11 | Journey (II)

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Xanthy pulled Nyxis aside as Cyrdel summoned the Russet Generals for more instructions. The others disappeared to their assigned room to prepare for the journey ahead.

"I have a favor to ask," Xanthy eyed the scampering brownies dressed in white garbs. Temple people, as Xanthy recalled from her time in Toreza. Gods, that seemed long ago.

Nyxis nodded and spread his hands. "Anything."

"Please stay here," Xanthy turned back to the human. "Do not go with us."

Nyxis scoffed, shook his head, and knitted his eyebrows. "What?" his hands tightened around the handle of his satchel. "Of course, I am going with you."

Xanthy clutched Nyxis's shoulders. "They need you here," she glanced at the Temple people hauling brownies straddled in portable beds before being transported towards the Council Hall where the rest of the sick were. "They are currently short of healers. Your expertise on potion-making will be of great use."

The glass-plated front of the Alkaran mansion had never sent that much dread in showing the outside world to Xanthy more than it did now.

Nyxis shook his head. "If I stay here, that means you will be alone with Cyrdel! He might hurt you."

"Please, you have seen him," Xanthy snorted and moved her head from side to side. "He would not hurt a sphy."

"Yes, but he did lose an invention that turned a city into a graveyard," Nyxis pointed out.

Xanthy slapped his arm with a frown. "Watch your words."

"And June?" Nyxis knitted his eyebrows, scratching his chin in thought. "Who knows what he could do to you."

"Reeca will pound him to pieces before he ever could," Xanthy braced her hips. "Besides, what are you worried about? You do not trust your own friends?"

Nyxis's eyes scanned the floor. "Well, it is better if I come with you," he glanced at the bustle of people walking in and out of the Palace's lobby. "I do not know anyone here. Besides, how can you be so sure they will let a human take care of them?"

"Cyrdel will talk to the Russet Generals," Xanthy jerked her chin in the direction where Cyrdel was seen to be facing muscular brownies dressed in metallic, russet armor. "He said he will make sure to maintain order. Airene will also help. Do this as a favor for me. Please?"

Nyxis's shoulders fell. "Fine," he sighed. "It is not like I could do anything about it."

Xanthy clapped her hands. "That is settled, then," she bumped her shoulder with Nyxis's. "I also hear that we would be given versallis as a reward assuming we succeed. Think about how many ingredients you will be able to buy."

"You sly witch," Nyxis grinned before heaving a heavy breath. "Fine. I will do it for you."

Xanthy threw her arms around him. "Thank you!"

Oops. She extracted herself quickly and cleared her throat. "That did not happen."

Nyxis laughed. "Okay."

June's white hair cropped closer as the half-blood entered the Palace's lobby. "We will leave in an hour." He hefted his bandaged hand in a wave before continuing on his way.

Nyxis slapped his forehead before twisting around to open his satchel. "Oh, I almost forgot."

He dug around his satchel until he produced the jar with the red cream. He passed it to Xanthy. "Apply it to his wounds every night. Change the bandage too if soaked," he passed her a thick roll of bandage. Xanthy blinked at him.

"And this," he said as he passed her another jar, this time, with white cream. "Is for Reeca. There is no need to change the bandages, but apply that two times a day."

Xanthy nodded. White for Reeca. Red for June.

Nyxis produced a smaller satchel from his bigger satchel. He handed it to Xanthy. "Use the contents as you wish."

Xanthy peered inside. "Uh, what are these?"

Nyxis forced Xanthy to sit down beside him on the floor. He upended the smaller satchel and to Xanthy's horror, dozens of small vials tumbled out.

"What are you doing!" Xanthy lunged to grab the glass bottles.

Nyxis laughed as Xanthy watched them clink against the floor and bounce before rolling to a stop against each other. Xanthy gawked. The vials remained intact with not a scratch present.

"These are made from presora glass," Nyxis chuckled. "They will not be easily broken. That is why I need all of them back even when the contents are used. Do not lose this."

Xanthy nodded. Then, Nyxis moved to explain what each one does and Xanthy's head swirled once more. He held up a vial that had purple jelly plopping inside. "This is used for treating exploding pox. Have the patient lay with his back and drop the contents directly in the nose. Do not inhale when not infected or you will have to spend the rest of the day oozing pink gunk out of your ears."

"Use this when the patient is experiencing a severe headache," Nyxis dropped the purple potion inside before picking up another one to wave into Xanthy's face. "Make them drink this and wait for seven seconds before swallowing. Too soon and it will not work. Too long and it will start to burn the gums."

Nyxis held up another vial with blue fluid sloshing inside. "When the patient is experiencing extreme loose bowel movement, have them drink this completely. Make sure they do not throw it up just because of its corpse-like taste."

"Blue, poop." Xanthy's eyes glazed over. This was why she wasn't a physician.

Nyxis blabbered on until the last vial went into the satchel. Xanthy's ears hurt; her brain was fried.

"Do you still think I should stay here?" Nyxis asked.

"Green, sloshy thingy," Xanthy muttered before flinching. "What? Ah, yes. I think you should stay here. I can do it," she snatched the small pouch of vials from Nyxis's grip.

Nyxis pouted. "And here I thought I convinced you to bring me along by boring you to death with medical terms."

"Was it all a lie?" Xanthy narrowed her eyes. She propped her own satchel into her lap and deposited the items Nyxis gave her inside. It became heavier than she anticipated.

"No," Nyxis shook his head. "But it will be hard to remember. Are you sure you could do it?"

Xanthy sighed. Half of what he said already went out of her right ear. "I will try."

She looked around before turning to him. "I have to go. Wish me luck," she stood up.

"Do not die out there," Nyxis's grin was a bit sad as he stared up at her. "Avraja."

"To Pidmena's lair with it," Xanthy returned his smile. "Avraja."

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