Still Mad

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(1906 words)

My alarm goes off on the side of the bed. Turning it off quickly as I glance behind me to see House asleep. He had let go of me sometime in the night, his leg most likely hurting from laying on it. Getting up and getting dressed, I head out of the door. Buying a coffee on the way through and making my way towards the office. Finding Foreman, Chase, and Cameron with a few files already.

"Good morning, where's House?" Foreman was quick to see me first, without the boss in tow.

"At home."

"You came to work without him?"


Cameron gives me a worried look as Chase and Foreman shrug and go back to their files in hand.

"Are you two okay?"

Turning to look at Allison I blink slightly. "Don't worry about it."

She looks at me for a second before going back to her file.

"What do we have?"

"Rebecca Adler, 29, kindergarten teacher, first seizure a month ago, and lost the ability to speak. Babbled like a baby, aggressive deterioration of mental status." 

Turning to look over at the door, Wilson is in it. Scanning the room and glancing into House's office to see he's not there. Turning back to me he raises a brow before walking over. 

"She's my cousin. She's been diagnosed with a brain tumor, all three of the most common brain cancers are negative and she's not responding to radiation." 

Nodding gently, I look at Wilson for second. "Schedule her for a contrast MRI, and draw her blood again. House is going to want to know if this legion is actually a legion or not." 

They get up and head out to do as they're told. Wilson puts his hands on his hips as he looks at me. 


"Well what?" 

"You left House at home didn't you?" 

I nod as I walk over to the white board, writing things down. 

"Can I ask why?" 

"We got into a fight, why is everyone so worried that I left him at home. It's not like he came in early before we started dating." 

He sighs as he takes the marker from me. 

"What was it about?" 

"I called him a selfish arrogant asshole." 

He nods for a second. "Those  are true, and did he apologize." 

"He did actually, guess my crying actually got to him this time." 

Wilson gives a small sad sigh, before the door opens to the office, House standing in it. Wilson leaves and pats his shoulder as he walks by him. House putting his backpack in the chair and watching me as I think of other things to add to the board. 

"You left without me this morning." 

"I did." 


"I'm still mad at you." 

"I apologized, didn't i?" 

"You did, but sometimes that doesn't always cut it." 

He sighs as he taps his cane against the carpet floor. Looking around the room, I turn away from him and go to the coffee pot. 

"Won't you at least look at me?" 


"Why not?" 

"Because, House. I know if I look at you, you're going to flash those blue eyes of yours at me, and I'm going to forget about why I was mad." 

I could feel the smirk on his face as he walks over to me. The sound of his cane hitting the floor with every other step. He hands his cane on the whiteboard behind me before I feel his hands on my hips as they rub up and down. Letting my head hand as I put my hands on the counter, he knows what being close to him does. 

"Baby, you can't be so mad all the time. You carry all of your stress in your shoulders." 

He kisses the back of my shoulder for a second, before he moves them towards my neck and up towards my ear. Nibbling on the arch slightly. One hand stays on my hip as I hear him grab his cane off the whiteboard. 

"What have I told you about calling me that at work." 

He hums slightly, as I step away from him, only for him to hook my arm with his cane and get me to stop walking. 

"I would call you that at home too, but most of the time you can't hear it from all the screaming you do." 

Shaking my head as I look around the room, finding somewhere for my eyes to stay on I sigh. 

He steps closer to me, grabbing the cup from my hand and putting it down before turning me towards him. I can feel his eyes on me as they try and reach mine. Keeping my head down as I look at his sneakers and my heels, my head against his shoulder. His hand comes up and rests on my neck as his thumb traces my jawline slightly. 

"If you keep getting me angry with you, soon I'll only always be mad at you." 

He nods as he pulls me into him, kissing my forehead before resting his chin against the top of my head. My arms wrapping around him under his blazer. Moving closer to him he holds me tightly as he rubs my back. 

"I'm sorry, I'll try to do better." 

I nod gently, before letting him go. "We have work to do. We should probably do it." 

Walking away from him after I grab my coffee, I sit at the small metal table and grab a file to read. He walks over and sits down next to me. Leaning his chin on the handle of his cane as he looks up at me. Sipping my coffee as I keep my eyes on the paper in front of me, reading the charts I ignore his gaze. 

"Quit staring at me." 

"You still haven't looked at me." 

"I know" 

"Are you scared I might take you on my office floor?" I could feel the smirk and the cocked eyebrow. 

Drinking my coffee before putting it down. He leans closer to me. "You are, aren't you?" 


"Yes, baby?" 

Taking in an annoyed breath, I look at him. His blue eyes looking at me as I feel myself melt into them. He smirks as he watches me shift in my seat. "That picture never gets old." 

Smacking him with the file he smiles at me as he gives a small chuckle. He puts his hand on my thigh as he looks at me, rubbing his hand along my thigh slowly. Putting my hand down on it, he looks up at me. The same puppy eyed look as earlier. He stands slowly before taking the file and coffee from me, pulling me out of my chair gently and towards his office. 

"House, we're going to get into trouble." 

"That's only if they hear you." 

"I shake my head as I stand in his office, watching him lock both doors and closing the blinds, making the room dark. He walks back over to me before standing behind me, taking the clip out of my hair. My (h/l) (h/c) falling out of it. He plays with a small section of it and looks at me gently. 

"I've always preferred your hair down." 

"You know it gets in the way." 

He leans down as he hums against me, his lips kissing my neck as his arms wrap around me waist, his hands squeezing various parts of me. Tilting my head away from him as he kisses my neck, nibbling here and there. I arousal in my core betraying me as I try and ignore what he was doing. His cologne invading me as I smell it on his blazer and graphic shirt he wore. Kicking off my heels he smirks as he knows he's won. Looking up at him and cupping his face in my hands, his stubble scratching at my palms as i look at him. 

"We can't keep having sex in your office." 

"This can be the last time." 

I sigh gently before pulling him into a kiss, my lips dancing with his as my hands pull on his hair slightly. He gives me a couple of groans as we both slowly move to the floor. He unbuttons his pants and unzips them as I pull my skirt up, our lips never breaking contact as I feel him pull his pants down slightly. His hands rub and squeeze my thigh before his hand moves my underwear to the side just enough so he can rub his fingers along my folds, before pushing two of them into my entrance. Gasping into the kiss as he smirks, he moves closer to me, my legs finding each side of him as he leans on his forearm. 

Moving his fingers in and out slowly, the tips of them rubbing against my g spot, the small moans I was releasing being quieted by his kiss. Swallowing each one as he caught them. He pulls his fingers away from me before licking them, he smirks gently, pulling me towards him again before leaning over me. He kisses my forehead again before lining himself up, and pushing in slowly. Holding onto his shoulders and blazer lapels, I gasp gently. Never getting used to the feeling of him inside of me. 

He releases the breath he was holding as he moves slowly. Leaning down again to kiss me as he picks up the pace. Putting my hands in his hair as I pull on it, he slows down and grinds against me. His own hot breath mixing with mine as I look at him. He kisses my jawline slightly before he picks up his pace again, being a little rougher with his movements this time. My nails digging into his blazer as he tightens his grip on my hip and kisses me again. Keeping me as quiet as he could. Gasping as we hear the other three get back into the office next door. He smirks as he covers my mouth. The shadows dancing along the edge of the glass walls under the blinds as they move around the office. 

Foreman noting that the cane was left in the office. Looking at House to get him to stop what he was doing, his hand over my mouth to keep me quiet as he kept going. I could feel the familiar tingle starting to form as his movements were paying off. Closing my eyes as there was no use trying to get him to stop, and the thrill of potentially getting caught being overwhelming. I dig my hands into the front of his blazer as I pull him closer to me, he leans down and kisses my neck again as he knows I'm getting close. The tightening of my walls around him made him start to throb. Knowing he was getting close too. 

The other three left the office to check on a couple of tests they did, just as we both finished. He takes his hand off of my mouth as I look at him, slapping his arm. Whispering at him. "Are you insane? You almost got us caught." 

He shrugs as he pulls me close to him. "You enjoyed it, I think that was a new record." Slapping him again he smiles before he kisses me. I wrap my arms around him before looking at him. 

"You're lucky I love you." 

"Tell me something I don't already know." 

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