The Reunion

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Later that same day, Kibe would return from his lunch with Kiko. Back home. Kibe entered and began to continue with his cooking. As he did he'd then scroll through his messages which now had two people. His mother and now Himmy. Kibe sent her a text announcing that he'd be paying her a visit within the hour. Kibe put his phone down and continued to cook. Thats when it would ring, he looked over to his phone, but it wasn't his. It was the other one. He picked it up and answered it.

"Kiko, so quick to chat again." Kibe said

"Yea, well I'm really here to hear this plan you have. Or may have. I need to be filled in." Kiko said

"Sorry, but sharing details of a dish can ruin it's taste." Kibe said

"Well this isn't about food nor the integrity of food, this is about the plan to stop the breach of information. You will let me in on you're plan Nori." Kiko said

"Thats you're problem Kiko, you have no vision. If you desire to get results from a outside source, you must be willing to trust the process. Now if you don't mind I have a previous engagement to get to and, you're clouding my mental space." Kibe said as he reached to hang up the phone.

"This isn't ab-" but before Kiko could finish Kibe hung up. Kibe looked at the phone and then put it ontop of the fridge. Feeling it best there for now; out of sight and out of mind. He proceeded to cook.

One the other side of Ushin, in a bleak and ghetto area, where the hotels were just redesigned old buildings and where the gang violence was high. There was a apartment building, the building was located in a part of town called "Deker". A very violent area, but also known more for being highly poverty stricken. Though you would never know with how much they tend to hide. In an apartment building on the first floor was room 187. Himmy's place. Inside she was sitting on her bed, her legs tucked into her chest with her arms holding them there. Her eyes looked tired, vacant if life and her skin was ghostly pale. Her face covered in dry tear marks. Thats when a knock would be come to her door. Her eyes looked over to the door. Her face curled into a disgusting scowl as she barrier her head back between her legs. The knocking proceeded though, not only that they got louder. Himmy's hands gripped her ears, she wanted to rip them off as the knocking got louder and louder until-

"ALL FUCKING RIGHT! I'M COMING!" She screamed as she got up and walked through the trash on her floor. Outside her door Kibe was standing. He pulled his bag up as it was slouching. He looked about the hotel and surrounding area. He felt he was being watched and turned around to see two guys watching him from across the street. They weren't making it secretive either, they were clearly interested in mugging him. Kibe turned back around and knocked on the door. The two guys looked both ways before crossing the street. Kibe looked around himself and saw a lose board with a nail in it sticking out of the wall, he also saw a broken bottle near the curb and a vending machine, no cameras. He then cracked his knuckles and kept facing forward.

"Hey pal, mind If we talk to you for a second?" Asked theif #1

"No thanks, I normally enjoy the company of people with better hygienic taste." Kibe said

"What?" Said theif #1

"Hey, I think you owe my friend an apology buddy. Otherwise-" thats when Kibe turned around and saw that the guy was welding a butterfly knife. He was playing and spinning it around in Kibe's face.

"Things are going to get ugly." Said theif #2, Kibe nodded his head slightly as he then put his bag on the ground gently.

"So? Where's my apology?" Asked theif #1

"Right here." Kibe said as he then punched theif #1 in the gut sending him wincing backwards, the second theif attempted to cut Kibe with his knife, but Kibe simply grabbed the guy's arm and then knocked one of his legs out causing him to fall to the ground. Kibe had theif #2's arm in a armlock. Specifically the armbar, basic, but deadly. The theif dropped his knife and was tapping on the ground rapidly.

"OK. Ok ok, ok take it easy. We were just kidding. Ok we didn't mean shit, please, please!" Whined the theif as he looked to Kibe who had no expression while looking at him.

"I don't need to be the one to tell you, but it seems you've made a horrible chance encounter. Wouldn't you agree?" Kibe asked, the theif nodded, he then attempted to get free, but all it did was make Kibe tighten the lock even more. Theif #1 then got up and reached in his back pocket.

"Let him go! I swear to God I'll shoot your damn head off!" Shouted theif #1, Kibe looked at him and titled his head. His eyes then moved down to theif #2 who was still whining and looking at Kibe and his friend. Kibe looked at the guy's hand which was behind his back. He focused hard on veins and the flexing of his hand. Kibe them grabbed theif #2's hand which was from his locked arm. Kibe removed the knife from it and then began to gently poke at theif #2's arm.

"Don't lie to me." Kibe said as he then stabbed into theif #2's arm, the guy gave out a bloody scream only for Kibe to cover his mouth, theif #1 looked between and looked ready to jump into action.

"Do you have a gun? Or are you trying to just look stupid. Cause lying only. Does two things. One of them being making a bad situation much worse. Now answer me, do you have one." Kibe asked

"I DO! I'll shoot you down if you don't let him go, right now!" Said theif #1, Kibe then looked at him and stood up, kicking the other guy over.

"Do you know what it looks like to hold a gun? Watch." Kibe said, he lifted his arm and pointed to the middle of his forearm.

"Watch closely." Kibe said, the two thieves watched as Kibe reached in his bag and then watched as his forearm tightened. Both of their hearts dropped. Kibe's cold eyes still on them, he looked at each of them and as he did they'd run off in hurry, like as if the devil was chasing them. Kibe got up and fixed his clothes, thats when he heard the door behind him open. He turned around to see Himmy, she had no pants or anything on besides a big white shirt. Dirty of course, she smelt terrible and as he tried to look inside some more, but she closed the door a bit more.

"What the hell do you want?" She growled, Kibe fixed his tie and straightened his clothes.

"I messaged you previously, we had a chat that has been long overdue. So we'll be getting to it." Kibe said as he looked around a bit and then at her.

"May I come in?" Kibe asked

"...You don't say anything to me for a month, leave me with a bruise after you hit me and now you want to talk and come over?" Himmy said

"...Did my text not make my intentions for coming over explicit?" Kibe asked, Himmy hadn't gotten use to it and she likely never would. That cold and distant tone, it felt like he was constantly looking down on her. Like as if she was in a pit of mud and dirt while he was bathing in a pool of crystals and ember hot gold. Her and Kibe shared eye contact until she finally gave in.

"...Alright, but give me a second. Its a mess." Himmy said as she began to close the door only for Kibe's hand to react much quicker and hold it open.

"Don't bother, my expectations for your living conditions were; lets say not all too exquisite." Kibe said as he then walked inside much to Himmy's disliking. His nose immediately flared up, the stench of the place was horrific enough. It didn't smell of mold but more definitely like something or just the whole place really; needed to all get thrown out. Kibe's eyes looked about the floor and saw many wrappers, cans and even a needle although it was buried under much of the other crap slewing the place. He stared some more, taking it all in. There were pizza boxes on the table. The chairs even had takeout on them. Kibe normally would take off his shoes when entering another's home, but at the time he couldn't tell of this was Himmy's home or the trash's. Kibe went ahead and walked in further.

"You and Juo lived here?" Kibe asked

"Uh no, he had a place all the way out near the city. We uh...mostly lived there. He didn't want me" Himmy stuttered as she closed the door and turned on the light. Kibe could feel the stress in her voice, he was intruding. He could tell, like walking on eggshells he had disturbed something. This wasn't her place.

"...This is your parent's?" Kibe asked as he turned around. Himmy nodded as she walked past him.

"Why haven't you cleaned the place?" Kibe asked, to which Himmy just therw up her arms. She didn't have anything to say. Kibe looked about for a moment before he then walked to the table.

"Come lets eat, we have much to discuss." Kibe said, he then grabbed his bag and stood with it infront of the table. Himmy looked at him.

"Himmy, are you going to stand there like a deer or are you going to set the table. I did cook afterall." Kibe said

"I...I think it'be better if we ate on the bed." Himmy said suttering again. Kibe looked at her and then to the table and back to her.

"Himmy, the greeks and romans didn't sacrifice their intelligence so that we could eat wherever we desire to. Come and clean it. Now." Kibe said, even though the voice was cold. Himmy could still feel the sting behind it, a permanent reminder of Kibe's potential violence and aggression. Engraved on her face with a nasty bruise. She hesitated to move, she wanted to stand her ground yet her eyes shook as she looked into Kibe's eyes which unlike hers were filled with...nothing.

They were vacant, like staring into a pit with no bottom. They were a beautiful green, but had a darkness behind them. A strange sort of otherworldly wickedness behind them seathed and boiled behind those perfect green lenses.

"...O-Ok." She said, Himmy then walked over and picked up the pizza boxes, she went to go set them down on her couch, which was covered in her clothes. Dirty and clean.

"Himmy." Kibe said as he set the table and put out the food he had prepared, which were in tupperware. Himmy looked over to him.

"Pleaae, have some decency and put those in the garbage outside." Kibe said, Himmy nodded and walked out. Kibe then sat down in the chair, he used his foot to move the garbage to the floor. He then sat down and took the lids off of the tupperware. Himmy came back inside and closed the door. She leaned aginst it. She was breathing heavily. She then began to grip her chest. Kibe then put his hands down on the table gently.

"Himmy, come and sit down will you." He said, her breathing became a little chaotic and she began to walk over to the table. She couldn't tell what it was making her breath so hard. She sat down across from him, she looked down at the food and grabbed the plastic fork with it.

" this?" She asked as she poked it, Kibe looked at Himmy for a moment before he started to eat. He then noticed how tired she looked. Like as if she hadn't slept since they met a month ago. Kibe then coughed as he took a bite of his food.

"Its Salmon, with rice. There are also dumplings on the side." Kibe said as he continued to eat.

"You...cook?" Himmy asked, Kibe swallowed his food before he spoke.

"I'm very carful about what I put in my body, most things now a days are filled with chemicals, GMOS or worse, overdue. Which is why I cook everything myself and always give my mother a list of what is and isn't needed.

Salmon and rice help immensely with the brain and keeping it healthy." Kibe said

"Oh, I see." Himmy said as she then began to eat, Kibe watched her for a moment. However this time Himmy would catch him staring. She and him kept eye contact for a minute.

"Is there a reason you're staring at me?" Himmy asked

"...If you mean besides you're ghastly appearance that makes you look more like a poltergeist than a girl, well then yes." Kibe said as he took another bite of his food.

"And why were you?" She asked

"...How long ago did you take it?" Kibe asked

"Take what?" Himmy shrugged

"The meth." Kibe said as he leaned back in his seat for a moment. Himmy scoffed, but then touched her face. Her words now lost.

"You've showcased multiple physical symptoms of it. You're immediate loss of weight, you're ghastly appearance is a clear sign of insomina and of smell." Kibe said

"..." Himmy just looked down, trying to hold back tears

"Are you using it to forget what you did to Juo? That you killed him." Kibe asked, Himmy immediately looked up at him, her face flaring in anger.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH! I DIDN'T KILL JUO! YOU DID! I KNOW YOU DID!" Himmy screamed as she slamned her hands on the table. Kibe simply wiped his mouth with a cloth he had brought and then looked up at her. Her eyes looked like a wild animal. The drugs perhaps? Or pent up aggression either way. This behavior could not go unchecked.

"And what proof do you have? How do you intend to prove I killed someone I didn't touch? If anything I saved you're life while you killed Juo." Kibe said, his cold voice which once brought distance not brings spikes and nails. Sharp points clawing aginst the Himmy's back and throat, every second she stared at him she felt weaker. The sound of cars driving by and distant sirens filled the room for a moment before fading.

"SHUT UP! I KNOW WHAT YOU LIKE TO DO! Y-Yea, I see you for who you are. You damn freak! You fucking alien!" Himmy shouted, Kibe simply looked at her as he fixed his clothes and unscuffed his shoes.

"Himmy, sit down. All you're doing is causing a scene. I doubt you're neighbors would like to be woken up over some ludicrous behavior." Kibe said

"I WILL NOT! I'M DONE WITH YOU'RE BULLSHIT!" Himmy shouted, that's when Kibe would get up and speedwalk towards her, she immediately went in to punch him, but he dodged out of the way and slamned her head onto the table pinning her with his hand on her back. Himmy's nose bled as she blinked a few times.

"Get the- GET THE FUCK OFF ME!!" She shouted

"Calm down, You're angst is only going to get you hurt further." Kibe said

"You're hurting me goddamnit!" Himmy shouted

"Good, they say pain is a excellent teacher. Which is why I want you to guess the lesson." Kibe said

"Go fuck yourself!" Himmy said as she struggled aginst Kibe, but there was nothing she could do. His strength felt like a baby trying to punch a wall. It was hopeless. Soon she got tired and rested her head aginst the table, Kibe still pining her down. It began to rain hard outside, the night beginning to creep over.

"The drug you put into you're body, Himmy, can have a nasty side effect. Even worse depending on the amount you've taken in." Kibe said


"You must think me a fool, if you think I'd let you die over some stupid boy." Kibe said

"FUCK YOU!" she shouted, Kibe pinned her down some more, but accidentally ended up rubbing his crouch aginst her rear. Himmy froze for a moment before her look to him with disgust.

"If you're going to do it, then do it!" Himmy growled, Kibe then noticed and backed himself away a bit while still holding her down.

"I apologize, I didn't mean for that." Kibe said


"This must be pretty embarrassing for you, but i don't find you romantically or sexually attractive Himmy." Kibe said, to which Himmy just looked away.

"You're very confident in yourself, to assume that I'd want to do anything sexual with you. Romance is fallible. Ludicrous and only serves to get closer to others, to see their secrets and exploit them when the time is most right.

Do you feel like your owed it? To be raped? In order to satisfy your disgusting want to be needed?

I promise you Himmy. If I don't want anything to do with you, then neither will a rapist. Let alone a sociopath or psychopath. At leat a serial killer would honor you with their time, as they toy with your guts. Unfortunately for you; it won't be what you fantasize about." Kibe said, Himmy's eyes began to water, her tears dripping on the table.

"The only man who ever saw you as anything, died last month. Because you wanted thrill rather than comfort. Easy money, then we'll deserved. You killed the only man on the planet who could ever love you Himmy." Kibe said, Himmy began to cry, her body going limp as she broke down, Kibe then slowly released her as she fell to her knees and cried, cried, cried and cried some more. Kibe then wiped his hands with his cloth; before he then put his hand on Himmy's head and pat it. He rubbed her head for a while as she cried.

"Meth can also cause horrible mood swings. Perhaps what you said and how you feel. Isn't true and just a side effect of what you took earlier today. I think it is, wouldn't you agree?" Kibe said, Himmy still looking down slowly nodded.

"I'm not your enemy, I saved your life, got you away from cops and the possibility of jail time and now I bring you food. I'm not the bad guy to your story, I am you're provider. Here to assist you, but only if you will let me and of course if you will help me too." Kibe said, Himmy looked at him, her nose bloody and eyes watery and face wet. Mixed with her blood. Kibe looked at her and then gave her his rag to clean herself up. He then offered her his hand in which she took and stood up, she was wobbly and fell on him. Even though he could have moved out of the way, it was in his best interest to catch her. He gripped tightly and warmly, his hand which once hit her now we're comforting. Her brain didn't know what to think.

"You can fall on me whenever you need, just know that you will aid me when I ask you to in return." Kibe said, Himmy gripped his forearms and nodded, her brain still not knowing what to think of the situation happening right now. Kibe then set her down in her seat as he began to pack up.

"Get some of you're clothes, you will be spending the night with me." Kibe said

"What?" Himmy said confused

"Pack.Some.Clothes. You'll be at my home for the night, its the least I can do." Kibe said as he finished getting his stuff togther, Himmy then walked over to her couch and grabbed some clothes. Kibe looked at her as she held some in her hands. Still in a bit of daze.

"Now, I've done another act of good for you. Let's not burn bridges Himmy where one made of steel can be made.

I believe we both can benefit from our lucky encounter." Kibe said as he then got on the phone and began to call a driver to pick them up.

"...Yea." Himmy said, Kibe looked at her and Himmy looked at him, she then put her down and slightly leaned aginst him. Kibe did nothing, but wait.

And with this, in Kibe's mind he knew the first contract had been opened. It was only a matter of time before he'd get the other half of it.

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