Prices and Dices

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A few days after the incident, Kibe was sitting at home watching TV. It was the weekend, early morning. His head was leaning on his palm. His mind was completely blank. His face was relaxed and his body even more. Mrs.Mihara came downstairs wearing black pants and a green turtleneck. She had hoop earrings on and black socks.

"Dear what have I told you about too much television? You've been slouching recently. Is something the matter?" Mrs.Mihara said as she began to make breakfast. Kibe's head turned to her for a moment before looking back and at the ground.

"I-..." Kibe hesitated to speak for a moment. He tapped on his chin before then standing up.

" friend. An old friend of mine as been. Well they haven't been all too trusting; and I have the feeling I'm going to have to let them go." Kibe said, Mrs.Mihara thought for a second before she looked at Kibe with a worried look.

"Oh Kiby, what do you want to do?" She asked

"...for the first time. I'm faced with a problem that has a easy solution...but I don't know if I want to solve this one. I didn't...I didn't anticipate this." Kibe said, his voice almost a tad uneasy. Mrs.Mihara walked over to him and rubbed his back.

"Dont you do that to yourself. You've always known what to do next,
You're just a but delayed on that at the moment.

I know you can figure this out. Your my little machine. You can power through these things." Mrs.Mihara said as she patted his back and walkedn back into the kitchen. Kibe looked to her. He put his hands in his pockets. In Kibe's mind, flashes of his childhood outside of the pale palace began to flash. He remembered...that day.

It was a summer afternoon. He saw his mother talking to a kindergarten teacher. The sound of children running around, a young child. Kibe was sitting in the sandpit. Making a small sand castle, all the other kids were running and playin. Some even watching Kibe from afar. Kibe got two small twigs and a small baby one. He stared at them, his eyes looking at the sight of what his family once was. Thats when he saw a shadow come over his sand castle from behind.

Kibe turned around and saw a young girl, she was wearing along blue dress and a big bow in her hair. She had braces.

"Hellloooooooo! Kibe!" Said a young Mi, Kibe looked at her and just stared.

"Hi Mi, what are you doing?" Kibe asked

"You ever play with other kids? You look like such a carrot out here alone." Mi asked

"The other kids call me scary." Kibe said, Mi walked over and sat in the sandpit next to Kibe. She looked at what he was doing, Mi leaned aginst Kibe's shoulder. As the sound of other children drowned away as the two of them continued to play. Mi then briefly scared Kibe who flinched a bit from the sudden action. Mi the burst out laughing. While Kibe gave her a weak smile.

"Its ok, we can be scary together." Mi said, thats when Kibe was brought back to the present. His mind now racing from what Hideaki had shown him before. The picture of Ouchi Mi and the realization...that his only friend. May in fact be another fabrication of the pale palace.

"Thank you." Kibe said. His eyes almost showing a bit of wetness.

"No Kibe, thank you." Mrs.Mihara said, Kibe turned to his mother.

"You know, when we moved here. Things weren't exactly...perfect. I like to hope that I've been...a good mother to you. Your father was also a good man, what he did was nothing more than insanity." Mrs.Mihara said

"Don't make excuses for a horrible man." Kibe said

"He wasn't horrible." Mrs.Mihara

"He shot you." Kibe said slightly frustrated as he put his hand against; the wall of the living room.

"That was-"

"ENOUGH!" Kibe shouted as he slammed his fist aginst the wall, a loud bang going off from it. Mrs.Mihara looked at Kibe with concern and shock. His face was filled with frustration as he then calmed down. Took a breath and looked at her.

"That was-"

"That man. Almost took you away from me. After everything we've done to move, the times we've been through. You want to give him credit?

Thats fine...but don't ever try to make me feel grateful for what he did. Cause if I had a chance to make the same choice, I'd pull the trigger ever time." Kibe said as he made his way for the stairs, however Mrs.Mihara met him at the stairs as he walked up them.

"Kiby! Please, lets talk about this." She shouted

"Not interested." Kibe said, and just like that. His cold and emotionless self. All the emotion that was there, Nori Kibe. Had been buried, the machine now once again calling the shots.

"Kibe! This is conversation isn't is over and you will not speak to me like as if I don't; fucking know how that shit felt." Mrs.Mihara scoffed in anger, while Kibe opened the door to his room and looked back.

"..." Kibe just closed the door behind him. His hand still on the doorknob while his other hand felt his face.

"What was that? An emotional outburst? This thing with Mi...its getting to me. But that was their intention by doing this, they put her in my life at a moment of weakness. Where I wouldn't think twice. These students...the pale palace. They want to break me. They must be looking to get back in that place.

...I must remain...I must keep my stance strong and unbreakable. I need to handle this Mi thing with care. I'll keep all possibilities in the forefront. I won't let this get to me anymore." Kibe thought, thats when his phone would buzz. He'd grab it and take a look at who was calling. It was Rin.

"I'm starting to reconsider this whole social media thing. Too many people can see me. Well, its not like I have accounts on any websites, but nonetheless. It's beginning to become a nuisance." Kibe thought as he picked up the phone.

"Greetings Rin." Kibe said

"I'm outside, put on whatever is your best clothes and I'll explain everything on the way. Don't leave me waiting." Rin said before the call ended. Kibe looked at the phone for a moment before then putting it away in his pocket. After a few minutes Kibe would walk out of his room in his own 3 piece suit, it was grey and had a black striped tie. As he walked down the stairs with his bag with him, he saw his mother sitting down in the living room. She looked at him for a moment and so did he.

Kibe then continued to walk ahead. He grabbed his umbrella and left home. He would lock the door and turn around to see a long black limo and a chauffeur, the rain pouring down was light, but still pretty rough. Kibe got out his umbrella and walked out towards the limo. He stopped in front of it as the chauffeur opened the door, revealing Kita Rin in side sitting down on the opposite side. She was in a luxurious outfit with a white like skirt and heels to accompany the fashion.

"You know the white would have been good, if you were were at a wedding." Kibe said, Rin scoffed playfully as she gestured for him to get in.

"You remember my discussion with you before on my father?" Rin asked as Kibe got in the limo, closing his umbrella. He put it next to him and sat down across from her. He looked around the place and saw it was just as luxurious as the one that Hideaki and Cho put him in.

"Why are you so far from me? As my boyfriend I'd hope you'd sit a little closer to me." Rin said with smirk as she patted the seat next to her.

"Yea about that." Kibe said as he then reached in his bag and pulled out a folder. It was black and a thick folder, filled with papers.

"Is that what I think it is? Is that a goddamn contract?!" Rin said with frustrated in her tone, her hands gripping her dress roughly.

"You see I do admire your ability to suck up your pride, and come ask me for such a big favor. However I need something out of this too. A form of insurance if you will.

This folder will give me and you plenty of breathing room and help you get my full services. Don't sign it and we're back to square one Rin." Kibe said, Rin scoffed annoyed as she leaned back. She then gestured for the folder in which it would then be given to her. Kibe sat back as thr limo began to move and drive down the road. As they did, Rin read through the whole documents, but noticed there may been a page missing. She looked at Kibe.

"Theres a page missing isn't there." She asked

"Yes." Kibe said

"Why isn't it in here?" She asked

"Because I didn't put it in there." Kibe said "I can't sign this without it being in here." Rin said

"Its not going in there and you will sign it regardless." Kibe said.

"You seem so awfully sure of that." Rin said as she leaned her head on her hand.

"I'm always sure. If I'm not I like to make it so I am.

Here's a deal, if I help you with whatever it is you're bringing me to do. Then you'll sign it." Kibe said, Rin chuckled as she leaned towards him. "Alright, you knock this out of the park and I'll gladly sign you the lease to my father's house." Rin said, Kibe nodded as he grabbed the folder from Rin as she gave it to him. He put it back in his bag and then got out a small velvet box. He handed it to her.

"What is this?" She asked.

"Open it." Kibe said, She looked at him and then opened the box. It was a beautiful silver necklace. It had a diamond heart on it. Her mouth turned to a smile as she looked at it and then to him.

"I...I've been looking at this necklace for a very long time. Its from one of my favorite stores. They didn't have it in stock so-"

"I got it early, ordered it." Kibe said

"How did you know?" Rin asked

"I payed the men you had following me double to follow you instead. They reported back to me with everything they found." Kibe said, thats when Rin's face dropped as she looked at him and set the box down. She then crossed her arms. Her face more serious.

"You really are brilliant, how'd you know I would have you followed?" Rin asked, Kibe leaned forward. His hands in his lap. "You like control I can tell, you like things done you're way and no one else's. Just like daddy.

You can't help being out of the loop, thats why you make it instead. You have knack for being in charge. You like being in charge infact. I have a feeling its from overbearing parents, father didn't let you do what you wanted or see who you wanted. That you made you feel powerless, it still does. That why your doing this.

You believe taking away his company right from under his nose will make him respect you, make him think you aren't his little girl anymore." Kibe said, Rin looked at him, her face almost stricken with stress and frustration.


"I want you to know something. This is a high stakes game you're playing. He'll know you'll want to do this, infact I believe he's been expecting this for a long time." Kibe said

"This isn't a game." Rin said

"Isn't it? He still sees you as his little girl. Still thinks your playing games. He's expecting something like this Rin. He's been in the game longer than you've been born. Remember that and you will know how to best him." Kibe said, Rin nodded as she leaned back and looked outside.

"Nori, if I want to do this...I need to know I can trust you." Rin said

"You can't." Kibe said

"What? Why would you-"

"People don't trust each other at the start of a relationship because they believe in them. They trust each other because of a common thing they share. Its common human psychology.

When you can't trust one another, trust in what you share." Kibe said, Rin looked at him.

"So, tell me what it is you want me to need." Kibe asked. Soon the two would arrive at a fancy mall in Ginza called the High-Teller. It was large three floored  building. Massive. Multiple stores on the outside and several on other balconies. It had a silver and pale paste look. The limo drove up, Kibe and Rin still sitting inside.

"Two of my father's investors are here, well their kids are. Either way, they funded a huge project earlier this year on a fashion line my father ran. They're saying those two will take over their businesses soon. I need to get them to start supporting me." Rin said

"Shorter answer, you need them so you'll have backup when Mr.Kita comes knocking for answers." Kibe said, Rin wanted to answer, but didn't.

"Yes." She said. Kibe nodded as he then opened the door to the limo. "Then point them out and I'll get them." Kibe said as he walked around and opened the door to Rin's side. Rin got out and Kibe closed the door. She and Kibe walked to the mall front entrance. Decorations around it and plants trailing to the entrance. Kibe and her entered inside. It was large and fancy, large glass chandelier with pearly diamonds decorated on it. It hung in the center of all of the floors of the mall. The walkways constructed around it. There were maybe hundreds of people in the mall.

"They're here for a party, something about a uncle getting a promotion or something. Doesn't matter to me. When we get to their pent-room here. Let me do the talking, I'll introduce you. Understood?" Rin said, Kibe nodded. He didn't care for chatter. A new environment, a new space in his memory palace. Another page on the endless books on his shelf to put it in. He documented and remembered every single moment. They walked down the halls with her. She eyed just about every piece of jewelry while Kibe was studying his surroundings and people.

"You know I'd love one of those necklaces. I always like the silver and foreign kind. They always make them the best." Rin said as she looked at the glass caseings. Kibe looked at it briefly, for a few seconds before looking away and at another store. It was selling instruments and did lessons. "I wouldn't." Kibe said, the owner and Rin looked at Kibe. Along with a few others that were looking at the jewels.

"Excuse me? These are professionally done, best in the state." Said the jewl owner.

"No they're not. Any proper forger would have made sure that the clasp were tighter and that the strands weren't stretched. I say, if your going to make a living off of wore jewelry. At least make sure to touch them up." Kibe said, everyone then began to back away and chatter while the owner scoffed in disgust. Rin then chuckled as she walked over and wrapped her arm around Kibe's walking away with him. Once they were out of earshot she flicked his ear. To which Kibe then looked at her.

"Do you ever turn that shit off?" She asked

"Turn what off?" Kibe asked, Rin rolled her eyes as they kept walking. Soon they'd arrive to the second floor. There Kibe would see the food courts. The other more nish stores and of course the bars. Kibe's eyes wondered around the place.

"Crazy isn't it? To think this place can hold all these stores. I'm honestly suprised at the architecture. Feels like I'm in Atlantas." Rin said and with that Kibe suddenly recalled why he didn't do relationships. His eyes moved around a bit. Seeing couples eat and chat with one another.

"Kibe, what do you think?" Rin asked, he looked at what she wanted and saw her pointing at a food place. It looked like it was all you can eat buffet. Kibe just stared at it uninterested. "No thanks. I have a specific pallet. I wouldn't jeopardize that for some quick snacks." Kibe said. Rin pouted.

"No wonder your single, well not at the moment of course. Maybe if you impress me. We can make this-"

"Not interested." Kibe said

"Are you kidding? My father picks out specific suitors for me. He wants me to get with a mini him, and your telling me that when I pick you. You don't want to be with me?" Rin asked

"I'm glad your confidence instilled by your father makes you feel like men just fall in your lap. Howevee you aren't what people say "my type". I'll pass." Kibe said as he then unhooked himself from her and started walking forward. She jeered as she looked at him.

"Where are you going? You can't just ditch me." She said

"...Aren't I?" Kibe said. Rin couldn't tell if he was serious or sarcastic. His demeanor never once changed. Even from when she first met him months ago. He was still cold and emotionless. Never showing anything. Kibe began to walk away.

"Will you at least tell me where your going?" Rin asked.

"I have a feeling we'll need some extra hands on this." Kibe said

"What? I thought you had it handled?" She asked  "I do, but unlike the Titanic. I like to have enough life rafts. Just in case of a iceberg." Kibe said, Rin watched him leave. Escaping deeper into the mall while she was left alone. She bit her lip in frustration for a moment before she continued to make her way to the party.

As Kibe walked around he got out his phone and called someone.

"I'm going to need your assistance today, don't get too excited because I'm doing this as a favor. To which you'll be oweing me after." Kibe said.

Elsewhere at the same time. At Sawa High, during this time the school was having entry exams. During it all the students would be standing at desk at the auditorium. While two men stood on the stage. Nearly over 200 hundred of Japan's best students were all gathered together. Each having excelled in one subject or the other, be it math, history, chemistry, algebra, fitness or whichever.

All were here to take a test to see who could get into one of the best schools in Japan, Sawa High. One of the two men stood forward, the head of the school board, Hironori Kusaka.

"Attention students, today you will be taking the entry exam. This exam is here to estimate rather or not your skills are worthy of being new addition to Japan's best of the best.

However, this year. This entry exam, has been changed. Thanks to the new principal of Sawa himself. Introducing, Mizuki Shinjō." Said Hironori said as he stepped aside, all the students and other faculty members clapped as the man walked forward and waved his hand. He then put his hand down and looked at them.

"I want you all to know, that I only settle for the best. Knowledge is best in the service of mankind, and mankind is only at it's best when in service to knowledge.

This is my philosophy, which is why I'm aware that the normal percentage of students who pass the entrance exams is around 30 - 45%.

That won't be the case anymore. With my new algorithm and layout. Where I come from we handle test very, very serious. Which is why the layout of papers you have are around 20 pages long. All each with over 30 questions on them. That may not seem like a lot, but trust me. I've orchestra this entire test so that we can get and only will get, the best. Starting today. The percentage of students who will be capable of passing the entrance exams for Sawa will drop.

To 5 - 10%." Mizuki said, which caused a large wave of shock and gasp across the entire room. Hironori looked at Mizuki with fascination. Can such a man really weed out such talent?

"Let the test begin. You have 1 hour." Mizuki said as he and Hironori walked off to the backstage. During that one student looked at his aray of sheets and saw that the problems and questions were far beyond the college level. His eyes were wide and full of shock and terror.

"Th-Theres no way I'll pass this exam, I should have tried out for Warutu." Stuttered the student, but thats when he heard someone snoring next to him. He looked over and saw another supposed student like him. His hair was unkempt and wild. He was leaning back in his chair very far. A pencil balancing on his nose, as drool went down his mouth. He looked over to the guy's name tag. Brandon Wright.

"Hey, your going to sleep through the whole thing?" The student said tapping Brandon. Brandon's eyes opened, he stretched as he yawned.

"Ah, mmmm. Is the boring part over?" Brandon asked looking at the student, but the guy was just dumbfounded at him. "Eh?" The student groaned.

"I'll take that as a yes. Hmmm." Brandon said as he looked over to the digital timer on a big screen near the corner of the auditorium. He noticed that the timer was at 58 minutes. He smirked as he leaned back again.

"Just that much? Oh well, I still have some time. Best to sleep for another 30 minutes." Brandon said as he then fell back asleep.

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