Web of leads or...lies?

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After a long drive, and drive back. Mr.Nakayama picked up Mr.Miyuki and had given him a change of clothes.

"So you remember nothing?" Mr.Nakayama asked

"No, not a single bit. I remember dropping her off after bringing her in on am investigation, and then...nothing." Mr.Miyuki said, Mr.Nakayama sniffed him a bit.

"What are you doing???" Mr.Miyuki said as he leaned away a bit.

"You smell like saki, you were drinking?" Mr.Nakayama said as he looked at him a bit as he was driving. Mr.Miyuki looked at Mr.Nakayama and then sniffed himself, he reeled away in disgust.

"Eww, why do I- Theres no way I could have drank enough for this to happen...I haven't drank in a while too. Geez, what did I do?" Mr.Miyuki said as he looked out the window. Mr.Nakayama looked at him and then back to the road.

"So I have some leads, I went to the headmaster's office. The one at Sawa High, apparently he and the trickster have been in touch." Mr.Nakayama said

"At least that's what I thought. Then I looked into something else, something in his room. Here." Mr.Nakayama said as he stopped for a moment along the long road back, he then reached behind his chair and gave him a folder. Mr.Miyuki grabbed did and opened it.

"Those are some of the files I came to find on Mr.Uchida's desk." Mr.Nakayama said as he drove the car to the side of the road and parked it. Mr.Miyuki then began to read the printed messages. After a couple of hours of reading and deciphering them, Mr.Miyuki set them in his lap and thought for a moment.

"Those messages, they're from the Hospital. Swan River General Hospital. They come from an associate speaking on behalf of someone named him.

They're asking to take care of the new student in school. The file attached to it providing information and even some private information about this person.

Mr.Uchida knew what was coming. That email was sent 3 and a half years ago. Meaning that we need to check the list of students who came and entered into this school that year." Mr.Nakayama said as he and Mr.Miyuki returned back into the main highway, taking them back to the city close to Ushin.

Mr.Miyuki took a deep breath, he then leaned back as his brain attempted to remember what it may be that got him on that beach, but nothing appeared.

He couldn't remember anything. He let out a disappointed sigh and then looked at Mr.Nakayama.

"Anything about Mr.Otsuka? Or is he still insane?" Mr.Miyuki asked

"...Forensics say he was heavily drugged, the white rabbit induced seizures and sleep paralysis." Mr.Nakayama said as he stopped in traffic.

"Through the drugs?" Mr.Miyuki asked

"No. Through some form of psychological means." Mr.Nakayama said as he leaned on his window. Mr.Miyuki didn't understand as he looked at the folders and then to Mr.Nakayama again.

"But how? That would mean he has to be a-"

"Expert at neurology and psychology. I know trust me. Forensics told me. They couldn't get anything else from just seeing him, but I think I know just the woman who can help us." Mr.Nakayama said

"Mrs.Mihara?" Mr.Miyuki asked

"No, to be honest. I'm thinking about keeping the Nori family out of this for a while.

So for now we'll be going to someone else." Mr.Nakayama said, later on in the day. Mr.Nakayama and Mr.Miyuki along with the nurse from clinic previously visited by Mr.Nakayama. Nin walked in wearing a red turtleneck and a overcoat. Her heels clicking along the floor until she reached them.

"Nin, it's good to see you again. This is my partner Mr.Miyuki." Mr.Nakayama said, Mr.Miyuki shook her hand as they all began to walk through the police station.

"I'm glad you gave me a call when you did, this was all over the news beforehand. I'll be happy to help as much as I can. I did get a PHD in Psychology and criminal psychology." Nin smiled

"What are you doing with a criminal psychology PHD and working at a clinic?" Mr.Miyuki asked

"Sometimes knowing just how badly someone wants to hurt another; can be a big aid in how to help them.

If you know how someone wants to inflict harm on someone, then you can help prevent further damage to the victims.

...plus I wanted to work in forensics with the CIA and PISA." Nin said as they finally arrive to where they were keeping Mr.Otsuka or better known now as. The Mad Hatter. Mrs.Otsuka was sniffing and watching her husband from.

"Mrs.Otsuka, I'm sorry to say this, but we're going to have to ask you to leave. We need to do some investigating in order to help your husband. " Mr.Miyuki said, thats when she snapped and stomped over to Mr.Miyuki and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"WHY HAVEN'T YOU CAUGHT THIS DAMN RAT YET!? First it's our children getting poisoned and now my husband comes back...BROKEN!" She screamed. Other officers looked over at them, Nin looked at her with sorrow while Mr.Nakayama simply walked over towards her and put his hand in her wrist.

"Thats enough, we're doing what we can. Let him go." Mr.Nakayama said, she looked at him with tears in her eyes. Mr.Miyuki backed away a bit. Mrs.Otsuka then got a phone call, Mr.Nakayama noticed the caller ID and saw it said "Prince Charming". His eyes held on it for a moment before grabbing Mrs.Otsuka's shoulder gently.

"Come on, let's go. I'll escorte you out." Mr.Nakayama said as he walked with Mrs.Otsuka as they left Nin and Mr.Miyuki.

"She seemed...chaotic." Nin said

"If your husband came back, talking about some girl called Alice and having been streaking and looking starved.

I think you'd want answers too, especially when he's such a figure head as he is." Mr.Miyuki said as he and Nin walked over to the Mad hatter's cell. He was very disheveled. He was wearing a blue jumpsuit with the number 06 on it. He was holding his makeshift top hat which was overly large. Nin studied and looked at him. The Mad hatter was sitting on the floor his eyes closed and mumbling to himself.

"Mr.Otsuka, we have some more questions for you." Mr.Miyuki said

"Oh its time for tea, oh yes tea. Your all late for it, time for tea, time for tea. I'm missing the Rabbit's company.

I need to be there...for tea." The mad hatter mumbled to himself. Mr.Miyuki shook his head in defeat and scratched the back of his too. Nin just watched as she out ehr palm to her chin.

"Missing my appointment with the doctor, missing my appointment with the doctor. He'll teach me how to make them come to tea. He'll teach me how to make them come to tea." The mad hatter continued to ramble on, on and on. Nin and Mr.Miyuki backed away and stared at him.

"What is this? I've never seen anything like this before." Mr.Miyuki said

"...Hmmm, I think Mr.Otsuka may infact be a victim of Psychic driving." Nin said

"What?" Mr.Miyuki asked

"Psychic driving. Its a crude and very disturbed mean of therapy. It's like actual brainwashing, it was meant and made to help people, but then started to become a weapon and took for controlling men.

The practice was never used again, nor much in therapy.

But it seems the white rabbit has picked up the damn thing. His use of it is...terrifying." Nin said as she put her hands to her sides.

"Why? What is it?" Mr.Miyuki said

"The process of Psychic driving can take weeks even months to get a patient fully functioning after its done.

Yet he did it all in just two damn days, hes a-

My god...hes a psychological prodigy!" Nin said, Mr.Miyuki didn't like the sound of that, his eyes moved to the mad hatter.

"What are the symptoms for Psychic driving?" Mr.Miyuki asked

"disorientation, hallucinations, and severe memory loss. Its whole purpose is to completely rewire someone.

Changing they're previous self into someone completely different.

But to do it on someone who such a strong sense of self is shocking." Nin said

"Mr.Miyuki, theres something that the white rabbit wanted me to tell you, but first...what time is it?" The mad hatter asked which shocked Nin and Mr.Miyuki.

Outside the police station, Mr.Nakayama would walk Mrs.Otsuka out.

"Now please ma'am, be safe and stay outt of trouble. We have enough things to worry about than women freaking out everywhere." Mr.Nakayama said

"...I know, I just...I- forget it. Goodbye detective." Mrs.Otsuka said as she left the station and walked away, Mr.Nakayama's stayed on her for a while longer before he walked inside. Mrs.Otsuka then picked up the phone of the called ID, "Prince Charming". She then waved her hand and her escort would arrive in a limo. As she got in, she lifted her dress a little, ready to hear his voice. She took breaths, deep breaths.

"Um-Hello?" Mrs.Otsuka said

"Greetings." Kibe said on the other line.

"Oh thank goodness, I'm so glad you picked up. You were right, my husband didn't even recognize me! He doesn't even know its my birthday coming this next week.

Oh...oh Kibe, my life may be over...well, it would be of I didn't have you. When can I see you again?" She asked

"On your birthday, you've caught me at a rather awkward moment right now. Get back to me later." Kibe said

"Hehe, Alright darling." Mrs.Otsuka said as she made kissing noises and hung up. Kibe looked at his phone with indifference. Kibe was in Ginza, he then looked to his phone and checked Himmy's location. He then looked behind him and saw no one. Thats when Kibe thought about earlier this morning.

Earlier today

Kibe had returned to the same karaoke place they had all planned to return to. Yet he saw no one was there. He then walked into the ally and stopped at the dumpster, he gently knocked on it. To which Kat would come jumping out of it and landing next to him crouched on the floor.

"Hey Kibe, about time you got back. I was getting lonely with the stench of carnage you leave behind." Kat smiled

"Enough Kat, what happened to them?" Kibe asked

"You don't know?" Kat asked

"Evidence must always be double checked, otherwise its validation cannot be taken as real as we wish it could be.

Now answer my question." Kibe said

"Heheh, your brain just never stops. Ok, its like you said over the phone. Someone was waiting for you guys.

Once you all left, one of them followed you and the other group of them took your pawns away, in a black van. Were you expecting this? Overthinking, even at a social event. Tsk, you never can turn it off can you? Always obsessed with being one step ahead of mankind." Kat smiled, Kibe just looked at her without any sign of emotion or conflict in his head.

"To do this, you'll have to turn off Nori Kibe, be the machine. Be what I love to see you turn into!" Kat smiled, Kibe looked at her before looking away.

"Goodbye Kat, I'll keep in touch." Kibe said, but thats when Kat grabbed his arm to stop him, he briefly dragged her before stopping.

"What?" He asked slowly turning his head to Kat.

"I wanted to give you something, information that I think you'll love to hear.

One of your lost eggs, broken eggs I mean. Has decided to try and repair itself and I think is coming after one of your own." Kat said, Kibe looked at her. Into her eyes.

"Juo, the detectives are looking at him. They want to use him to get to you.

What they don't know, is that he intends to go after you. Believes you stole something from him. Did you?" Kat asked

"Everyone steals something from someone.

Time, intrest, attention and ect.

Next time Kat, try to be a little less wordy. One can understand words without them needing to be lofty or bloated, best to cut it and get to the point. Or as you would say, cut to the bone of it." Kibe said, Kat chuckled with ecstasy at what he said. She then let go and ran off. Kibe watched her and then looked at his phone and clock.

"Oh Kibe! What did you do to the one that was following you? Kat asked before she left the ally. Kibe simply looked at her and then walked away.

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