The River of bullets left behind say a message.

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In Ushin the next day, Himmy was in her hotel room. Laying on her couch. She was looking at her small TV that she had finally unburied from her storage unit. She watched as the TV spoke about the IPOW, the International Puzzles of the World.

"Here I am today at the Kigu stadium! The wonderful minds behind this event have gathered a list of over 2,000 students, young men & women and all those in-between and beyond that to join this amazing event!

Word is that this year will be a little different, as they have added 4 new test to their already large list of over 12 puzzles and test. Now next up, we'll be talking about the structure of the building in just a few moments here." Said the reporter before Himmy would turn off the TV. She yawned at the boredom. She then got up and got ready to go to her kitchen which was rather messy, but otherwise well kept together. She went in there and began to sigh and groan as she looked at the mess. She grabbed a plate and put it in the dishwasher.

Thats when suddenly a knock at the door would come. She turned her head and walked over. She stood in front of her door. "Who the fuck is it?" She shouted.

"Its me, may I enter?" Said Kibe. Himmy's entire demeanor changed as she immediately began to skitter around. "I- UH- Just a moment!" She said as she then went over to her bathroom and fixed her hair, she fixed her shirt, and pulled her pants up. She then went back to the door and fixed her posture best she could. She then took a deep breath and opened the door. Kibe was there in his normal turtleneck and black pants. Himmy was gleeful to see him, cracking a wide cute smile as she leaned aginst the door.

"Heeeey, good to see you Kibe." Himmy smiled with Kibe giving her one back. "Good to be back." Kibe said as they both kept eye contact with one another. Himmy then gestured for him to come in, he did and walked inside. He stood in the middle of the place and spread his arms out. Taking a deep breath. Himmy closed the door and looked at him.

"Wow, seeing him after such a short time. It felt like he was gone for so much longer." Himmy thought. Kibe stretched a bit before he then turned to Himmy and walked to her. She was shocked for a moment before he then embraced her much to her suprise. She was happy though and hugged him. They held each other tightly. "Ooooh, I missed you too." Himmy said.

Kibe nodded as he kept holding her. "I haven't had much of a good time. Flying really bores me surprisingly enough." Kibe said as he stepped away and walked to the kitchen, he looked around and noticed the mess.

"Uh yea sorry, I didn't know you were arriving so soon. I would have cleaned, I got a bit lazy." Himmy said as she leaned on her couch. "Eh, its alright. Sometimes I let a dish sit around." Kibe said.


"For about seven seconds before I clean it." Kibe said looking at her. Himmy groaned.

"Oh swell, hes back and already hounding me." She said as she walked around the couch and sat down. Kibe looked down for a moment before he looked to her. "Sorry, I didn't mean to come back all like-"

"Like yourself?" Himmy said. Kibe nodded as he walked over and sat down. Himmy took a deep breath and looked at him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to snap like that. I just had...I've had some stupid shit on my mind." Himmy said as she put her legs to her chest and leaned aginst Kibe. "Mmm, tell me about it." Kibe asked.

"Well...I saw Juo." She said, Kibe looked at her. She looked at him. "Don't worry, it was way before us. I saw him while I was out.

...he was...well he was with some fucking skank." Himmy said frustrated as she stood up. Kibe looked at her, she walked towards a dresser by her TV. She put her hands on her, her breath was shaky. She thought to herself for a moment.

"...Does he know? Has he always known he's alive. This shouldn't be surprising to him. Can I really just ask him?

Well, no time like the present." Himmy thought she turned around and saw that in the time she was thinking, he had made himself something to drink. Seemed like hot tea. Kibe looked at her, seeing her face worried and a bit skeptic.

"I wanted to ask and I want your honest answer. Have you always known Juo is alive?" She asked.

"Yes." Kibe said. Himmy couldn't believe it, to think that Kibe had kept her away from her Ex for so long and had her believe it was her fault he was dead.

But, its not like Juo came looking for her. Who knew how long he's been dating that woman. Did Kibe not tell her to spare her the pain? She couldn't decide. She gripped her head and shook it. Kibe took another sip out of his tea before he began to pat next to him. Himmy looked up at him. "Come. Sit by me." He said. Himmy sighed as she walked over and sat down. Kibe looked into his tea, looked at the way the liquid in it moved at every single movement of his hand.

It reminded him how easy it is to stir someone. How easy it is for someone to feel so great and then the next so bad it stings like a knife to the chest.

"People are complex beings, we may spend our life with them, feel we know what it is they like, dislike, drink and don't drink. But you never truly know anybody." Kibe said, Himmy wiped her eyes of a few coming tears. Kibe leaned over and wiped them. Himmy's eyes looked at him.

"But I know you, don't I?" She asked

"No, nor I you. But isn't that one of the beauties of life? Figuring that out." Kibe said. Himmy slowly nodded as she leaned back with Kibe doing the same, which was weird to him as he didn't really like slouching and leaning. As it could lead to imbalance in the body, but he let it slide just this once as he leaned back with Himmy. She looked over to him and then to his tea. "Why do you drink that?" She asked. Kibe looked down at his cup and then forward.

"Green tea helps improve mental awareness, along with helping with weight." Kibe said as he took another sip from it. "So you drink so you won't get fat?" She said

"I didn't say that." Kibe said

"No, but you implied. Basically the same thing. You drink tea so you don't look like a burger." Himmy chuckled. "The name calling is low, even for you." He said.

"No its not. I call you and everyone else names all the time." Himmy said. Kibe shrugged as he couldn't deny that. Himmy changed her sitting position a bit to face Kibe. Kibe's eyes looked to her. The two stared at one another for a moment before Himmy leaned in and kissed Kibe who reciprocated it. He stopped to set his drink down on the table infront of them. He then went back in and kissed Himmy. The two continued to kiss each for a while before Himmy stopped, pressing her forehead aginst Kibe's.

"I...I want to..." Himmy stuttered. Kibe looked at her and pulled her close, his hand caressing her face. "Affection can come in many different shapes and forms. Through kissing, love making and-" Kibe said as he stood up. He then sniffed himself real quick.

"How about a shower?" Kibe asked. Himmy's face didn't register at all what he just had said. "E-Excuse me?" Himmy asked.

"Will you shower with me?" Kibe asked. The second time however, Himmy's face got a bright red shade as she heard his request. She got up and immediately was flustered. Something she hadn't felt for a long time. "I- WOW, You can be so direct sometimes. You know that?" She said.

"You're nervous." Kibe said. "OF COURSE I AM!" she shouted. Kibe briefly blocking his ears for a moment.

"Kibe I-...we'll be naked with each other. What if something- I-...heh I don't think I can do that. The possibility is-"

"The river will always flow where it must, never to where it can't. Let the river flow Himmy, don't worry about the can't." Kibe said.

"I hear what you're saying, but you have to understand, I've never exposed myself like. Not even to my Exs. I don't...I don't have the best body in the world." Himmy said. Kibe studied her for a moment, looking at her up and down. "This is her mother's doing. She has low self-esteem issues. She bullied her because she was more beautiful than she was.

...what a horrible way to grow. No wonder she became a criminal." Kibe thought. His hands then landed on both of Himmy's shoulders.

"Himmy." Kibe said

"Yes?" She asked looking at him. "Do you trust me?" Kibe asked.

"Yes." She said.

"Good, because you'll know then that everything I say is true then.

You may not be a model, nor a face meant for TV. But that doesn't mean you look like an ogre. You are the personification of natural beauty." Kibe said, Himmy's eyes got big as her cheeks got red. She put a hand on her face.

"Stop, you- your just good with words." She said. Kibe looked at her. "Her mother got her deep, whatever she said to her...would be untreatable for most psychiatrist and therapist.

However I'm not them." Kibe thought.

"You don't have to think about how you look Himmy. You have nice muscles, a strong jaw and are built very well.

Your legs are splendid and show a woman who moves and not just around their home. You have a nice and soft jawline, gorgeous dark eyes and a pair of milky lips that when I press mine aginst them...remind me of my time when I use to have a life of mine. Its relief, ecstasy almost.

Even if your body wasn't this, your personality is all the same. Thats why I'm here." Kibe said. Himmy couldn't believe his words. She was honestly speechless.


"See? I-" Himmy kissed Kibe immediately and then broke away. She covered his mouth with her hand. "I'll meet you in the bathroom, one and I mean ONE sly or condescending comment and I swear to GOD, I'll kick you so hard you'll wish that robo bitch had broken your neck." Himmy said with a stern and yet flustered look. Kibe snickered only for Himmy to punch him in the arm and walk away to her room. Kibe didn't show a reaction for a moment, he made sure she was gone before he rubbed his arm.

"Ow." He thought. Thats when later Kibe would take off his clothes in Himmy's bathroom, thats when he saw his reflection. He looked and noticed the wounds on his chest, a slash mark and the bullet hole in his arm that was healed over. Gun shots played in the back of his mind from his time in Hawaii. He then ran some water from the sink and then began to wash his face.

He shook his head a bit before he went to the shower and turned it on. He stepped inside and began to let the water run over him. It was cold water, very cold. He didn't mind a bit though, he knew it was healthy...however thats when he'd turn it onto warm.


Kibe just stood there with his eyes closed. Thats when Himmy would enter quietly. She had a towel covering her. She sheepishly closed the door to the bathroom. She stood infront of the door and took a deep breath. "Just let the river flow where it flows...ok." Himmy muttered. She walked over to the sink and placed the towel there. She was nervous, but was taking breaths as she got closer to the shower and eventually stepped in. Kibe didn't face her. She just leaned against the back of the shower.

"I won't turn unless you want me to." Kibe said as he reached over and grabbed some soap. But Himmy grabbed it from him. "I got it." She said. Kibe just stood there as Himmy began to wash Kibe's back.

"...So, you talked about the girl before. The one who was with Juo, everything was personal what you said.

You know her don't you?" Kibe said. Himmy sighed as she nodded. "I do. Unfortunately." She said.

"Name?" Kibe asked.

"Kat." She said.

"Weird name." Kibe said. "Heh, she was called weirder. We both were orphans, we were in the same room together while staying at place called Saint Terry's Home for Lost Girls." Himmy said. "Hmmm, a bath and a story. Nothing better." Kibe thought.

"That school was fucked, thats what I can say about it. No other place worse to me. The staff there, they-...nevermind. Anyway long story short that psycho ends up burning the place to the ground." Himmy said.

"Huh, so she's a whole case then. The whole sociopathic package so to speak." Kibe said. Himmy smirked as she then washed Kibe's underarms and arms themselves. Kibe's mind then went to a memory of Mrs.Mihara washing Kibe when he was a young boy. He remembered her scrubbing his head and her playing with him.

"How did it go with you in Hawaii? I noticed this bullet mark you have, I don't think I've ever seen that on you before." She asked. "Yea, I learned a lot while I was there. More than I thought I would to be honest.

It...changed me a little too. Another thing I wasn't expecting. Then again, it seems I've been getting a lot of life recently." Kibe said. Himmy then wrapped her hands around Kibe and began to wash his chest. She took a deep breath as she kept scrubbing. "I think you should take a break. You seem to have all your bases covered. Why don't you just take a load off. Theres nothing with that." Himmy said.

"Mmmm, maybe. A day doing nothing? Couldn't be bad. Could also be costly, though I doubt it." Kibe said as he touched the shower nob.

"Really? Why?" Himmy asked

"I'll tell you later." Kibe said. Himmy turned her head a bit and saw Kibe's face, he was good at acting. Really good. But somehow she could just tell he was either stressed or hurting somehow. Thats when she began to feel and hear the water of the shower. It reminded her of the sound of a river. Thats when she would stop washing Kibe, he noticed and her head turned a bit.

"...turn around." She said. Kibe then slowly turned around until he was facing Himmy. The two now making eye contact with one another. They both stared at one another. Kibe saw Himmy's body, it was slim yet well built. Her breast weren't small, but they weren't big either. Kibe then looked up at her. Himmy saw Kibe's body, he wasn't a jock or anything, but he was very well built. Maybe two or four abs, his forearms were excellent. His legs were nice and firm too.

Himmy felt his chest. "I feel like I owe you." She said. Kibe looked at her, his head tilting a bit as he put his hand on hers gently.

"Oh?" Kibe said

"You saved me during the hotel get-away and then again when you got me out of the fix with the trickster." Himmy said.

"That last one was part of the plan." Kibe said

"Still counts. Just like when I saved your butt from the detective that time. Thats 2 for 1. I owe you. This time..." Himmy took a deep breath before took a few steps closer to Kibe her chest and his touching one another. She then moved her head close to his chest before she kissed it and looked up at him. His eyes were focused on her, those same that he usually uses when he's planning or onto something. Now those eyes were on her.

Her hand reached up and touched his face. He grabbed and held it tight. "What are you going to save me from?" He asked.

"Yourself, with all this shit going on right now. I know you're looking for a moment to explode. To just let loose for once and thats not healthy when your up aginst the people you are up against.

Let me...upload you're "gun" for a while." Himmy said, her voice was like honey on a teaspoon, stirring him so smoothly. Kibe looked at her and saw how straight she was about this, the river was indeed beginning to flow in the direction that it was meant to. To resist now, would be horrible. Kibe then used his other hand and grabbed Himmy's waist bringing her close. He looked her in the eyes. Them sharing a passionate look with one another, at this moment they were beyond the connection they had formed at the start of it all.

Kibe would put Himmy aginst the shower wall, her rear facing him. Her hands aginst the wall as she breathed shaky breaths, Kibe looked at it and felt up her thigh, thats when he felt the bullet wound from when she was shot all those months ago. Kibe's memory of their first meeting. How far they'd come since then. It felt like a novel, like a story so weird and yet so real. This was his most truest moment. Kibe kissed Himmy up her back his hands melting against her stomach and slowly as they reached her breast, giving them a soft yet passionate touch. He then put his hand on the wall, right next to Himmy's head.

"You ready?" He asked. "Oh just shut up and fuck me already." Himmy said nervously. Kibe gave a smirk as he and Himmy began their first sexual conquest. Himmy's moans from Kibe's body and her's colliding echoed through the apartment and into the deep night.

Later Kibe would wake up in Himmy's bed, he was laying there. His eyes looking up at the ceiling. He then got up a bit. He looked around for Himmy, but she wasn't around. He felt his hair and noticed how messy it was. Thats when he smelt smoke, he looked over and saw Himmy sitting on the bed naked and looking out the window smoking a vape pen. He looked at her and put his arms behind his head as he layed back. The two looked at each other for a moment, they both knew exactly what the other was thinking.

"Wow...that was good." They both thought. Their minds more clear than ever before. Himmy gestured if he wanted to give the vape a try but he refused.

"So, what did you learn in Hawaii anyway?" She asked

"...I wasn't kicked out of the pale palace. I was sent out for my passing exam early." He said. She looked at him with curiosity. "What?" She asked.

"Yea. All pale palace students are sent out into the world to do something, either it be take over a company, get into a powerful position or something similar to that. It usually only happens when you've shown great promise or when you graduate.

Showing greatness gets you there early, its like early graduation basically." Kibe said

"Woah, so, you really are still under them?" She asked

"No, I thought that at first too while I was there. But something else told me otherwise." Kibe said.

"What do you mean?" She asked as she moved closer to him. Kibe looked at her and then brought his hands forward looking at them. "...Dr.Abel is still alive, and...he was the one who sent me away. Personally.

It wasn't just staff, no, he made the decision himself. Yet everyone else has told me I was kicked out. So there's either two solutions, one is that everyone has been lying to me. However that gets ruled out with how frequently they remind I was "kicked out" and because when they said it. I believed them. They had no sign of deception or of being a liar to them.

So they infact were told I was kicked out, which leads to the next solution and the most scariest to me." Kibe said. Himmy looked at him. Her curiosity now peaked to its highest as she leaned closer. Kibe then looked at her.

"Well? What is it?" She asked. Kibe put his hands down. He sighed as he scratched the back of his head.

"Thats the thing, Dr.Abel is the next solution. Yet I have no idea why he would remove me and then tell all of his staff that I was removed. Could only mean he either was covering up something or was...trying to save me?" He said as he looked at her. Himmy's eyes went down to the blanket as she took another puff from her vape. She then sat straight. "Kibe, what happened at Hawaii?" She asked.

Kibe then sat up as he then began to tell her everything that happened, he began to tell her about...

The Assassination Games.

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