Possibly of Quitting?

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I'm at the point of quitting wattpad entirely after the new year.... My account will still be here.... But I'm gonna go away for who knows how long.... You know.... Sometimes I wonder what's the purpose of anything.... I have something that's important to me and yet... There's people that back stab me, make me change up my ideas, find the means to piss me off.... 2018 just wasn't my year nor will 2019.... So I'll be deciding to go dormant for the rest of year until I feel like returning... I know I have some great friends on Wattpad and Discord to talk but.... There's no point.... I started to RP because I wanted to interact with people but in the end there's gonna be people that say my ideas are boring and won't be interested.... I sorta gave up gaming and writing my stories to express my ideas through my OCs but in the end that failed, so here I am. At the point of quitting something that I spend most of my time on and I get nothing out of it.... Maybe I am just a devil.... I will be continuing my Holiday RP but after I'll be going Dormant for probably a year or longer. So Adieu.

(I wanna thank those that made me happy to the point where I could smile again. So thanks.)







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