Warmer and yet warmer

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Philies would leave the room and close the door. Leaving Jun, Mr.Miyuki, Mr.Nakayama and Brandon alone.

"Well...here we are. At the end of the rope. This is my last ditch effort to close this case for good. The IPOW is a multiple day event, once its finished it is undoubtedly that the White rabbit case will go cold. Making it unsolvable.

Which is why, you three are here with me now. I have my hands tied, but you don't. Which is why I've made this team." Mr.Nakayama said he then gestured to Jun as he looked at Brandon.

"Brandon Wright, this is my daughter Jun. Jun, Brandon Wright." He said. Jun turned to Brandon who was looking at the floor fiddling with his fingers. His eyes looking dead and zombie like. Like he wasn't even here, not even on this planet even.

"Um, Mr.Wright?" Jun asked which then snapped Brandon out of his trance. He quickly looked at Jun. He then quickly got up and shook her hand with a witty smile. "You must be the pizza gal." He said. Jun looked at him confused.

"E-Excuse me?" Jun said

"I'm kidding, but I have you fooled for a second there huh? Come on admit it." Brandon laughed. Jun looked at him with a confused and offended look. "Brandon. Focus." Mr.Nakayama said as Brandon looked at him and stopped shaking Jun's hand.

"Ok, my bad. Sorry." Brandon said as he then sat back in his seat. Jun eyed him for a moment before looking back at her father.

"So why isn't Kibe here? I thought he was working with us?" Mr.Miyuki asked "I took him off the team, if not temporarily. The IPOW is coming up, I'd hate for such a bright kid to suddenly be overcome with all this dark subject matter." Mr.Nakayama said. Brandon briefly looked at him before looking at the floor again. Still fidgeting.

"So as you've all seen or heard. The U.S is working tightly with us on this case. However, thanks to some...interesting persuasion from Brandon here. We get to be at the wheel. However, there have been some rules set.

If we think about it or dare to break any regulations or policies, its over. They get the wheel.

And we don't keep them informed on recent breakthroughs in the case. Theu get the wheel." Mr.Nakayama said. Brandon smirked.

"Sounds easy enough." Brandon commented. Mr.Nakayama looked at him with a unamused look. "Which is why I'll be here, with Mr.Miyuki. we'll both be here compiling through the old evidence to see what else we can gather. However, I want the best on this. So I'm pairing you two together." Mr.Nakayama said as he pointed at both Jun and Brandon.

"Of course." Jun said

"Excuse me?" Brandon asked

"You two will he handling interactions with suspects and with further leads.

Jun, you'll be in charge between the two of you." Mr.Nakayama said much to Brandon's displeasure. Jun nodded and bowed. "I'll do my best sir! I won't let you down. We'll work hard and by the book." She said.

"Woah woah woah! Don't I get a say in any of this?!" Brandon asked as he stood up. "No, this isn't negotiable. It came with the new affidavit. Someone must be watching over you. Someone who we can rely on to keep an eye on you.

Besides, I have a feeling you two will do great." Mr.Nakayama said.

"But I-"

"Heres the deal, we have less then a week to catch this guy. Otherwise this case is finished.

Miyuki ran through the old residents of Saint Terry's. He found someone who knows our Black fox. Her name is Seku Himaka. She lives in the middle east part of Ginza. The address is here on the folder and everything else you need to know.

Go ahead and get to it." Mr.Nakayama said. Jun nodded and grabbed the folder as motioned for Brandon to follow her. Brandon looked at her and got up before looking back at Mr.Nakayama as he left. "I'll remember this." Brandon mouthed as Mr.Nakayama waved him away. The door closed. Jun went to her new assigned locker. There she got her belt, tazer, spray and gun. Her face was covered with focus. Thats when she came into the main lobby where Brandon was laid out on one of the waiting chairs. His head laid back. She stood infront of him.

"...I can feel you staring at me." Brandon said.

"We have a suspect to look at. Come on. I don't want to be late." Jun said. "Why? Do they have a flight to see their dying father?" Brandon said.

"Look I get it. You're the lone wolf type. I can see that you normally like working alone. So I hope when I say this, that it resonates with you." Jun said, Brandon's head came up as he looked at her. "I've been wanting to be officer for a long time. Its been all I've thought about." Jun said. Brandon titlted his head as he studied her.

"Why?" He asked.

"My aunt. We...we were close." She answered. Brandon nodded. He stood up as he fixed his coat. "Alright, lets go then." Brandon said

"Just like that?" I hope I was clear." Jun said as Brandon smirked at her. "Very." He said. Brandon walked towards the exit, however before Jun did Mr.Miyuki would run to her. "Hey! Jun. A minute please?" He asked. Jun turned to him, Brandon looked back for a moment, in that moment he and Mr.Miyuki both met eyes before Brandon left.

"Look, Brandon is a great detective, but he has some...edges." Mr.Miyuki said. "Edges?" Jun asked.

"Yea. He can be rowdy, go out on his own and be very...blunt. While yes he does close cases, he is also a rouge. Watch over him like you would a six year old. Be careful." Mr.Miyuki said. "Oh, thank you." Jun said as she left. She walked out and found Brandon leaning against their police suv.

"So what did the all cautious Mr.Miyuki have to say?" Brandon asked "Nothing really." Jun said as she opened the car door with Brandon getting in the passenger's seat. "Interesting that so early in our relationship you would attempt to deceive me." Brandon said as he buckled his seat belt. Jun looked over at him as she did hers and started the car.

"I'm not deceiving you. He really did say nothing." Jun said. Brandon looked at her confused. "Long time to for him just to say nothing." Brandon said. Jun rolled her eyes as she leaned back. "Gosh he was right." Jun thought. Brandon raised his eyebrows

"...Ok fine, he said to just be careful around you. Said that you'd be...rough-like." She said as she began to back the car out of the parking lot. Brandon almost looked hurt by the comment. Jun looked at him for a moment before focusing on the road. "What?" She asked.

"Thats very hurtful that he'd say something like that. You know I consider me and him to be very close." Brandon said. Jun looked at him and then kept driving. The two both drove for nearly two hours. As they did, far away back at Kibe's home. He and Kenji were sitting in the living room watching TV.

Kenji was slouched back, while Kibe was sitting straight watching the TV. It was talking about how how the old Japanese prob shot into space had reached past the Andromeda galaxy.

"Man, what I wouldn't give to go into space. To fly through the stars, and see...well I don't know. I'm not into all that philosophical crap. Not like you." Kenji said as he grabbed his drink. Kibe just kept watching. He looked at his phone for a moment. Kenji looked at him. Memories of his confrontation with Brandon and Eiji flying through his mind.

"...You were right about that guy. Brandon Wright. That detective is...hes something else." Kenji said, thats when Kibe's attention was gained. He side eyed Kenji before he spoke. "Detective Wright is one of the most intriguing men I've ever met.

He's more then brilliant, he is the most genius schnook I've met. Or one of them at least. He had a taste for the darkness of others, eyes for the shadows that people dangle behind themselves. He sees them perfectly for what they are. Its poetic almost." Kibe said

"...You'll be caught by him. You know that right?" Kenji asked "Maybe if I was you Kenji, but I'm not." Kibe said. Kenji snickered a bit as he looked at Kibe who then fully looked at him. "There he is. Nori Kibe, always trying to be the smartest guy in the room." Kenji said.

"I never try at anything. I just do it." Kibe said "Is that ego?" Kenji asked observing Kibe. Kibe just stared at him for a moment.

"No." Kibe answered.

"Hmm, guess you really do work like a machine. I presume you have all your angles figured out too. Smart to stall them all the way till the IPOW show begins.

Honestly I must say, I'm suprised. Your foresight never seems to stop fascinating me. I bet you had it all figured out, from me and Brandon even to that weird creepy girl." Kenji said, thats when Kibe's eyes would narrow a tad bit.

"Kat? He's referring to her I know he is. Why on earth would he involve her?
...no." Kibe thought. He turned his body away from Kenji and put his hands together. His mind running through every possibility. "If Brandon has discovered Kat. That can only mean he's found out about Himmy as well.

Which means he's connected the dots, he knows Himmy is Humiko Shimodaira and knows that she is the black fox. The only question though, is why hasn't he arrested me or better to say. Why hasn't there been news of her capture?" Kibe thought.

"Oh by the way, this place is going to shit. Did you hear about the kidnapping in Ushin?" Kenji asked, Kibe's eyes widened before turning to normal again. Kenji looked at Kibes back before looking back to the TV. "Yea, it was a shit show. A murder and then someone goes missing at some rinkydink hotel or motel. Whatever they call it.

Anyway, none of my business heh. Unless, its...yours of course." Kenji said as he smirked at Kibe. Kibe looked at Kenji with a head turn. "Leave it to the one guy who has a professional addiction to running the pockets of others into the ground, to estimate my own shortsightedness.

Kat is on the lose. A stray in the wind. Not only that she has Himmy with no doubt. But why would she-

Of course. Brandon. He must have gotten into her head. A courtesy that I had yet to dulge in." Kibe thought as he then looked at his phone. Kenji looked at Kibe begin to text someone. Kenji got up and walked to the kitchen. Kibe messaged Kat, but there was nothing. No response, not even a sign that she'd seen it.

"Ghost. Of course." Kibe thought as he stood up. "Brandon can have Kat, he can even arrest Himmy...

Is that what I want? Are my plans for the pale palace...for the people involved in my past. More important then the possible life I could live if I just. Left it all behind.

Is that an option? Leave everything or throw everyone away in a pursuit for answers." Kibe thought as he put his phone away. He thought hard for a moment. Before then- something in his mind connected all his pawns into one singular circle. He could see the board fresh and new.

"Ah, I'd nearly forgotten my ace. Brandon, you may have your leads and capabilities to see into the dark hearts of others, but I have something more...effective." Kibe thought. Kenji then walked back over with a glass, likely something alcoholic. Kibe turned to him.

"So tell me, whats the plan?" Kenji asked. "Tell you definitely isn't part of it. But having you close to my side will be key to throwing the police off this trail once and for all." Kibe thought as he looked at Kenji. "Kenji, my affairs are my own. Perhaps you should watch out for yours." Kibe said. Kenji's head tilted a bit.

"My affairs?" Kenji asked.

"Yes. You don't know it yet but you are being pulled away from the things you enjoy most. Its only a matter of time before Bato takes away the things you enjoy the most. Gambling, the thrill of ruining others. And of course our connection." Kibe said. Kenji looked at him. "Hes trying to spin something. Trying to get me off of his back. Not that I can't see it, but I'm ultimately intrigued as of why." Kenji thought.

"Our connection?" Kenji asked.

"Yes. Haven't you felt our bond growing? You've managed to work your way into my sights. Your someone that I genuinely feel I can enjoy partaking in dialog with." Kibe said. Kenji smirked.

"I can't say I completely hate talking to you. Even if you do have tendency to try and undermine me." Kenji said. "I'm glad to hear that." Kibe said.

"You never sound like your glad of anything." Kenji said.

"Not completely true. When I tolerate things, It means I have a certain amount of glee." Kibe said. "Really?" Kenji asked.

"No." Kibe said. "Figured. Another damn snare." Kenji thought.

"So what do you mean? By Bato taking everything from me?" Kenji asked.

"Dont you see it? He intends to berid of me completely. To destory me. But you don't want that. Do you want him to ruin your chance at another round at Dante's Chess? Or maybe chess." Kibe said. Kenji snickered as he looked at the TV and then took a sip of his drink while Kibe grabbed the remote and turned the TV off.

"I'm not getting anywhere this way, I need a new angle. Something that is more, primal." Kibe thought as he then looked at his phone and saw his open text to Himmy. Thats when it clicked to him.

"He may even take Kiko from you." Kibe said, and just like that Kibe had Kenji's complete attention. "What? Why?" Kenji asked curiously.

"Predictable and expected. What is one thing that any man wants more then power? Love." Kibe thought. "You can't see it? He plans to separate every aspect of what I have here and burn it. That includes what he may perceive as a part of me. Including her." Kibe said.

"Thats ridiculous! She has nothing to do with you. This is just another one of your attempts to manipulate me or get something out of me that you need." Kenji said as he then finished his drink and set it down roughly before walking to the door. Kibe looked back at him.

"You don't have to believe me, but you can't deny the probability is there. And what will you do once it's too late? Will you have been there? Or will you have been standing alone and away because of some foolish paranoia?

Your choice as always Moriyama." Kibe said. Kenji stared at him before he left. Kibe then looked back at his phone.

"Now its time to act. All the pieces are here and they are moving." Kibe thought as he then looked at the TV and saw the announcement of the U.S government joining with the Japanese government to help govern the IPOW. Kibe watched it for a moment.

"And just like with the trojan horse, I have found my gift in which to give my enimes." Kibe thought as he then went ahead and grabbed a burner phone from his school bag and typed in a phone number. Kibe then had memories of when Mr.Miyuki came into his home and met his drunken mother. He remembered that night when Mr.Miyuki met the white rabbit.

Kibe opened his eyes and looked infront of him and saw Mr.Miyuki, he was tied up in a chair infront of him. They were in the basement. "KIBE! PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS! MY DAUGHTER,  I-"

"Thats enough detective. I'm not going to kill you. I never planned on it." Kibe said. His eyes were like black holes, thats what Mr.Miyuki saw with every glance he took. He was petrified by them. Mesmerized bu their vacancy of life and empathy. Kibe then turned around and pressed a button on a remote which cut out all the lights. It was pitch black. Mr.Miyuki was sweating, fear could be heard in his short breaths. "...please...don't do this." Mr.Miyuki begged. Thats when he'd feel something get injected into his neck, it was a needle. He didn't know what it was going into him, but it began to make him drowsy. He could feel his body getting weaker, and the fear in his mind intensifying.

Suddenly lights began to flash in his face, blaring and going off and on, all while Kibe stood in front of it. Mr.Miyuki's eyes shook with horror, drool pouring from his mouth. Sweat soaking him.

"You're going to be late, theres no time.

Follow the white rabbit, and you'll be there soon.

The white rabbit can help you, help you forget the sorrows and worries of reality. When you think of the whites in the snow, in the clouds and in your very eyes. You will think of calmness and serenity.

When you hear the time has come, and the hour draws near. Only then will you be free of your worries, but until you find him. Not until you follow the white rabbit." Said Kibe, his voice was like that of a machine. For the first time Mr.Miyuki saw exactly what it was that Mr.Nakayama talked about. Kibe's voice was heavily distorted yet every word instilled itself into Mr.Miyuki's brain.

Kibe's voice became law to him, it became...more. Mr.Miyuki watched in horror as those horrific green eyes looked at him, and in the darkness of the figure infront of him. He saw two more sets of hands emerge from his body. He watched as they reached to him as the phrase Kibe said reapeted over, and over, and over and over and over.

Mr.Miyuki let out a horrific scream. Thats when Kibe opened his eyes and was returned to the present.

Kibe called the number he dialed. Mr.Miyuki who was still at the police department, going over files while Mr.Nakayama working in his office. Thats when he'd see his phone ring. He looked to see a random number. He answered it.

"Hello?" Mr.Miyuki asked

"The time has come." Said Kibe on the other end. Mr.Miyuki immediately sat up straight, his eyes going hollow. The trance now activated.

"What do you need to do?" Kibe asked and just like a robot Mr.Miyuki answered. "I need to find the white rabbit, I can't be late." He answered.

"Good, now I need you to tell me everything that Brandon Wright is up to.

Once you do, then I'll help you find the white rabbit." Kibe said. "Thank you, I-I can't afford to be late." Mr.Miyuki said.

"You won't be. And neither will I." Kibe said. Thats when Mr.Miyuki would begin to read off everything in the white rabbit case and everything that was going on with the investigation to Kibe, who made himself some green tea as he sat down and listened.

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