Roleplaying in the spotlight

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Kibe would return home the same day and lay on his bed thinking as the time went on. He was staring at the ceiling. His mother was downstairs cooking some lunch as Himmy relaxed in the living room. She was sitting down. Her legs tight to her body and arms wrapped around them like a belt. Shr wasn't comfortable yet, being alone with Kibe's mom...or even Kibe himself.

"...Why am I so pent up all of sudden? Is it because of the feelings I have here in this house? Being near this guy's mother? Or-" thats when Himmy remembered the kiss from Kibe. Him holding her so tight and the warmth she felt as they're bodies pressed aginst each other. It was like electricity was being made right between them.

She felt her cheek where he had kissed her. Her face getting slightly red.

"I know I shouldn't even be feeling this way, this man has taken my life into his hands. Hes manipulating me...

But...without Juo, hes helping me cope and move forward with my life too. Is that a disguise? Another form of manipulation?

There's no way he actually does care for me. I'm spoiled goods to him. Not even a murderer would see me as a good enough girl to kill or rape. Its just like he said...I'm less than nothing, but then...

Why...why does he accept me? Why does he console and help me like he does. He speaks to me like someone who really cares about me. He talks like I'm his...his...oh god, I think..." Himmy's face began to fall as her nose began to run as tears rushed down her face. She tried desperately to wipe them away, but her tears wouldn't stop falling. She could feel a darkness looming over her. She was alone, her own thoughts and emotions were overflowing and ready to burst out of her dam of ill placed cement.

"I'm going to burst! I'm going to cry! I'm all alone." Himmy thought as she could feel herself unable to hold in her emotions anymore. Thats when she felt someone gently touch her left shoulder.

"Its ok. Himmy. I'm here." Said that gentle voice, it spoke with such certainty and such familiarity. She knew who it was. She turned to see nonother than Kibe kneeled behind her. Her codependency had grown out of control, it was getting to the point that she couldn't tell anymore. If it was possible for her to even live on her own.

But she knew one thing-

"Don't talk like that, you sound like a weeb, idiot." Himmy said patting his hand roughly signaling for him to back off.

She knew she couldn't let him find that out. She turned from him, fixing her face. Even if she was reliant on him, she still desires to keep some of her independence...however little it may be. Kibe looked at her and sat next to her. He faced the TV and turned it on. Himmy went from looking away to turning around to face the TV. She didn't even notice how close the two were standing next to each other. On the news it spoke of the official discovery of the fact that there was a planet in a nearby solar system, that once did hold life on it. Himmy tilted her head in annoyance as she didn't really enjoy nerdy stuff like this.

Yet Kibe, thought it was rather interesting. It was the first official sign that life outside their solar system did infact exist. However...

Kibe's eyes moved to Himmy, who's head was slightly buried in her arms as she watched the TV.

"She is becoming more and more reliant on me. Soon she won't be able to even think for herself.


No, I shouldn't place doubt on myself or in what I'm doing. She is a great asset and someone who had intimate knowledge of the underground of Japan and espically Ginza.

I guess what I'm thinking is..." Kibe for the first time would be frustrated at one of his own actions as he too would remember the kiss he had given Himmy.

"Why did I do that? I may have a good damper and perfect control over what I do, but it seems that making decisions has been left to my libido. Damn. My desires.


Its been a long time since I've ever thought about what I want. Or who. Mi is caring and loving and seems to want whats best for everyone. Yet is that whats best for me? Someone constantly asking stupid questions and someone constantly trying to have some sort of moral high ground. Plus, she doesn't know me. Not the real me at least. She has no knowledge of the white rabbit or the machine that commands it, controls it, is it.

Jun, she's bright and brilliant. She'd be the perfect match for Nori Kibe. She would suit him just fine. Yet my real self tells me differently. She's to great of a tool and too great of a obstacle to get infatuated or get intimate with. But the facts are, she is perfect for me.

She is me.

But...thats not what I have grown towards, thats not what I've been thinking about constantly. She has no bigger place in my memory palace than a blade of grass makes up a field. could never be sweet and I won't let you become like me. So...

Its you." Kibe thought as he looked at Himmy. She was messing with her short hair, she had begun to let it grow out some. Kibe's green eyes had never set themselves upon one remote thing of interest, not truly. Yet when he looked to Himmy, for the first they felt calm to her sight and pressence. Himmy's eyes moved to Kibe's. They both were looking at one another. Himmy's eyes dilated upon looking at Kibe, yet his did not. His curiosity for his feelings then became stagnate.

"Even now. My body and mind tell me you are not interesting to me. That you aren't what I seek. So then why do I feel the opposite as they do? Is this part of my brain an anomaly? Or am I becoming a fool?


I have to be sure. I won't make any movements, nothing further will happen between us. I'll be sure of it. Because if I am to truly have someone of interest in my life. I need it to be with 100% of my being. I don't want this possibility of romance, to be half-cooked." Kibe thought.

"Uhhh, are you just going to stare at me all day?" Himmy asked with an annoyed tone.

"I wasn't staring at you. I was looking at the wall." Kibe said

"Huh? The wall? Gosh you're so weird." Himmy said as they both faced the TV again. Mrs.Mihara then finished cooking, she gave Kibe a pat on his shoulder to let him know before she went upstairs. Kibe watched her for a moment, before leaning back and relaxing some more.

"One of the members of the student council has asked for my pressence." Kibe said which made Himmy turn to him.

"Eh? What for? The last one tried to kill you, remember?" Himmy said

"I do and on the subject of what she wants with me. I don't know." Kibe said as he pulled out his phone to see the time.

"S-She?" Himmy asked, Kibe noticed her voice sounded annoyed...which is usual for her. However she also sounded pissed off. Kibe looked at the time and saw it was 6 pm.

"Yea, Kita Rin. 2nd head of the student council. Makes me wonder what it is she has in store for me." Kibe said

"What if its a trap?" Himmy asked

"Not likely. If she or them wanted me dead or anything similar. They would have done so by now. No. They likely have been waiting in silence after Takashi's imprisonment. Contemplating what infact they should do with me." Kibe said

"Maybe they realized making an enemy out of you. Isn't going to help they're sorry asses." Himmy said

"I would think not. I can be very resourceful when I need to be." Kibe said, to which Himmy nodded to.

"So where is it to?" Himmy asked

"A Cafe, she wants to talk about something. Sounds important. Maybe. Likely not. To me anyways." Kibe said as he stood up. Himmy looked at him go over to the kitchen and make himself a glass of water.

"...What do you think she wants with you? I mean she wasn't too interested in you before right? I bet that bitch has something sneaky in mind." Himmy said

"Probably, either way. I need to go." Kibe said as he finished his drink of water and walked away. Himmy watched him for a minute before laying on the floor. He went into his room closing the door. He decided to dress in something not too formal.

"...I'm not good at dates. Well. Honestly, it's more like I don't care enough to give it my all.

Hm!? Why am I thinking this is some sort of date. Just a few months ago she was my advisory. She and I aren't a couple or anything.

...I need more male acquaintances." Kibe thought.

Back at Sawa High, Kenji had just left after finishing up things with the chess team.

"My goodness, I thought I had left all of the crap with the pale palace behind. Yet somehow it still lingers in my life. What a bother." Kenji said, thats when he saw Kat sitting at the school gate. Crouched and poking the ground by her feet. Kenji walked over to her and tilted his head.

"Hey, your uhhh, Kat? Right?" Kenji asked, Kat slowly turned her head. With a creepy wide grin she smiled at him.

"Yessss." She answered, mimicking a snake. Kenji looked at her. She was a total weirdo to him. A genuine freak.

"This is the girl everyone talks about during passing periods sometimes. The one who almost got expelled for poisoning the chem teacher with wolfsbane. The police were determining if it was premeditated or not. Since this chick made it into a tea.

She also apparently likes to hide in the garbages and dumpsters around school. Which explains the...Ugh! Explains the smell...Gross.

This girl is a total freak." Kenji thought

"Heyo!" Kat said waving her hand up at him, Kenji looked down to her.

"You spaced out, were you thinking about what I look like naked?" Kat asked

"EH!? N-No." Kenji shouted in annoyance. The two stood there for a moment as the day turned a bit gloomy as it began to rain. Kenji had a bad feeling about the coming events. Something in his mind told him, it would be best to keep his head down more.

"Your part of the chess club right? I'm guessing you must be a pretty good player or a good liar." Kat said

"...Everyone like me are good liars. Its what we do. We do so to get ahead." Kenji said, Kat bit her finger and then just focused back at the ground while Kenji just walked away after.

Later on around 7:30Pm, Kibe would arrive at the Cafe that Rin had asked him to attend. Kibe walked in, he was wearing a black coat and dark velvet turtleneck with dark pants and shoes to match. He looked around for a moment before he saw Rin waving at him at a booth. Kibe made his way over and sat down. The waiter came over and gave them both menus to select from.

"Alright, straight to business then. I need your help with two major things." Rin said

"On that subject, what makes you believe I will aid you?" Kibe said

"Hehe, I won't threaten you, since the whole Takashi situation showed how good that goes. I find it better to utilize the tools available to me." Rin said

"I'm no tool to be used. Nor do I think you'll be utilizing me." Kibe said

"Hes totally calm, Hideaki's read was right, this guy has no signs of clumsiness, change in pitch or anything. Hes a blank slate with no feelings. If he has any they're made up for the moment he needs them. Likely to fool others." Rin thought as she put her menu down while Kibe kept looking at his.

"Fair enough, no need to be so pushy. I'm just stating I believe we can utilize each other's skills and information. I know the leaked information may be something your interested in." Rin said, to which then caught Kibe's attention.

"Yes, the information that Takashi got out of that girl with the help of that Kenji fellow. I reckon not all of it is in your ballpark. Well what if I could give it to you? The whole deal." Rin said, Kibe looked at her. His eyes focused on hers. She could tell she was telling the truth, although he was aware women were good at hiding they're true intentions and feelings. It was one of their best qualities and also the most dangerous.

"...If that's all you can sell me here then I'm leaving." Kibe said as he got up much to Rin's suprise.

"What? Wait a second." Rin said

"No. I don't think I won't." Kibe said as he got ready to leave. Rin would grab his arm desperately.

"Please wait, I need you. I mean it. I can get you anything you want. No matter what it is! Just name it. Money, information, whatever it is. Just name it." Rin said, Kibe looked at her and then sat back down.

"I have three things I want. If I aid you, then I'll give them." Kibe said

"Alright then. This isn't how I wanted this evening to go, but either way. I think we're benefiting from this." Rin said, Kibe simply didn't answer and waited.

"Its my father, he runs a very high fashion company and I want it. The only problem is that he doesn't want to let it go so easily to me. So I need your help in guiding him my direction. " Rin said

"So you want me to help you steal his company. Then hand it off to you." Kibe asked

"Precisely, only problem is though. Hes very picky about who he chooses to be in charge of anything. I mean, REALLY, picky. As in, if he sees you even were late to work once because your wife was in labor your fired, levles of picky." Rin said as the waiter came over to their table. They both ordered drinks. Kibe his usual green tea and Rin a margarita.

"What would I have to do to prove to him that I'm worth the trouble?" Kibe asked

"Welk first you'd have to be in position of power or high influence. Then you'd need a good reference and connection to us." Rin said

"I can work the first two, though the connection to you seems a bit...troublesome. for the few moments it'll take to make one of course." Kibe said

"Oh don't bother, I already have an idea to get you immensely close to us." Rin said

"...don't say-"

"You'll be going in as my boyfriend." Rin said

"Of course. Novel romance 101, the fake boyfriend." Kibe said

"Hey, you have the first two. At least let me cover for you with the last one. Besides this will speed up the process." She said

"Theres a time limit is there?" Kibe said

"Yes, I need to get this all done before the end of the month. Precisely in less than two weeks. Cause hes currently been looking at this recent guy he plans to make his successor." Rin said, their drinks would arrive and they'd immediately take a few sips of it. Kibe watched her drink her margarita as he began to think and ponder the moves of which he would have to do, in order to get this all done within the time frame set.

"Mr.Kita no doubt sounds like a man full of plans, judging from Rin's little example of his behavior. It wouldn't be a stretch to say he's very cautious about who he works with.

Hes a thinker too, a visionary, someone looming towards the future and never the past. The way his daughter is brought up shows he definitely doesn't like to downplay his achievements. Or the fact he's made a honest and successful living.

I can get more information from articles and Mrs.Otsuka, she no doubt has met and heard of him." Kibe thought as he put down his tea.

"Alright then. Consider it done." He said as he stood up with Rin doing the same.

"I'm glad to hear. I'll give you more details tomorrow. See you then, boyfriend." Rin chuckled as Kibe left. Kibe walked down the street, his mind thinking and flowing.

"No doubt, this is good chance to destory 2 birds with one stone. Rin and her father's empire. Bringing down my opposition once again.

However, no doubt she believes I'll take this chance to do that. So, the proper move here. Would be to actually aid her and behave as normal.

But I will not leave out any ideas or possibilities of her treachery. She will attempt to bring me down with her father, one way or the other.

Her biggest mistake, was assuming I won't do the same. Because in a world like this, I can't afford to care for anyone." Kibe said as he continued to make his way home.

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