chapter 2

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(Y/n)'s POV:
I look up from who just bump me and it was chad. My cousin.

"Oh hey (Y/n) didn't know you're gonna be schooling here too" he said.
"Yeah" I said looking away.

I stood up and dusted myself.

"I better get going I'm going to be late" I said walking away.

Chad and I aren't really that close to each other so I don't suspect to see him much his in senior high anyway I shook my head and made my way to my history class and again I'm alone.
I sigh and took a seat near to a brunette guy that was wearing a blue button up shirt but he didn't button it it was lousy revealing his white shirt that was under it but I really wanna question what's with the googles? I smiled and took out my history notebook.
After every seat was taken the teacher came in and the bell rang.
The boring lecture came on and on and on so I just rested my arm on my table and let my hand lift my head's weight I was doodling random stuff.
Just then a note was placed on my table I look on my left it was the brunette.
He was smirking at me and I just look at him weirdly. I decided to read it since I got nothing else to do.
'Nice doodle'
I smiled and wrote a thanks then gave it back to him. He started writing at the note and gave it back to me again.
'This class is a bore why don't we go out sometimes?'
I shook my head with a smile 'no thanks me and my friend is gonna hang out later' I then gave it back to him.
He started writing but his tip of his pencil broke making him mutter a colorful word.

"Mr. Gilligan!" The teacher shouted.
"Yeah what's up sir" he said doing gun gestures with his hand.
"That language isn't accepted in this class meet me in detention!"

The boy I guess who was Gilligan had his smile turn upside down. He then mumbled a aw man. I giggled and shook my head as I look at him he was blushing.
Then the bell rang.

"Class dismissed and don't forget your homework" the teacher reminded.

(I'm skipping lunch break sorry)

I started walking alone to the gym since it was my next subject. After sometime of walking I finally got to the gym it was huge!


I looked at my left and saw Kuki she was on her gym shorts and a white shirt .

I smiled "hey Kuki"
"Come on I'm showing you where your locker is!" She said.

She grabbed my hand and started  dragging me to the locker room she showed me my locker and the combo and gave me my uniform.
She told me to put it on when I did it the shorts was kinda small and the shirt was a little lousy.

"Are you sure this is mine I don't wanna go out there wearing like this!" I argued.
"Non sense you look great!" She said.

She then grabbed my hand and started dragging me to the gym I tried stopping her but she was too strong.

"Here we are!" She cheered. "Oh there's Wally HI WALLY!" she then again dragged me to Wally.

I swear this girl might have a kind of unnatural human strength or am I just that weak? We got to Wally who was wearing gym shorts and a white white shirt.

"Oh sup (Y/n)" he said. I think I saw something pink on his cheek.
"Hey" I said awkwardly.

I look at Kuki she had the most evilest smirk plastered on her face as she was looking at us. And I don't like it it tells me that she had a plan going on in her mind and it was no good.

"OKAY STUDENTS PILE UP IN ONE LINE!" The gym teacher said.

Students started running around I had a tight grip on Kuki's hand but we lost sight of Wally since a herd of students ran and kept bumping at us we were now in a line and I was between Kuki and a guy that looks kinda similar to Nigel but he had hair (did I just insulted numbuh 1?) He kept looking at me and it was kinda weird but I just ignored it.


She kept walking and partnered girls with boys as she came up to me she looked at me with a glare and I just stood there trying not to look scared.

"partner up with him!" The teacher shouted.

He then pointed to the guy that was on my side. Since i dont want to get to any problems with the teacher I just agreed with it. He then held my hand and took me to the rest of the group that was partnered up.

"Ace" he said.
"My name is Ace" he said looking at me through his shades.
"Oh I'm (Y/n)" i said then I felt heat raise up my cheek.
"Your cute when you blush" he complements.

I blushed even darker and looked away. I heard him chuckle.


We didn't hesitate and ran with linked hands with Ace.

Time skipped.

I was now in the locker room taking a shower. This day is exhausting. After the shower I put back my normal clothes and put my sweaty one in the laundry basket.
walked out of the room and headed to my next class Science. Kuki was waiting for me out of the gym cause she was the first to take a shower.

"Is this my last subject?" I asked.
"No you still have music sadly so I'll be waiting for you outside the school" she said.
"Oh okay" I said.

We headed to our laboratory and sat down together. Just then I saw Nigel came in.

"Nigel over here!" I waved.

He smiled and sat on the back of us I faced him from behind and Kuki was smiling.

"You two know each other??" Kuki asked.
"Yeah we met in art class" Nigel answered.
"That's great! Good job on getting a new friend even if your a newbie!" Kuki congratulated me.
"Uh thanks?" I kinda think I questioned it.

Nigel just smiled and the bell rang the teacher then told us to get our materials that we'll use for our experiments.

Time skip after some failed experiments and almost setting the place on fire

I sigh as I was heading to my next class. Kuki said that Wally would  there so I won't be alone.
As I got to the Music room I came in and look around there wasn't any tables just chairs circled around. I then saw Wally waving  at me happily. I smiled and sat down next to him.

"They said we'll be learning some instruments today so that's why the chairs are arrange like this" he said.
"Oh do we pick?" I asked.

The students again filled the room and the bell rang the teacher came in the circle with a sweet smile.

"Okay children you can pick what ever kind of instrument you want after that you'll be jazzing in front like a pro" the teacher said it was calm and kinda cool.

We all stood up and got an instrument I pick out a base guitar and sat back down. Wally came back with a set of drum sticks.

"You drum?" I asked
"You jam?" He asked.
"Yeah it's kinda makes me calm when I play it" I answered.
"Well I like rock and roll" he said

The students then got what they needed and sat back down.

"Now who should go first?" The teacher asked.

(He/she) then looked at me and smiled.

"You with the bass guitar can you jam?" (He/ she) asked.

I did some basic jams and the teacher smiled.

"Come infront and sing for us"
I felt nervous "M-me?"
"Yes you I'm not talking to a flower pot am I?"

I then carried my chair in front and placed my base on position and sigh.

After i finished the song the whole class started clapping. I smiled and went back to where I was seated.

"Your really good at this" Wally said.
"Heh thanks" I said.

I then felt a tap on my shoulder it was a girl she had a red hat on and wearing a blue small tank top that expose her chest and had short shorts.

"I say your really great wanna hang out sometimes by the way the name is Abby" she said.
"Oh I'm (Y/n) and sure maybe we can hang out with my friend" I said.

She smiled and the teacher called Wallabe.  I watched as Wally played the drums it was cool.
I wish this day never ends...

(That took me so long to type well I hope you like the chapter)

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