A daring rescue and confrontation

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Himmy, Kat and Jun all stared at one another in the hallway. All ready to react at any moment.

Thats when Kat would rush in towards Jun, Jun would throw a devastating kick towards Kat who dodged out of the way. "You can't expect that to keep hitting me do you?" Kat smiled. Thats when Jun would see a shadow overcome her, she looked up see Himmy had jumped towards her and was ready to deliver a punch to her head. Jun ducked out of the way causing for Himmy to hit the ground. Kat noticed and then went for a stab to Himmy's face with her knife, only for Jun to use her other leg to knee Kat in the stomach and send her teetering back a few paces, she then turned to go for a slam with her heel onto Himmy's back, but Himmy rolled back and out of the way. As she did she then immediately bolted for the exit to the hallway, once she got to the stairway she immediately saw the police right at the level below her. They all saw her. "STOP RIGHT THERE! FREEZE!" they shouted, but she just kept bolting for the upper levels. Mr.Nakayama and Mr.Miyuki got to the second floor, there they saw Jun and Kat. Kat saw them and made a bolt for the other exit down the opposite way. Jun saw her and ran after her. "JUN!" Mr.Nakayama shouted.

"Brandon is in the room! The Humiko is plausible suspect! Get her! I got Kat!" Shouted Jun as she ran after Kat. Mr.Nakayama looked to the open room and then upstairs. "Miyuki! Go and take a officer to get the Humiko! I'll stay here and check on Brandon." Mr.Nakayama said as he ran to the room that Brandon was in.

Mr.Miyuki with another officer ran after Himmy. "The rest of you guard the entrances!" Mr.Miyuki shouted to the officers. They then ran back down and went to block the entrances. As they did Bato and them would be leaving they turned to see the commotion. "Shouldn't we stay?" Piko asked. Bato looked back.

"...No, let's go." Bato said as he left. Piko and Junna followed him.

Kibe had his police radio on as he heard Mr.Miyuki talking with an officer about following Himmy to the higher levels. He then kept going up flights of stairs, thats when his phone would buzz. He looked at it and saw it was an alarm. It said "Wake up alarm". He questioned what it was for. It was set to go off in just a few minutes.

"Why would I set that on my phone?" He thought as he went up the floors. He then arrived at floor six. He looked around and back. "I could have sworn he said she was coming up on levle six." Kibe thought. He then looked down the hallway at the other stairway and saw Himmy arrive, but before she could keep bolting Kibe shouted to her.

"HIMMY!" Kibe shouted, Himmy recognized the voice and turned back to see Kibe. Kibe and Himmy finally had reunited. Both of their eyes on one another intensely. Himmy ran to Kibe and immediately hugged him with Kibe hugging her too. "My God, what the fuck are you doing!? Whats going on?!" Kibe shouted as he grabbed her shoulders. Himmy looked at him, she was thrown off by how emotional he was acting at the moment.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" She thought. She touched his face to check if it really was him. She even pinched him. "Ow." Kibe said.

"So it is you....what the fuck." Himmt said

"Thats what I said, now tell me, why the hell are the police after you and why are you a suspect or whatever or they said?" Kibe asked. "Huh? But you know why, but thats not the point. That bitch Kat just exposed me. Kibe, one of those cops heard her call me the black fox!" Himmy said

"Black Fox? You mean the white rabbit's mistress? Why would she call you that?" Kibe asked. Now Himmt was really confused. "...Are you wired or something? Is there a camera here?" Himmy said as she looked around.

"No? Himmy what the hell do you mean the black fox? You aren't the black fox." He said.

"What? Are you playing retarded with me or something?! Of course I am and you're the white rabbit!" She said to him in an aggressive tone as she pressed her finger aginst his chest. Kibe looked at her confused before snickering a bit.

"Thats a laugh, me the white rabbit? Thats absurd! I'm not the white rabbit." Kibe said. Himmy stared him, she could see that he honestly believed that. But it didn't make sense why was he suddenly-

"FREEZE! DON'T MOVE!" shouted an officer. Himmy and Kibe looked down the hall at Mr.Miyuki and another officer. "Keep your gun drawn Officer Kis." Mr.Miyuki said as he stood behind Kis. He looked at Kibe and Himmy.

"Kibe, so it is true. This is the proof here. At least visual proof for me. This is it. This undoubtedly makes these two, the white rabbit and the black fox." Mr.Miyuki thought.

"Mr.Miyuki, I-"

"Save it. You were supposed to wait at the station and now you're talking with a suspect. This is a conflict of interest Nori. We're going to have to hold you for questioning too now." Mr.Miyuki said. "What? Thats bullshit! I haven't done nothing wrong. I'm just here to make sure that she's safe as all. I was just about to turn her in." Kibe said to which Himmy looked at him shocked when she heard it.

"You what!?" Himmy shouted. Kibe looked at her. "If what they say is true, Himmy. You need to turn yourself in." Kibe said.

"LIKE HELL I WILL! YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Himmy shouted. "Freeze ma'am." Said Officer Kis. Mr.Miyuki stared at the two. Kibe and Himmy looking at one another. The air was tense, emotions were high and everything seemed to be spiraling down hill. Until-

Beep Beep Beep

Kibe's alarm would go off. He sighed as he looked down and grabbed his phone, Officer Kis walked over and got out his handcuffs. Himmy was too stunned to do anything. Mr.Miyuki got on his radio and got ready to notify Mr.Nakayama.

However in that moment as Kibe tried to turn off the alarm it would go off. A voice message playing as it did.

"It's time to wake up, Machine." Said the message, it was Kibe. Kibe's voice playing on the phone. Only it sounded much more cold and a lot less emotional then Kibe's voice now. Everyone wasn't sure what it meant. But one person wasn't, Himmy, her pupils widened as the voice played in her head. Thats when she remembered the night her and Kibe had made love. She remembered watching Kibe hypnotize himself, but nothing happening.

"So, why aren't you under that hypno-whatever. Whats different?" Himmy asked "The difference between this and what I do to others is that this is temporary. As is all hypnosis. This is a crude method. But it's the only way to guarantee that the police no longer will be my case." Kibe said, his voice as apathetic and as calculated as ever. Himmy watched him. Kibe then set something on his phone and did the same for Himmy's phone.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Setting alarms. If my prediction is accurate, then we'll be close to one another once the storm reaches its peak. When that happens. My alarm will active you're hypnosis to start. In which then I can act out the rest of my plan." Kibe said

"Which is?" Himmy asked

"To destory the white rabbit case completely. The IPOW is my only key to confronting the people behind ever aspect of my life and finally putting Bato away for good. I can't do that behind bars. Brandon has begun to get more and more dangerous.

However hes playing without all the information he needs. I still have cards I can play. With this, we'll both be expunged from the case as suspects. And it'll all be thanks to the American government." Kibe said

"You still haven't told me you're plan yet." Himmy said. Kibe looked at her as he got up from the chair patted it for her to sit down. She did and Kibe pointed at the co.puter screen. "You're going to be me, and I will be. We'll be switching personalities. Which will mean you can act out on my behalf should I be in a compromising position." Kibe said. Himny looked at the screen.

"Don't worry. It'll work. Just trust me. As you always have." Kibe said as he put his hands on Himmy's shoulders.

Back in the present, Himmy's face became cold and blank. Her face no clam and nearly emotionless. Kibe looked at her. Himmy then turned to Mr.Miyuki who was getting ready to speak on the radio.

"The time has come." Himmy said in a cold and blank voice. Mr.Miyuki immediately stopped, his eyes going into a trance like state. Kibe looked at her and then to Mr.Miyuki.

"What do you need me to do?" He asked, Officer Kis looked back confused. "Kill Officer Kis." She said. Kis looked at her with a surprised look only for Mr.Miyuki to get his gun out and shoot Officer Kis in the head. The man would fall to the ground with a loud thud as the bang went off from the gun. Kibe backed away shocked, but Himmy just immediately gut punched Kibe. Knocking him out. Kibe collapsed aginst the ground, Himmy then grabbed Mr.Miyuki's hand and walked him over to a certain spot in the hallway and had him point his gun down at the floor.

Back in Kat's apartment, Brandon and Mr.Nakayama found Juo. They both lifted him up a bit so he'd sit straight. Mr.Nakayama called for an ambulance. While Brandon looked at Juo he saw a piece of paper in front of him. He looked at it. Juo was barley breathing. "Alright hang on son, we'll get you the help you need right away!" Mr.Nakayama said.

"But first you're going to tell us something." Brandon said. "BRANDON! This man needs serious attention!" Mr.Nakayama said.

"Hes going to die detective, it makes no difference right now. We need evidence! It's the only way! We need this confession. Brandon said. Mr.Nakayama was sweating a bit, he knew Brandon had a point. But was he going to sacrifice his entire career for this one chance?


"Juo, tell us." Mr.Nakayama said as he got a recorder out of his pocket. "What does he sound like again? Anything that we can use?" Mr.Nakayama asked. Juo coughed and nearly vomited. He then looked at the two slowly.

"...C-...Cold. Machine..." Juo stuttered. Brandon then got out his phone and played a recording of Kibe talking. It was when he had met Kibe before he left for Hawaii.

"Like this?" Brandon asked. Mr.Nakayama looked at Brandon who just stared at him for a moment before looking to Juo.

"...Yes...thats him." Juo muttered. And just like that. Mr.Nakayama and Brandon had both proven, that it was Kibe. Or at least had enough evidence to hold him. There was only one problem. Kibe wasn't talking like that anymore. Not to mention the evidence was a bit circumstantial. But Brandon and Mr.Nakayama knew better.

"Shit..." Mr.Nakayama thought.

"Doesn't matter! We still got him! This means something." Brandon said. "What exactly?" Mr.Nakayama asked.

"We can hold him, which means I get a chance break him! We still have time too! We still have-"

Just then a gun shot would go off, a bullet wheezing through the room as it shot straight down and killed Juo as it went through his skull. Mr.Nakayama and Brandon both backing away quickly. "WHAT THE HELL!?" Mr.Nakayama shouted. Brandon stared in disbelief. He then looked up.

"...He knows...what does this mean. WHAT DOES IT MEAN!" Brandon shouted. Back at floor six some officers would arrive after hearing the shot and saw Mr.Miyuki standing over Officer Kis with his gun out. Mr.Miyuki was in a total trance. Some officer ran over to him one of then grabbing his shoulder which immediately shook him out of it.

"W-What just happened?" Mr.Miyuki asked, thats when he looked down to see officer Kis. Mr.Miyuki's face went pale, ice like even.

"Sir...you're under arrest." Said the officer. As they began to take Mr.Miyuki away thats when he noticed that Himmy and Kibe were both gone.

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