Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine; Not Edited

I was pacing my room back and forth, not understanding what was happening to me. I felt power surging through my veins every step that I took and it was starting to scare me even more than it already was. I was angry, angrier than I've ever been, it even made Michael and Ryder scared as I started to pace back and forth even more in my room. Michael could be heard from my room as he called Niall, who surprisingly was part of the gang that we needed help from.

"Niall, we need help from Liam." I heard Michael start to talk loud, indicating he was losing his cool. "This is my stepbrother's life on the line and I can't lose anymore people I love." My heart broke for him and I knew that we needed all the help we could get. "Thank you, Niall. We will leave as soon as we can."

Leaving? I guess we're going on a road trip to see Liam Payne, the leader of the gang that we need help from. I heard Ryder and Michael talking before my door opened to show Ryder standing there with a small smile on his face. "Hey." He said, shutting the door behind him before joining me on the bed. "So we talked to Niall and we got Liam's permission to cross in their territory," Ryder said, making me feel kind of better that he isn't worrying me, even though I am. "I need to warn you about some things that will be said when we arrive to Melbourne."

"Okay," is all I said as the tan boy started to mess with his shirt in worry. "Ryder, what is it?" I asked, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, which he looked up at me and sighed. "Niall informed Michael that Liam might ask you questions about the code 'red' thing and I wanted to let you know about that."

"Thanks for telling me Ryder. I don't mind telling them about that because it will save someones life." I smiled reassuringly to Ryder, who looked pleased with that answer. "When are we leaving?" I asked, pushing myself off the bed when Ryder did.  "In a hour, Michael called Ivy and Harry and informed them what happened." I was about to ask why my boyfriend told my other friends about that, mainly because they might get hurt if something goes wrong, but the tan boy looked at me with a determined expression on his face. "We need all the help we can get, Calum."

I understand that but I couldn't face to see Ivy or Harry get hurt because of me. I still blame this whole situation on myself, knowing if I never told anything about the notes everything would be fine in my opinion. I didn't even notice myself crying until I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, pulling me into their chest. I knew it was Michael because he was whispering comforting words to me as I watched Ryder pack everything that we needed to go to Liam's place.

After a couple of hours of packing, it was time to leave for Melbourne. Michael informed me that Ivy and Harry will be arriving later this afternoon, after we meet with Liam and his crew. I was beyond nervous to meet Liam and his friends. I've heard from Michael and Ryder that they have open minds and will listen to our requests, but they normally don't help other people that aren't in their gang.

I got in the backseat while the boys got in the front, making me feel safe in the back when they were in charge of driving and being alert for any signs of danger heading our way. I grabbed my phone and placed my headphones in my ear as we started the drive to a place I've never been to before. I closed my eyes and started to dream about a place where there was no drama, just happiness and peace in my life. Someone was shaking me awake, making me open one of my eyes to see Michael looking down at me with a frown. "Are you okay? You were moving around in your sleep."

"I'm fine," is all I said, looking out of the window I notice that we where in the woods and in front of a large house that made my eyes go wide. "Where is Ryder?" Looking up to see Michael looking out of the front window. I looked in his direction to see the tan boy talking to Niall and a girl with brunette hair. The three of them turned around and looked in our direction, signaling for us to get out of the car. 


"Ah, Michael and Ryder. It's nice to see you again." A tall male with brown hair and brown eyes said when we walked into the room with Niall and the now named Danielle walking behind us. "I'm sorry to hear about Ashton. I can't believe Jack would do something like that."

"We were shocked as well," Ryder said politely and I stood there while the three talked to each other. I noticed there where others in the room and I saw a familiar face within them. "That's Zayn Malik. You remember him, don't you?" I nodded and saw that Zayn was looking at me with concern in his eyes.  "Calum." I broke my gaze from the boy and looked to see Michael looking at me with a frown. "Liam wants to talk to you." I nodded and Liam asked what my story was and I told him everything, starting with the notes and ending with Ashton being kidnapped. 

"I see. Let me talk it over with me crew and I will let you know." He nodded his head and the three of us walked out of the room. The door closed behind us and we waited almost thirty minutes before we got a final answer. "We will help you." Liam said when we walked into the room, making me almost want to hug him but I stayed still. "Thank you," Michael said with a smile and then he asked when will we leave.

"We will leave now."


One more chapter left then there will be an epilogue.

- Kirsten & Claire

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