Toxic sportsmanship

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The next morning Mr.Nakayama would vist Mrs.Nori again at the hospital.

"Glad to see you could make it Mr.Nakayama, I was afraid we'd be left on a bit of a cliffhanger like before." Mihara smiled

"No no, I still have much to hear. Your information has been wonderful. You see I'm smart, but this sort of thinking pattern is...well its peculiar to me." Mr.Nakayama said

"I'm suprised you don't, seeing your record with the criminally insane and psychological maniacs." Mihara said.

"...So you've read up on me." Mr.Nakayama said

"How could I not? Japan, no. One of the world's greatest minds. Its a suprise you didn't make headlines all over." Mihara said

"I requested secrecy." Mr.Nakayama said as he leaned back in his seat. Looking across to Mihara who was sitting in the chair in front of him.

"A pity, 300 plus IQ, practically being begged by the Americans to join they're little circus and you reject it for what?" She asked

"...I was the head of my field, still hold all the records Mrs.Nori. When I was 15 years old I already knew the criminal mind, just not the behavioral patterns of each one. I could...see them. It was like as if they're actions were a script and I was the reader. I knew exactly how they would act and what they would do." Mr.Nakayama said as Mihara looked at him.

"How do you do it? How did you get in their heads?" Mihara asked, Mr.Nakayama looked out the window of Mrs.Nori's office. He saw the cars and the people walking around.

"...Car crashes, murders, strangulation, rape, abuse, assault and more Mrs.Nori. Every human being at one point in their life has thought of committing a horrible act. Intrusive thoughts is what they're called. It's the dark part of our brains, where all the horrible things we think about or think about doing remain and die. Sometimes though, we tend to focus on those thoughts...those dark desires.

Thats the criminal mind, its a part of every living being on the planet. Sociopaths are the ones who make their intrusive thoughts into their normal thoughts. Its what makes them still feel and act 'normal'. Psychopaths are those who can't take it. The ones who lose control. I was born with something rare I believe. I can see and know all of those intrusive thoughts, but they don't affect my mental state. I never go feral and never lose control. While at the same time. Knowing what comes next in each killer's mind.

I used it to get in their heads, see what they feared, know what they know and act how they act. I've never missteped. Never failed in my perception.

When I turned 20 the US Federal government and FBI said they would pay 8.5 million dollars and a extra 4 million of I stayed, to come to America. I had solved all the crimes in Japan. Nothing was left. Besides petty crimes, but they were never bad. It gave humanity character i like to think." Mr.Nakayama said

"So you know a murderer when you see one?" Mihara asked

"I do. From a single glance." Mr.Nakayama said

"And you just let them, go?" Mihara asked

"I do, many call me crazy, but I see it as allowing humanity to fend for itself. Someone once called me 'Jesus', the next messiah. That I was smiting away the wicked. I disagreed of course. Mainly cause, I don't see crime as a sin. Humanity has been known to bear sin and cleanse it. That they...we, can grow more and see that we all need each other. More than we will ever possibly know.

Does that make me a bad person? Doctor." Mr.Nakayama asked

"No, not one bit. In fact detective." Mihara said as she leaned over and pat his knee.

"You are perfectly healthy and all the more sane." Mihara said as she then got out a peppermint piece of candy from her jacket and tossed it to him. He caught it and looked at it. He chuckled a bit.

"Did you just-...Hehe, alright then." Mr.Nakayama chuckled.

Later that day at Sawa High, classes 1-S, 5-G and 2-B were all sitting in the gym, everyone in the bleachers while the teachers and two members of student council body were in chairs with signs to give points. Mi was looking about and talking her friends, Ryota and a few other boys were chatting about strategies, Kat was...being herself and sitting on the floor nearest to the door and watching crouched while Kibe and Kenji were standing next to the bleachers watching everything get set up and put into place. Kibe's eyes moved over towards the seats of the student council where he saw Kiko and Hideaki.

"Wow, a lot of people. Hopefully we'll close to the top 10 winners. Heard they have a prize." Kenji said, Kibe looked around some more.

"A prize with minimal effort needed isn't a prize, its a handout." Kibe said to which Kenji nodded with a chuckle before looking over at the PE teacher.

"Alright everyone! Today we'll be ha in a nice good old wrestling match. The top 3 winners will win themselves an amazing prize provided by the student council. To which will now provide the rules." Said the PE teacher as everyone clapped. Hideaki then stood up and looked to everyone, some of the girls looked at him, completely hypnotized by his good charms, Kibe noticed and looked back at him.

"I'm gonna go ahead and use the bathroom. Tell me what he says." Kenji said as he patted Kibe's shoulder and walked away.

"Its been a hard time for us all recently, with all the madness going on we figured some good competition may lighten the mood. Other good news, our wonderful treasure Kiko has returned." Hideaki said as everyone began to clap they're hands. She stood up and bowed, her eyes lingering on Kibe for a moment. Kibe wasn't looking to her though. Hideaki then put his finger and everyone stoped clapping, like he was in control.

"Now, the rules of these matches are as I say, there will be no immense harm done to anyone. Now for playing fair? We all come from nothing, evolved from primates. We did what we needed to survive. So with that said, don't be afraid to get your hands dirty, but most of all...have fun!" Hideaki said with a chuckle as everyone started clapping again. The matches were set up with the inexperienced first, those who didn't know how to fight or wrestle as well. They said it was wrestling, but really all forms of combat were allowed. All forms of people were there, martial artist, boxers and of course brawlers. The vastness of everyone's combative skillets were mighty impressive.

The rounds flew by one by one, lovers and winners coming and going. The entire judo team lost to the weight training club, Kibe made his way through relatively easily and even got a a few eyes staring at him, however the most surprising was Kenji whi utilized a combination of three different combat styles. Boxing, Krav maga and of course karate. Ryota of course also was in the top 10. Everyone was excited, the round of applause filled the air. Some were nervous and others weren't. The top 10 stood in front of the Hideaki and Kiko who clapped as well.

"I want yo tell you all, great job. The top 10, the best in the school. Fighters amount the dirt I'd say even. Now the final hurtle comes, but before that shou-".

"Uh excuse me?" Said a voice, everyone in the lineup looked over to see Kenji with his hand raised, Hideaki looked at him and gestured for him to speak.

"I gotta go use the men's room. Don't be afraid to go on without me." Kenji said as he left, Kibe continued to listen. Hideaki turned back to everyone.

"But before we begin with the final leap into glory, a feast. However this comes with a catch. A little saying I'll be giving you all.

A feast is always pleasant, however; it can't be a feast. Without dessert.

Remember these words champions. They may be your only chance, at winning this competition." Hideaki said, thats when everyone would be sent out of the gym, they'd all be escorted to the cafeteria where they'd be met by a bountiful feast. Foods of all kinds. Junk, traditional and some casual foods. Sweets and sugary food galore. Everyone was amazed. Ryota nugged Kibe with a smirk. Kibe turned around as he saw a few of the ten finalist walking away and down the hall. He then looked back at the cafeteria.

"Now this is what I'm talking about." Ryota said, Kibe looked at all the food before he began to walk towards the backwall.

"Where are you going?" Askes one of the weight training club members, Kibe turned and looked at him and then to the feast. He saw everyone eating and chatting.

"I'm not a junky eater. I'm very particular about what goes in my body." Kibe said as he walked over and stood by the wall, his hands behind his back. Mi got herself a plate of sweets and food, her friends were already digging in, but before she did she saw Kibe standing alone. She then got her plate of food and walked over to him.

"Kibe, aren't you going to eat? You'll need your strength. " Mi asked

"I have plenty." Kibe said, Mi looked away, she looked down before she turned away, but before she could take a step away-

"Don't eat that food Mi." Kibe said, Mi stopped in her tracks, she looked at him. Across the room Ryota was eating with his friends when he saw Kibe and Mi. He watched from afar.

"What?" Mi asked

"Don't wat that food." Kibe said

"But, it looks delicious and everyone is-"

"The devil said the same thing to Eve, now look where you all are." Kibe said as he looked to her. Mi looked at her plate of food. It was filled with junk, sweets and a few slices of pizza. She looked back to Kibe.


"If you want to eat it that's fine, but like I said before. I'm not walking with you in the dark." Kibe said. Several and a half minutes later everyone was either stuffed, getting a second plate or talking. Thats when Ryota would walk up t Kibe with a sweetrol. He took a bite out of it.

"I have got to admit. You suprised me Kibe, the way you fought with that karate kid was, well it was good. I'm glad I'll finally get a chance to test my metal aginst you." Ryota said

"Wouldn't you rather fight with someone your own size? And preferably one who lifts around 200 pounds and drinks sports drinks." Kibe said, Ryota chuckled before he looked around.

"I need to talk to you for a minute, mind coming with me?" Ryota said as he left the cafeteria. Kibe stood there for a moment before he followed, him and Ryota walked two whole buildings away from the cafeteria, they then went into a bathroom in building C.

"What is it?" Kibe asked

"I don't know what it is between you and Takashi, but I need you to leave my sister out of it. It seems that you've been the talk around here, well not so much recently. But your name is in other people's mouths." Ryota said as he bit into his sweetroll.

"I don't see how my name has anything to do with the you or your family. Best to keep them away. I'd find it unfortunate if anything happened." Kibe said

"Whats thats supposed to mean?" Ryota said, Kibe and him looked into each other's eyes. Both of them looking for fear in the other. Thats when Ryota would grab his stomach and began to shake.

"Oh! OH MY GOD!" Ryota shouted as he ran over to the urinal and began to vomit. Kibe titled his head as he looked at him.

"HOLY FUCK! AUGAHHHHH!!" Ryota screamed as he coughed up vomit and some blood. Kibe looked at him and then looked down, he picked up the remains of the sweetroll.

"MY STOMACH! ITS ON FIRE!!" Ryota screamed, Kibe grabbed the swetroll and smelt it he immediately pulled his head away.

"I see." Kibe said as he walked over to the sink and began to drown the sweetroll in water, breaking it down.

"...UGH! What was in...that...AUGH! FOOD!?" Ryota groaned, Kibe as he broke it down began to see traces of silver, it was on his fingers. Kibe stopped the faucet as he brought his fingers close him, he took a good look and pushed it around.

"Ryota, call the police." Kibe said as he wiped his hands off.

"What?..Ugh...why?" Ryota asked in pain

"The food has been laced with mercury." Kibe said.

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