chapter 23

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Kuki's POV:
I was walking through the halls of the school happily going to my locker when I saw (Y/N) on her locker putting in her text book. I smiled and ran up to her.

"(Y/N)!!" I called.

But when she saw me her eyes widen and quickly ran away from me. I stopped running and just watched her ran.

Okay....maybe their planning a suprise party for me?'s not my birthday today...

"Hey Kuki" Wallabe said walking up to me.
I raised a brow "hey Wallabe..." I trailed.
"You seem confused what's the matter?" He asked placing his hand on my shoulder.
"Do you think (Y/N)'s a bit strange today?" I asked concerned.
"Now you mentioned it yeah she is kinda strange today" he says. "She's been avoiding me alot and she kinda looks scared whenever I'm near her" he adds.
"I think she's doing the same to me...did we do something wrong?" I asked a tad sad.
"Nope but you did made her peanut butter and JEALOUS" DJ says beside me coming out of no where.
"GAH!" Wallabe and I screamed.

She raised her brow and looked from side to side then back at us confused as Wallabe and I stared at her scared.

"What? Did a ghost popped out or something?" she asked. (DJ should know why I'm laughing at this)
"No but Jesus Christ try saying Hi like the other characters here in the story!" I say but quickly slap my mouth.
"Um what?" Wallabe asked.
"Nothing! Anyway you were saying DJ?"
"Oh yeah! As I was saying you two made her jelou-"
"HOW?!" Wallabe exclaimed cutting DJ off.
"Can you let me finish blondie????" DJ asked sarcastically "anyway as I was saying that got INTERRUPTED" she highlights out glaring at Wallabe "(Y/N) was jealous cause yesterday you two kinda, no suck that, really look good together so she wanted distance away from you two so you would go happily ever after" DJ tells in one breathe.

Wallabe and I was speechless. We stood frozen on place as we stare at DJ. Just then the late bell ringed.

"HOLY CORNDOG ON A PLANE WE'RE LATE!" DJ exclaims we all ran to the gym which was our subject today.

After rampaging our lockers and getting in our PE uniforms we finally got to our gym class and the coach scolding us for being late.

After the 'lecture' we got to our places and it seems like (Y/N) WAS avoiding me cause when I came closer to her she moved beside to Abby instead.

Oh gosh what should I do?

(Y/N)'s POV:
I didn't really wanna face Kuki right now and my jealousy hasn't faded away so I moved next to Abby and some short hair blond girl.

"Hey...aren't you gonna be with Kuki?" Abby asked pointing at Kuki.
"We I mean I had a problem with her..." I told her looking down.
"Tell me baby what is it that I can help?" She asked concerned.
"No it's fine don't worry about I can figure it out myself I guess..." I told her smiling a little.
"Well I hope you do and wish ya luck anyway here's also a friend of mine" Abby says as she tapps the shoulder of the blond haired girl "hey Rachael look at here" Abby called.

'Rachael' faced us and looked at me. She smiled and looked at Abby.

"Yes Abby?" She asked.
"I want cha to meet (Y/N), (Y/N) this is Rachael she was an old leader of our little association back then" Abby says.
"Huh? When?" Rachael asked.
"Nevermind it was really a long time ago you wouldn't remember" Abby says laughing nervously.
"I guess so" she shrugs "but it was meeting you (Y/N)" Rachael says sticking her hand out for me to shake.
I smiled and shaked her hand "me too"

But our happy introduction was interrupted when the coach blowed their whistle.


We did as told and started pushing up.

Time Skip!

After getting a bit sweaty our gym teacher had prepared a net for our Volleyball lesson which that I am new of.

"OKAY SINCE I ALREADY EXPLAINED EVERY MECHANICS LET'S START THE GAME! BUT BEFORE WE DO I'LL BE PARING YOU BRATS FOR A TEAM!" They yell (I swear if this yelling keeps up I'll be putting on some thick irish accent here and let a irish potato be their coach)
KUKI, WALLABE, ABBY, DJ AND ACE SECOND TEAM" The coach yell and other students was also called and paired.

I sat with my team and Hoogie sat beside me putting his arm on me and Nigel glared at him but getting interrupted by Lizzy hugging him I was too busy on giving sarcastic comments on Hoogie to even notice it and Racheal was our leader for our team.

"Okay guys here's the position Lizzy, (Y/N) and me are on the front cause we got the speed and high jumps and Nigel and Hoogie will be on the back for defense if the ball goes further away from us got it?" Racheal explained.
"Got it!" We yell.
"I hate to admit being on the back but I don't mind now since I know I'll be seeing a better view of the rare you" Hoogie flirted at me.
"Great a stacker checking me out just what I need" I say rolling my eyes sarcastically.
"Hoogie will you stop being a flirt?" Nigel growls.
"Let it Nigel, he's just playing he's probably jealous cause we're together~" Lizzy giggles.
"Me jealous cause of you? Of gosh I'd better be making out with that trash can over there than your wide mouth" Hoogie rolls his eyes.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?!!!" Lizzy roars making Hoogie slouch down in fear.

I watched as some teams battled and win while others fail some tried so hard and some just wanted to bail and doesn't give a honey dew about the game at all while their team looked like wild animals with great skills just to win it but failed.
We would also battle and we kept winning till only one team was left the second team.

I stared at them I was already sweating due to the rounds I had but I didn't want to lose. We waited for the coach to give us the ball intesnse filled the air. Then the whistle was blown I quickly got the ball and hit it asour coach threw it.

Abby hit it back to us as Rachael got it and slam it back non of them were able to reach it so we had a score.

"TEAM ONE ONE POINT!" yelled our coach.

I smiled as DJ got the ball. She smirked and jumped up hitting the ball in the air I ran up to the ball and hit it up before it hits the ground Lizzy hits it more higher as Racheal kicks it to the other side. But Kuki got it and hit it back to us non of us infront got it but thank gosh to Nigel he saved it and hit it back.

"Good one Nigie!" Lizzy cheers.

I give him a thumbs up and our game kept going after a few hits and scoring we were then tied 5 and 5 who ever gets the next point wins this.

Wallabe had the ball and we were waiting for him to throw it and hit he did but only threw it up as he gave Ace a boust and kicking the ball hard to our side. Not wanting them to win I caught the ball and damn did it felt heavy I threw it up  jumped high hitting the ball harder to their side.

I smiled wide as I saw it go further from the front but got saved by DJ who ran after it and hit it back to us Hoogie caught it and gave it back the match had got longer than expected cause non of us wanted to lose.

I had enough and when Kuki had hit the ball I ran up to it Rachael was about to hit it but I got in her way and hit it way up.

"Nigel boost me up!" I yelled.

He nodded and I ran to him and him boosting me up high inton the air I backflipped and kicked the ball hard into the other side of the net. Some of them didn't caught it but as I land into the ground I heard the ball getting hit my eyes widen and looked up Abby got the ball and her hands were smoking hot but she kinda hit it very hard and it flew out of the gym shooting to the window breaking the glass.

Everyone stood there frozen even us. We looked back at Abby and stared at her in silence.

"Well at least I caught the ball" Abby says sassily.

Everyone was about to complain when the break bell ringed. Every started getting up to take a shower in the locker rooms and so was I but before I could turn and walk away someone grabbed my wrist making me stop I turn to look at who it was and who would it thought it was the kangaro- I mean Wallabe.

"(Y/N) can we talk later behind the school near the old tree?" He asked.
I stared at him for a second then looked down "yeah sure I guess" I told him since I know he wouldn't let me go till I say yes.

He smiles and lets me go then hugging me. I can feel his sweat on me as he hugged me and he smelled too but I wouldn't complain since I knew he was feeling and smelling it too.

"I hope you do" he whispers then lets go of me.

I stared at him as he walks to the boys locker room before also entering mine.
I smiled a bit and went to my locker.

That boy...I don't know how to even feel about him right now

I sighed as I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I jolted up and turn around seeing Kuki with a sad smile.
I blushed and looked down not wanting to see her right now.

"Look (Y/N) I'm really sorry if you think of me and Wallabe being together but we're not we're just friends please don't avoid me I don't wanna lose a friend like you you're the most awesome friend I had so please can you forgive me?" Kuki apologized looking sad at me.

I stayed silent before hugging her tightly crying on her shoulder not wanting to let go.

"'s fine (Y/N) I'm here nothing to worry about" Kuki comforts.

I kept crying in joy and sadness.

"I'm so sorry for avoiding you Kuki I didn't want to but but these feelings got into me and and!"
"It's calm (Y/N) your running out of breath calm and breathe..." Kuki says.

I nodd and breathe in and out we stayed quiet still hugging I hiccupped a bit but it stopped after a minute. We let go and smiled at each other.

"Friends forever?"
"Friends Forever"

This just made me miss my old friends.... ; - ;

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