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Feranmi was lying down in between her mom and dad face up.

"We missed you so much" Her mom said and Feranmi smiled.

"I might not come home for a while" Feranmi said after a while.

"We know" her dad replied.

"Just be strong okay?" He added as Feranmi wore a big smile.

"Let's sleep" Feranmi said.

She closed her tears and tried to sleep. It was going to take at least one month before she could see them again.

Being an NSTS meant a lot. One had to give up a lot of things and make sacrifices. She wasn't scared to make up, she just hoped that after making them, she'll be able to protect her loved ones.

When Feranmi woke up, her parents were still in bed. She looked around until her eyes landed on the wall clock.


Her parents were late for work. She hastily woke them up.

"Dad, Mom, you are late" Feranmi said alarmed.

"Its okay, we just wanted to spend more time with you" her mom whispered and Feranmi felt her eyes reddening.

"I'm going to school to pick up something's though" Feranmi said as her dad nodded.

"Okay, go and have your bath" her dad said as she got out of bed.

Feranmi hastily dressed up and went to school. Everyone was looking at her with looks that sent her self conscious.

Ini threw herself on Feranmi as she walked into the class.

"I'm so proud of you!" Ini screamed and Feranmi managed a smile.

Something told her it had to do something with what the excuse the NSTS gave the school.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Ini asked with a pout "I was so embarrassed when the principal announced it on the assembly. We are best friends, we shouldn't keep secrets from each other" Ini added.

Feranmi laughed slightly as she sat down "I'm sorry. I was surprised as well" She replied.

She wondered what kind of excuse the NSTS had given to make everyone look at her with admiration.

"So when did you apply for the Conference?" Ini asked as Feranmi looked lost.

"What conference?" Feranmi asked.

"The International Science Conference" Ini replied as Feranmi smiled and shook her head.

So this was the excuse the NSTS gave. She had to give them kudos for that.

"I just applied randomly, didn't know I was actually going to get in" Feranmi lied smoothly while Ini nodded.

"I knew it. If you had known, you would definitely tell me" Ini said while Feranmi grinned slightly.

"When is your flight?" Ini asked.

"Tomorrow but I'll be going to Lagos later in the day" Feranmi replied as Ini nodded.

"I'll miss you" Ini said her eyes red as she hugged Feranmi.

Feranmi smiled a little and hugged her back. This was the main reason she came to school, to see her best friend.

"Two months is such a long time" Ini whined when they broke apart.

"Don't forget to pick my video calls and snap pictures okay?" Ini said as Feranmi nodded.

Two months holiday? The NSTS was sure a capable one. Feranmi opened her locker and grabbed the necessary textbooks she might need.

She took out every necessity and packed them into her bag before turning to Ini.

"You leaving already?" Ini asked.

Everyone was looking at her and Feranmi nodded.

"I haven't packed at home. I still have to go to Lagos. My flight is 5am. I also have to catch some sleep" Feranmi replied as she hugged Ini.

"I'll miss you" Ini said holding her tightly.

"I'll miss you too" Feranmi said.

"Reduce your partying and don't fuck anyone that comes your way huh?" Feranmi said and Ini burst into laughter.

"I have class alright. I don't fuck anyone that comes my way" Ini said with a grin.

Seeing her smile, Feranmi's heart relaxed a bit and she sneered.

"And you better don't fuck Snr Zach" Feranmi said as Ini widened her eyes.

"You like him? You don't want me to touch him? Roger!" Ini said laughing.

"He's dirty, don't. Really" Feranmi replied as Ini nodded.

"Roger" Ini said as she held Feranmi's hand.

"Since its an international conference, they'll be a lot of fine boys right. Yeah, like the novels, the blue eyed, the green eyed and lots of sexy boys. I wish I could go in your stead" Ini whined.

"Thank heavens you aren't the one going" Feranmi replied laughing.

"Don't come back a virgin else I'll really disown you" Ini said as Feranmi nodded.

"Aye aye" Feranmi said laughing as Ini drew her in for another hug.

"Be safe okay?" Ini said as Feranmi nodded.

"You too" Feranmi said as she walked out of the class.

She felt an headache coming when she saw the figure leaning beside the door.

"Snr Zach" Feranmi greeted.

"Congratulations" Zach said with a smile.

"Thank you" Feranmi replied with a small smile.

Zach reached for her bag "Let me help you carry it. It must he heavy" Zach said and Feranmi rolled her eyes.

Compared to those bag of stones, the bag was nothing.

"No thank you" Feranmi declined politely.

"Either ways, I'm taking you home today" Zach said a glint in his eyes and Feranmi couldn't help but laugh as she turned to him narrowing her eyes.

"Getting me home doesn't mean you are gonna get in my pants. If you think that's it, I think you are day dreaming. Snr Zach if you really wanna get in my pants, following me home, buying me things won't get you in my pants. If you really wanna fuck me that bad, take some lessons. Its such a pity you are not gonna see for two months but then you can use the time to take some lessons, who knows; maybe when I come back, you'll be bending me over my desk" Feranmi said as she turned and walked away leaving the stunned senior.

Her classmates that had gathered began to hail her as she walked.


"She's bad ass!" Neon screamed as he walked the girl walk towards the school gate.

Everyone watching the screen had been stunned. Even Floating Cloud had his jaw down.

"Aish, her lying skills aren't bad either" Neon said.

"Adaptive skills Neon" one of the guys said while Neon grinned.

"Her best friend is an handful though"

"Having a slit as a best friend isn't something that happens everyday" Lee said.

"Told she was nothing good" Maria sneered.

"Shut up!" Another guy bellowed.

"Hmmmmm... We haven't had such an interesting recruit in a while" Lee said.

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