton, what where you doing in my room anyway?" I placed the silver bat back down so that it was laying against the white closet door before turning back to the older boy.

"I heard something and I thought you were having a bad dream." Ashton said, stuffing his hands in his "I was just worried about you."

"Thanks, but I'm fine." I replied, emphasizing on the word 'fine.' I walked back to my bed and sat on the edge and turned my gaze to the floor. In reality I wasn't fine and I never knew if she would ever be. "Are you sure? You don't look fine to me." Ashton pointed out as he took a seat beside me. "Ashton, just leave it be." I insisted, but of course he didn't listen.

"You know you can talk to me about anything." The dirty blonde placed a comforting hand on my shoulder making the me look up at him.

"I know." I sighed deeply. I pushed some of the loose strands of hair from my face and tucked it behind my left ear before turning my attention back to Ashton. "It was a nightmare once again." My thoughts went back to the dream and it made me cringe when the thought of it being reality.

"What happened?"


This is part one of Chapter Twenty Four. The only part will be up soon.

- Kirsten & Claire.

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