Youthful Aristocrats, part 1

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Let things be said, no one can make money more than the middle-class.

And no one can spend it more than the rich.

Roughly two days later.

Back at the police station Mr.Nakayama was going over the audio recorded from the phone he had given Juo. Mr.Nakayama then as he did, began to recall the details of his cannibal case.

"Simon Tucker, he was from Germany. Came to Japan to start a new life.

That held for about several years, until suddenly the murder of a local bookstore owner popper up. I was young, looking for any level, any angle of work I could find so I took it up.

I desired to be something, noticed...cause I wasn't before.

The murders got more frequent after the first three. No leads, no DNA. Not even a fingerprint. The killer had no way to be tracked and funny enough every place he visited, had no cameras. So I played my part. Let you keep thinking we weren't going to catch you, you were clever.

But you had a pattern. So I searched every place that had no installed cameras. Looked for ones that matched what you might be interested in. I had to learn you, know you.

You killed a bookstore owner, didn't steal anything, but you took his ring finger. Perhaps a lead towards something more matrimonial? Next you killed a artist. You did it after a convention and took his heart. Something aligned with passion.

You loved your marriage, it was everything to you. Whoever they were, your were passionate about it.

But what did I do next-"

Thats when Mr.Miyuki would knocking and enter the room.

"Hey there Nakayama, got some news for you." He said as he closed the door behind him.

"Looks like memory lane will have to wait." Mr.Nakayama thought as he stopped the recording and put it in his drawer.

"What is it?" He asked

"Your daughter is a hell of a investigator, you were right. That make Makeup artist did go missing. Been missing for the past 2 days now, not only that. But so is Mr.Otsuka. Yea, same night and all." Mr.Miyuki said as he sat down and placed a folder of information on Mr.Otsuka. Mr.Nakayama looked at him and then grabbed the folder.

"An obvious aristocrat, born into money. Got his degrees and schooling from schools not even the Americans would believe exist, and of course a man who likes to buy everything.

His home lives right around Tokyo, mostly near Ginza. Guy screams money from every holes. Hes written some books on game theory and of course has a family of perfect people, though with whats going on with his marriage and Takashi. I'd say those are lies too." Mr.Miyuki said as Mr.Nakayama kept going through the files.

"His wife was a bit late to the show though, same night." Mr.Miyuki said as he tapped on the desk and looked at Nakayama. Mr.Nakayama looked up at him and then closed the file.

"You missed something." Mr.Nakayama said which caught Mr.Miyuki's attention.

"The last two days, I've been compiling some evidence from locals who had been in and around the show that night. Reports showed Mrs.Otsuka and a young man showing up there. Not only that. But two reports of men in white rabbit mask.

My Intuition was right, he was there. With more digging its only a matter of time before he slips." Mr.Nakayama said

"I'm glad to see that, but what about this third part? The one who poisoned the school gym class." Mr.Miyuki said, Mr.Nakayama grabbed the recording and then put it back down. He sighed as he stood up.

"Its the same guy. He used the same audio distortion frequency that the one from the school used." Mr.Nakayama said

"Coincidence." Mr.Miyuki shrugged

"No, hes prideful. Hes trying to impress someone, someone who he holds some form of respect or longing for.

He wants to impress them. To make himself be seen by the ones he values and he thinks the only way to do that is by being better than the White rabbit."Mr.Nakayama said as he walked next to Mr.Miyuki.

"So how do we catch them then?" Mr.Miyuki asked

"We catch them in the act.

I know what they're next move is." Mr.Nakayama said.

Elsewhere, in Ginza, a lavish place. Luxury and privilege drowned the place. The people wore they're personas and they're money on them. Though they'd never let you see that. They'd have you believe that they cared about the world, used their money to help secure it. To keep it steady and safe.

Someplace else though, near the center of it all was a neighborhood, it had some of the most popular and beautiful homes in all of Japan. There three families lived, the Otsukas, the Chios and finally the Saikis. Three of some of the most richest and most popular families in the entirety of Japan.

Driving through the streets, Takashi was in a limo riding with another boy. His hair was black and he had a scar going up his left eye. His eyes were a burgundy color. His face looked rough a bit, but overall he didn't standout too much. He was wearing a black leather jacket and black pants with shoes to match. In the back of the limo Takashi was going through some paperwork and the other boy was eating the smacks in front of him. Practically stuffing his face.

"I'm glad you could be here Bo, I have...let this situation get far too out of hand. I was wrong about this guy, hes pushed me to my farthest limits in terms of tolerance and risk." Takashi said as his noticed his palms were a bit shaky. Something much different than when he had first met Kibe. Bo looked at him before he put a deviled egg in his mouth.

"Seems like you have a real crazy one, calling me all the way from my vacation. This better be worth it. I don't like terrible game." Bo said

"Of course, I've already arranged for you entire stay here. A nice room, discrete and a means of getting your hands on any gun, weapon or hell even bomb you need.

Look...Shadow's Kiss is getting started this week. Halloween. I need to be sure that Kibe isn't there and if he is...I want him brought to me on a silver platter. No exceptions." Takashi said, Bo looked at him and then turned his head to his window. He saw all the beautiful lights of the city, the people walking around in gorgeous dresses and even more spunky attire. Everyone was dressed to impress the world.

"Sounds like quite the guy you got. What do I need to know?" Bo asked as he then leaned back and crossed his legs. Takashi handed him a folder.

"Here, the details are all in there, school, address and well...thats basically it. Other than...hes bland." Takashi said, Bo looked at him as he started looking through it. There were photos of Kibe leaving school, walking around. Even one with him talking to Mi.

"Hes not bland you twat." Bo said

"Excuse me?" Takashi said a little shocked.

"Hes a keen predator. Predators know how to keep themselves invisible, how to remain undetected. Your guy isn't looking to be seen, so thats what hes doing." Bo said, thats when he picked out a picture of Kibe walking home. He stared at it for a few moments before closing his eyes.

"I can...hear what you sound like, calm, your formal, unnoticeable at first glance and have a voice" Bo said as he opened his eyes again. Almost like he was puzzled.

"What? What is it?" Takashi asked

"His voice...I can't make it out. What does it sound like?" Bo asked

"Its very eerie, he speaks perfectly. No mistakes in his tone or voice at all. He speaks almost like a robot. Likes hes some kind of AI or program.

Its...its weird." Takashi said

"...Thats a new one." Bo thought to himself, he looked back at the picture. His heart began to beat a few clicks faster, but not out of fear. It was out of excitement.

"So this version of you I'm looking at, the photo of you given to me by this rich prick.

Its useless." Bo thought to himself as he then grabbed all the photos in the folder and tore them up.

"AH! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" Takashi shouted as he got on the floor and started to grab the pieces.

"They weren't him." Bo said as he reached over and grabbed a cold beer from the mini-fridge in the limo.

"What the- ARE YOU DUMB!? Thats clearly him. Why would I have a folder of some random quack!?" Takashi shouted, thats Bo would lean forward and grab Takashi by his collar and pull him close.

"Listen! Those photos are not the one whose hunting you, sure you got the costume. You have the disguise. Thats what you got me photos, you took photos of the damn farce!

Whats hunting you...its not Kibe, its not him." Bo said

"Huh?" Takashi said confused

"That man isn't hunting you, its not animal or beast. I've killed many things and people before. A machine though...thats a new one." Bo said

"Well, how do you plan to kill him?" Takashi asked

"Got to do some watching. He not behave like a man, but he needs to act like one to keep up the charade. If not for just a little longer.

I'll need to keep an eye on him. Observe him like I would any other creature or man." Bo said as he let Takashi go. Takashi would fix his collar and sit back down.

"I'll have you know this suit cost more than what I'm paying you. The nerve. Have some damn sense will you.

Besides, Kibe is just that. Hes nothing more than-" thats when Takashi would see Bo leaning for. His hands his knees. His eyes were completely opened and hyper-focused.


"Whew!" Bo sighed as he leaned back with a wide smile. He then put his hand on Takashi's shoulder. Takashi looked at him concerned and a bit worried. His sudden burst of joy was off and weird.

Then again, he had always perceived Bo as more like a dog. Serious when the times come, but usually very joyful 99% of the time. That was one of the many attractions that he had to Bo though. He was like a hound. He'd catch someone's scent and he'd never let them go. He could hunt someone for years and still never quit.

He was labeled "The Hound" just because of that.

"For a second there I thought you were just trying to kill someone's ex or another actor.

But it looks like you caught me some real game, a real living and breathing menace. Thanks, for not wasting my time like you so often like to do.

Its only cause I know you, that I rejected my chance to go to Canada and do some work there. Of course after my vacation." Bo said

"So?" Takashi asked as he gently moved Bo's hand off of him.

"Yea, I can do it." Bo said, thats when his calm and joyful look got to a serious one. Staring at Takashi with determenation and toughness.

"But I want a 90,000 advance and a bike. Not some shitty one either. I one a good one, on that runs on gas too." Bo said as he leaned back and finished his beer in one chug.

"Uhhh, I- uh sure. Just- wouldn't you want an electric one though? Gas is so damn flammable." Takashi said

"Yea, but I like the smell." Bo said, to which Takashi just sighed as he leaned back. He picked himself up a cocktails while Bo grabbed another beer.

"Thanks for this." Takashi said

"Don't die, until I can get a good sniff on him. I suggest canceling the play." Bo said as he took a long sip from his beer. Takashi looked baffled as he looked to him.

"Hey! Look! I know this doesn't mean squat to you, seeing how you were born from nothing. But this play defines me!" Takashi said with annoyance and frustration.

"Obviously." Bo said annoyed as he rolled his eyes.

"Shadow's Kiss is about to be my magnum opus! I could be doing plays all across the damn planet when this is finished! I'll be a legend, no, I'll be a god!

Every actress and more will be begging me for recognition and a chance in whatever I do." Takashi said

"So, let me get this straight. You get no attention from daddy, so you get some from the world instead? Seems a bit much to me not gonna lie." Bo said

"..." Takashi just sat back and scoffed as he drank his cocktail.

"You've avoided him before. Try to do more of that. Stay down, just try to suck in your pride and think about surviving.

I've never cared for you, but I would like to get payed. So take my advice, stay the hell away from Nori Kibe." Bo said

"I'll handle it." Takashi said, Bo shook his head as he kept drinking. Eventually they'd stop at a isolated part of town and Bo would get out of the limo.

"All the information I've already told you about your stay has been sent to you. Email and phone. Your advance will be sent to you in the next hour.

Try to grow a sense of humor in that time." Takashi said

"Try taking your own advice." Bo said, soon the limo would drive off leaving Bo on the side of the street. Hed start walking away down an alley. The limo and Takashi made they're way to the central neighborhood of Ginza. Takashi was on his phone as he then looked up to see other fancy cars and limos around. His home was very large, the mansion had three floor, a large pool and of course a basement that could fit a whole theater inside. As he got out he'd look up at his home.

His eyes lingering on it, he was unsure and beginning to come to terms that he may never see it again. He hadn't given it time to sink in. Any of it.

"OI! Takashi!" Shouted a familiar voice, Takashi's eyes looked over and then his head would turn to follow. That's when he'd see Kita Rin. She was wearing a sharp purple dress, it was slim and poofy and poofy near the end. Her makeup was obviously well done.

"Rin, what are you doing here?" Takashi said

"Your mother invited half the block, the rest invited themselves.

Figured I'd stop by and see how everything is going, you know. With stopping Nori Kibe." Rin chuckled as she walked over sipping from her small and thin glass.

"...His wondering around is coming to an end. So I've been told by a 'friend' today low. To stay outbof trouble so to speak." Takashi said as he started walking towards his house with Rin following him.

"You know, I've been getting the feeling that perhaps it would be wiser to aid the opposition than to face off aginst it." Rin said, Takashi immediately turned around and looked at her.

"Helping Kibe is out of the question! He wants us out of the picture! He wants to see us 6 feet under." Takashi said to which Rin just chuckled again catching Takashi off guard.

"Heheh, oh your priceless. You don't even realize it do you? Everyone on the council has already vouched aginst you surviving.

Its clear you're the one that the White Rabbit wants to see double D. If you had thrown away the play like Cho suggested.

Now there is nothing you can do..." Rin smiled, her grin was eerie and almost demonic in how devilishly lovely it looked, she then wrapped her arm around his. Takashi's head began to spin, from. Kibe's warning, to his missing father and the dismissive nature of her tone with everything. Its like she was focused in something else entirely.

"Just kidding." Rin chuckled, Takashi nervously smiled before he and her started walking towards the Otsuka residence. There they'd see a girl with a fur hoodie and a nearly almost black outfit standing outside the house gates, leaning aginst a car looking at it. However there were too many other people around to even notice her pressence there. Takashi looked at everyone and saw other families he recognized.

"My gosh, why did she invite so many damn people?" Takashi asked as he almost overwhelmed with the number of people there. He heard them chatting and overtaking the other at random. He watched as they all spoke about just one thing, a certain guest that had arrived. Had captured all they're hearts.

"Hes so punctual!" Said one woman

"Hes an amazing savant of the modern and elegant world." Said one man

"He sounds like one of us!" Said another man, Takashi looked all of them as he and Rin entered into his home. There he saw more people. Waiters and servants moved around, almost gliding through the crowd. Severing and feeding people.

"Your mother invited quite the guest." Rin said as she looked around for a servant, she looked and found one wearing a rosey and velvet attire. Its like the servant was waiting for her. Takashi watched her go over and grab a glass of wine from the tray.

"Your own?" Takashi asked

"I never leave without my own guests. I like to be cautious of what I'm served." Rin said as she drinks, Takashi then got approached by one of his servants.

"Drink sir?" They asked

"...Who asked you to make these?" Takashi asked

"The guest did, your mother was very sure we listen to him." Said the servant. Takashi's face then turned to a frown of frustration as he looked to the servant and slapped the whole tray out of his hand. Some people looked, but most were too busy chatting. Rin chuckled a bit. Takashi looked at her annoyed before grabbing the tie of his servant and pulling them close.

"Take me to, him." Takashi said with a stern voice.

Takashi would eventually arrive to the dinner room, a massive table that could fit 10 to 15 people at it. Everyone there was laughing and cheering the head of the table. Everyone there was the head of each of their businesses and rich enterprises. Takashi's eyes however were only on one person. He saw his mother near the head of the table, smiling widely. He hadn't seen her so happy or entertained in...well never.

And at the head...who else.

Those brown eyes met with Takashi's. They greeted his eyes with a smile of they're own.

"Greetings." Said Moriyama Kenji.

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