House of mon amour, part 2

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Mr.Otsuka and Ayaka wondered around the theater. The two chatting and talking to one another. The other girls. The two were laughing and cracking jokes at one another.

"I never knew you worked on sets and movies before. Explains the humor hehe." Mr.Otsuka chuckled

"Well I have to ask Mr.Otsuka, what kind of things do you do? On your free time I mean." Ayaka asked as she fixed her hair and purse.

"Well, I like to actually do calligraphy. Its a great pass-timer. I find it to be a good way to highten ones educational awareness." He said, they then got to a bar with Mr.Otsuka opening up the door for Ayaka who have him a smile and a nod. They all would walk over to the bar and take a seat.

"So Ayaka, I have to ask. Will you be staying for the play? Its a awfully good one. My son put it togther and everything. Hes gonna be doing the best play of the year here too." Mr.Otsuka said

"Wow, a big play like that must be costing you." She said

"Oh not at all, I'm always willing to put money towards talent and the youth progression. I'm sure you'd love to see a few things about it when it comes around. How about I give you a tour of the place when it all comes together." Mr.Otsuka said with a smile, Ayaka then placed her hand on Mr.Otsuka's hand and rubbed.

"I would be honored." She said, the two stared at one another.

"Well, we have a box in the theater. Box 5, you should come up with us. I'd love to introduce you to my father and son." He said

"And your wife?" Ayaka said

"...Yea, her too." Mr.Otsuka said. Later on the show would eventually begin. Everyone got in they're seats and began to watch the show begin. As everyone was watching Mr & Mrs.Otsuka were watching the show as Takashi was sitting back thinking. He couldn't get Kibe's words out of his head.

"Does he honestly believe that he can sway me? That he can scare me like he does this jockeys and fools. Kibe, you have no idea.

You believe yourself to be some sort of mastermind, but little do you know that I too have thought of every avenue you could take. I've already hired all the help to find your breadcrumbs. Now all I need is for them to collect what I have deduced as your trail and then; you will be brought to me." Takashi said as he continued to watch the show go on. Thats when someone would come from behind the curtain next to him, he'd look over to see nonother than Ayaka. Mr.Otsuka turned to her with a smile.

Mrs.Otsuka turned and scoffed as she immediately left, Mr.Otsuka watched her leave and payed no mind as he grabbed Ayaka's hand and kissed it.

"Glad you can make it. Shall we?" He said as Ayaka leaned against him and watched the show with the rest of the Otsuka family. Mrs.Otsuka walked out of the theater as she lot a cigarette and started smoking it, her frustration booming beyond her face could express. The show went on for hour, everyone laughing and cheering as it went on.

"...Ayaka." Mr.Otsuka said, she turned her head to him. His eyes looking into her emerald green ones. He then wrapped his hand on Ayaka's butt, rubbing it sensually. Takashi looked then ignored it.

"If you wanted to be alone. All you had to do was ask." Ayaka said with a smile. Mr.Otsuka gave a smirk as he then looked to his father and Takashi.

"Enjoy the rest of the show you two, I'm going out." He said as him and Ayaka walked away arm and arm. The two made they're way to the parking garage.

"Oh wait, I forgot my bag in my car." Ayaka said, Mr.Otsuka nodded as she went to her car and used her key to open it. As she did she then grabbed a black school bag and brought it with her. Mr.Otsuka noticed it and looked at the bag curiously.

"Your a student?" He asked

"No, a friend of mine is. I thought I'd get it for them. Might see them later." She said. He nodded as they then drove off. Mr.Otsuka suggested they'd go to his place, however Ayaka suggested for a hotel nearby. Eventually they would arrive to it and walk upstairs to her room. As they walked into the room, Mr.Otsuka would close the door behind them. Ayaka took off her coat and turned to him.

"Shall we?" She asked

"Thought you'd never ask. Though I'm going to wash up first." He said as he went to the bathroom and closed the door. Ayaka's eyes looked at him enter inside. She then walked over to the closet.

"You know I was thinking that after tonight, that maybe we could go for a trip. Ayaka?" Mr.Otsuka said as he walked out of the bathroom in a bathrobe, thats when he noticed the lights were all off. He looked around for a moment. Thats when he'd look over and see computer on the bed. It was on, the light was shining on his face from it. Like a spotlight from a search tower or a helicopter.

He slowly walked over to it and when he looked at it, he saw on the screen how it had displayed many tabs and articles about him.

"Mr.Otsuka caught with underage girl at bar? Life behind the star." Said one article

"What..." Mr.Otsuka said as he kept looking.

"Man responsible behind stock scams and susppoused pyramid schemes. The crooked mind behind it all." Said another article. Mr.Otsuka's eyes were bloodshot, he was completely taken aback by what he was seeing. There were even pictures of him with underage girls and getting into cars with other women. He slowly stepped away from the computer, what the hell is this. Why is that here?! Whats going on right now?

All of these thoughts were racing through his head until the lights suddenly came on. He got startled and turned around to see Ayaka standing by the door with a pistol in her hand, it was pointed right at him.

"...Ayaka?" Mr.Otsuka said as he took a step forward only for Ayaka to click off the saftey to the gun. Mr.Otsuka immediately stopped and put his hands up.

"Greetings Mr.Otsuka." she said

"I...What is this? Some kind of kink thing? Cause I'm not the best at-"

"I need you to take off the bathrobe." She said, Mr.Otsuka looked at her a bit shocked. Thats when he got a smirk on his face.

"Ah I see, this is like some weird dominance thing you got. Well consider me dominated. I'm all yours." He said as he then dropped his bathrobe. She looked him up and down.

"I'll also need you to let those men you had follow us sent away." She said, hrblookrd at her in disbelief.

"How did you-"

"Those men, get them gone." Ayaka said, her voice more demanding this time and far more threatening. Mr.Otsuka's heart skipped beat as his inner voice began to tell him, that this wasn't a kink afterall.

"A-a my coat pocket." Mr.Otsuka stuttered, thats when Ayaka would kick open the bathroom door and gesture with the gun for him to go inside. Mr.Otsuka walked forward with his hands up and towards the bathroom. He then reached in his coat pocket. He had it in his hand.

"I need to send them a single to get the hell up here! Why the hell is she doing this?! Money? Fame? Or does she..." his brain was racing with explanations to his current situation. He looked at the button carefully, his eye then looked up to see of she was watching him. Only to be suprised when his and Ayaka's eyes met each other. She was right next to his face. She then slowly put the gun to his chin as she grabbed the button. As she walked back, she kept the gun on him.

"Out and on the bed." She said as she stepped out of the bathroom. Mr.Otsuka walked out with his hands up, but as he did he'd then attmept to pounce on Ayaka grabbing the gun with both hands...but it wouldn't budge.

"WHAT THE HELL!? IT FEELS LIKE I'M PULLING ON A SHIP!" he thought in his head, Ayaka then delivered a devastating side kick to his hip which in turn made a horrible cracking sound on impact. Mr.Otsuka could feel his hip bone immediately feel like it was on fire, like he had been shot, but he knew he had the gun around his hands. He then let go and fell over collapsing on the floor.

"Thats rude, Mr.Otsuka." Ayaka said as she lowered her leg slowly as she pointed her gun back at him.

"AUGAHH! I THINK MY HIP BONE IS BROKEN!!!" He shouted in pain as he touched it gently. Ayaka tilted her head and then sighed.

"GRRR UGH! HELP! HEELLLPPP! SOMEONE HELP ME!" he screamed out, he kept screaming. However his eyes as he screamed would open up ever once in while and see Ayaka motionless as she kept pointing the gun at him. He then gulped as he crawled over to the bed.

"Now Mr.Otsuka, I have a few questions to ask you." Ayaka said as she slowly started walking over to him.

"DON'T TOUCH ME! GET AWAY FROM ME YOU CRAZY BITCH!" Mr.Otsuka shouted, thats when Ayaka would reach into the school bag she got and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. She then slamned Mr.Otsuka's face aginst the ground. She immediately lifted him up and grabbed the desk chair. She pulled it over and dropped him in it. She then walked around him and put his arms behind his back, she'd then cuff him to the chair.

"OWOWOWOW! Ok ok ok, what do you want?! Please just tell me!" He whined as she walked in front of him and pointed the gun to him. Thats when he noticed she had gloves on, black ones.

"...Since when did you start wearing gloves?" He stuttered

"All the times you've were busy looking at anything else other than my hands." Ayaka said

"Ayaka, please...I don't know what this is, but I think we can talk it over. I'd hate to ruin your career and job over and you can't keep me here forever." Mr.Otsuka said

"The career of Shiro Ayaka should be the least of your concern." Ayaka said

"...What?" Mr.Otsuka said, thats when he'd see Ayaka put the gun on the desk, she'd then began to play and reach into her hair. Thats when she'd walk into the bathroom with the school bag. As she did the water would start running to the sink. He tried looking around for a way to get out. He tried moving the chair around, jumping a bit to try and get free. He attempted to stand with it, but thats when he saw that the sheets of the bed were wrapped around his legs. Pining them to the chair. Unfortunately all his movment woukd cause him to fall over to the side hiting the ground hard.

"Ah! Damnit...Ayaka! Ayaka please, just tell me what you-"


Thats when his entire body went stiff, he watched almost in slow motion as a blonde wig would get thrown out of the bathroom. His eyes were quaking and shaking with fear and horror as he then no longer heard the clicking of heels but the hard press of shoes. Thats when he'd see a man walk out of the bathroom with Ayaka's clothes on his arm. Revealing it to be nonother than Nori Kibe.


"Greetings, Mr.Otsuka. We finally meet face to face." Kibe said, Mr.Otsuka was completely speechless. His face was painted with a expression beyond fear and terror and mixed with astonishment, total shock and of course a dash of despair.

"....W-Who are you?" He stuttered

"My name would be useless to you, the person your looking for dosent even exist." Kibe said as he put his bag down and walked to the desk grabbing the gun. He then turned Mr.Otsuka around in the chair and dragged him close to the front door where he was facing him. He put him up straight.

"I have something to ask of you, I need you to give me the passwords and access codes to the serves and all information within your company." Kibe asked

"What?! I don't know tho-" thats when Kibe would shoot Mr.Otsuka in the foot, the man let out a bloody scream as he fell to the side with the chair. He screamed as his eyes looked to his foot. It had a giant hole in the middle, bone could be seen, he couldn't feel any of his toes. His right foot was ruined.

"Dont lie to me, Mr.Otsuka." Kibe said


"It won't do you any good Mr.Otsuka, you see we're on the tenth floor. There are ten floors to this hotel.

I bought out all the levels, from 10 to 5. 3 days is what I asked for too." Kibe said, his words hit like bricks on ice. Cracking away and eventually destroying whatever hope of escape he had planned.


"The only way you can escape is through the window." Kibe said, Mr.Otsuka eyes got dark as the hope in them got completely snuffed out. He then laid his head on the ground accepting his situation, if just a little.

"Now, for the access to your company and it's files, deleted files and of course dark practices." Kibe said, thats when Mr.Otsuka began to chuckle and laugh. Kibe lowered his gun and tiltited his head.

"I have to admit...your definitely insane. You...y-you can shoot me all you want, but I won't speak a single word! To give you everything you asked for, would be the downfall of my company. You'd be taking down more than just my business." Mr.Otsuka said with heavy breath

"I know." Kibe replied, Mr.Otsuka looked at him with hate in his eyes, as the blood from his foot began to flood the carpet. Kibe walked over to the computer and closed all the tabs and windows and then turned his head back to Mr.Otsuka. His eyes moved from his bleeding foot to his dried exhausted eyes. His breathing was heavy and head was likely spinning and dazed.

"You've lost a lot of blood Mr.Otsuka, if it isn't patched up you could go through a number of cruel symptoms..." Kibe said as he walked over to Mr.Otsuka. Mr.Otsuka's eyes looked up weakly to Kibe who's face was obscured in the shadow of the light. The only thing he could see or make out...were those emerald green eyes.

"Death will be the last thing you experience." Kibe said, Mr.Otsuka took heavy breathes as he looked at Kibe.

"...I won't let you die though. I still need what I asked you for." Kibe said as he walked over to his school bag and pulled out a small vial of a transparent liquid. Looked like water, he then got a needle and ducked it out into the needle. Mr.Otsuka watched him walk over and inject him in the arm with the liquid.

"This will help make you, lets just say more talkative." Kibe said. He looked as Mr.Otsuka's eyes dilated some. Kibe then got up and walked towards the bed.

"How long do you intend to keep me here!? People will be asking for questions! And it'll take long for you-"

"I can break you in 10 minutes." Kibe said as he then fired a gun shot at one of the lights. The room got dark.

"I can destory your life in just a few hours." Kibe said, he fired another shot destroying another light. Only one left. It was hanging above Mr.Otsuka, his eyes were hyperfocused on Kibe. However his vision was blurry, it was almost like there were multiple people in the room. He began to hear Kibe's voice like static, as if he was talking through an old radio.

"Imagine the damage I can do, with us being alone...for 3 whole days." Kibe said as he fired off the final and last light.

"Dont worry about expenses Mr.Otsuka. I have it all covered, any damages done will all be handled with. Cause I have a feeling...I'm about to receive a large inheritance." Kibe said, thats when suddenly a large flashing light behind Kibe woukd appear. It was coming from the laptop. Mr.Otsuka let out a blood-curtailing scream as Kibe's green eyes got closer and closer to him. He could see hundreds of them.

Close to the early morning, Mr.Nakayama and Mr.Miyuki visited the hospital again. They both stood outside of it staring at the building from afar.

"The lead on the dragon gang and attack on HP hotel are still ongoing. If we intend to catch this guy. We'll need to compile some more evidence than what's already been discovered.

Though from what it seems, it looks like you might already have any idea Nakayama." Mr.Miyuki said as he looked to him. Mr.Nakayama was staring hard at the hospital until he looked to Mr.Miyuki.

"Whenever I look at him, I don't see darkness nor light. Its some...other color I don't recognize." Mr.Nakayama said as he had flashes to when he met Kibe at the school incident.

"Do you mean Kibe? Or the white rabbit?" Mr.Miyuki asked

"Mmmm, I don't know. All I know is what my mind is telling me." Mr.Nakayama said


"I've been going around the clock, even though I've been taken off for a while. I still feel like this this case is somehow integral to me. Like as of I was destined or maybe supposed to be here." Mr.Nakayama said, Mr.Miyuki looked at him a bit puzzled as he rubbed his hair.

"Ah, sorry. I know this probably sounds crazy-"

"No, I agree with you. Its almost like your pulled in. Like a fish on a lure." Mr.Nakayama asked

"Yea, once with my father. He taught me a few things about how to catch a tricky fish too." Mr.Miyuki said, Mr.Nakayama looked at him curious. Later early the next day, Mr.Nakayama would visit the clinic that Juo was at. As he checked himself in and got a visitor's badge, one of the nurses walked up to him.

"Mr.Nakayama right?" She asked, he turned to her and nodded.

"I'm Nin. Juo's caretaker, I thought it would be good to finally meet you. Since you seem to always vist when I'm not here. Hehe." Nin then let out her hand to shake his, the two shook hands as they started walking to Juo's room. Mr.Nakayama looked at her and saw her dark jet black hair, her eyes were a rosey black, a hint of velvet in them.

"I've heard some stuff about the investigation, about the killings and suicides. Those poor families." Nin said

"Yes, I hope they all recover well." Mr.Nakayama said

"I just wonder why they did it." She said.

"They were working for the white rabbit." He replied, she looked at him shocked at his answer.

"What makes you say that?" She asked

"They were given gift baskets, a gift is meant for a friend or close colleague at best. It can also be a goodbye gift too. He didn't send them gift baskets, he sent them goodbye gifts. Though I believe it was more of a distraction." Mr.Nakayama said

"Distraction? For what?" Nin asked as they stopped in front of Juo's room.

"To cover for whatever he has planned, his plan is to divide the police. To have them scattered around. I don't know how his connections are getting so big, but its only a matter of time before this becomes a full-blown case. One that can't be solved due to its overwhelming vagueness.

All of these events point to him, but hes really not doing any of them. Hes indirectly the cause of all of this. There's no more dangerous killer than one, who can manipulate the mind of another killer." Mr.Nakayama said, thats when he'd get a phone call. He waved to Nin as she went into the room.

"Yes?" He asked

"Father, I got something you'll want to hear." Jun said

"Jun, this isn't the time to proving yourself." He said

"But wait, just give me a second. A famous star just went missing." Jun said to which shocked Mr.Nakayama. he stood there, the hallway was vacant and not a soul was in sight. He looked both ways.

"What happened?" He asked

"At school before, I couldn't help but overhear some girls talking about a famous makeup artist, Kib Ayaka.

So I did some digging and found her socials. She's very full of herself and a big party girl. Snobbish is a understatement for her. She likes to take pictures of herself a lot and seems to usually post about 10 or 20 things a day. Father, she posted 5 yesterday." Jun said, Mr.Nakayama made mental notes of everything she was saying.

"What are you saying?" He asked

"She was at a party involving the Otsuka family, the same snob actor boy your coworker Mr.Miyuki questioned a while ago. It hasn't been reported yet, but I figured you should know. It may be a lead on what or who your looking for." Jun said as she grabbed a potato chip from her bedside at home.

"Thanks Jun, stay safe." Mr.Nakayama said as he hung up the phone. He then began to process the information.

"The White Rabbit was first spotted at the HP hotel, same place Takashi and the dragon gang were at. Otsuka Takashi was also a suspect along with Nori Kibe and now a star goes missing at one of his family parties. From what Jun said it didn't seem to be reported just yet, which could mean that only her friends know about her sudden dissaperance.

With all that security and the dragon gang supposedly under their thumb; it'd be difficult to get someone in or out unnoticed especially a star like her.

Which means, this can only be the White Rabbit's doing. The problem is the looseness of all of it. He dosent appear to be showing any motive nor a pattern. Suddenly he's a terrorist, next a indirect manipulator and now a kidnapper. Its not adding up. Whats your aim?

Did the star having something you want? it some ruse. Yes, you want me to look in that corner. You want me to look in a random direction.

To take me away from your real target.

Who else is involved with every crime commitied by you so far. Who else's name pops up with you in multiple different cases.

Who did you show up with at the station when you were questioned.

...Otsuka Takashi. The Otsuka family. What is your obsession with them,Nori Kibe. Even if the evidence aginst you is shaky, you will still remain my suspect. You just fit too well out of the picture, yet also too well in it.

Your like a shsharpshooter. You choose when and when not to be in the picture.

...but what do you want?" Mr.Nakayama thought to himself, thats when Nin would come barreling out of the room and look at Mr.Nakayama with a face of shock. He looked back at her also shocked a bit at her sudden burst.

"Mr.Nakayama, its Juo." Nin said, Mr.Nakayama looked at her.

"Hes awake!" She said.

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