How Stupid can someone get! 😬

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I swear this world has stupid people, but no one was suspecting for an completely stupid idiot to get on subway tracks! Literally this guy was unauthorized and decided to get on track level while the trains were still running! And train was literally near its last stop, which was Kennedy Station at least a few minutes left. (I honestly don't know because half the time, I'm asleep on the train.) The train stop in the tunnel for a whole 30 minutes with the train completely offline and the lights off. It was not confirmed if TTC (and yes, that's the name of public transport in Toronto.) found this guy that was on the tracks. I'm literally f***king pissed cause thanks to him/her made me withstand a hell load of pain that's literally killing my right ankle. (Long story short. I scraped a tiny bit of skin on right ankle yesterday and now it hurts like bitch even with bandaid on!) So this is my mini rant of the day (I guess) so I'll you later. Ciao.

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