17 | Escape (I)

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Nyxis grabbed Xanthy's arm,stopping her in place before she ran back into the courtyard. "Xanthy, please! We have to get out of here," he also didn't like how desperate his tone was. Since this was Xanthy he was talking to, he might need more than just desperation, now.

He glanced at Canelis who stood by the foyer, a step from a bridge leading west. The wind shifted outside, teasing Nyxis's hair off his forehead. He felt like cursing. They were this close to freedom and Xanthy just had to jeopardize it.

Xanthy shrugged her arm from his grip. "You do not control me," she hissed. Her voice was so sharp and hard that it almost scratched a gash in Nyxis's heart. "June needs me."

Nyxis shoved his fingers into his hair. "He betrayed you, remember?" he yelled. His voice bounced across the corridor in bouncing echoes. "Why can you not see that?"

"I know that," Xanthy raised her eyes to his. Nyxis's eyes widened when he found hers brimming with tears. "He is my friend from the beginning. There is no way I am leaving him."

Nyxis cursed as Xanthy turned and ran back from where they came. Of all the stupid things this girl got to do, this? Nyxis turned to Canelis. "Go," he jerked his chin into the bridge looming before them. "There is nothing you could do for us here."

Canelis shook her head. Nyxis clenched his fists beside him. Oh, the stress was going to make him older. The pixie was another problem with her honor-bound, soldier morals. Why don't girls ever listen to him?

"I can still help you," the pixie played with the sword sheathed by her hip. "I am not hurt. At least, not much."

"Yes!" Nyxis slapped his forehead. "You are not. But you will be if you do not get your rear off here," he risked a look back as if proving a point. "There are soldiers bound to catch us. Your people still need you."

Canelis blinked, stepping back. "You are not the first person to say that to me today," she whispered.

"Because you are important," he waved his hand at the exit inviting them. "Do not make my mistake by abandoning your people when they need you most. I was never a royal," he faced Canelis. "But you, you are born for it, possess qualities for it. Lead your people past this difficult time. Avenge them some other time. The Heiress will still be around tomorrow and the days after that."

Canelis averted her eyes as if she found the red, patterned rugs covering the floor interesting. She clutched her sword to her side. "I hate it when unwalled creatures have a point," she muttered. A soft breath flew out of her lips as she faced Nyxis again. "Well, it seems I am unwanted here," she unlatched her sword from her waist and shoved it into Nyxis's hands.

Nyxis's eyes widened as he was the one that stepped back this time. "What...?"

"It is a symbol of my gratitude and my honor," Canelis jerked her chin at the sheathed sword. "I will remember this day when you and your friends reminded me that my people should come first. As long as you have that sword, call unto Peltra and we will answer."

"But it's the Lifecatcher," Nyxis sputtered as his thoughts formed slower than he'd like to in his head. "It will just go back to you," he stepped forward to hand it back to the pixie. "Besides, you need this in your journey back."

"No," Canelis shook her head and pushed the sword back towards Nyxis. "As long as it is in Peltra, we will not be safe. You said so yourself. The Heiress wanted this. Keep it safe for the pixies."

Nyxis shook his head. "But—"

Canelis laid a finger to his lips, silencing him. "I have a feeling that this time it will stay with you," she smiled thinly. The sight was almost as bright as the sun behind her. "You are different."

Nyxis scratched his head. "Okay, but—"

"Fare well, soldier," Canelis turned. Before Nyxis could formulate something wise to say, the pixie had already crossed the bridge without looking back.

"Fare well, princess," Nyxis muttered to the wind with a sigh. He tied the sword into his belt and shook his head. Then, he kicked the wall. Why was this happening?! As if Xanthy's stubbornness wasn't enough. Now, he had to take care of a sword that wasn't his and would probably doom an entire race if he failed. He kicked the wall again. The palace shook.

Oh right. Xanthy.

Worry about swords and thrones later. He dashed back to where Xanthy had run. Would Xanthy even make it back to the courtyard? She's terrible at directions. For all Nyxis knew she had already found herself in the kitchen or something.

Nyxis rolled his shoulders as he ran. Hey, it's love. Maybe Xanthy used her romantic instincts to find her true love. He clutched his head and shook those bitter thoughts away. Of course, Xanthy's happiness comes first. Whatever.

The Palace rumbled. Nyxis had to brace the wall as chunks of the roof began falling down. Gods of Calaris. What was going on there? Was Xanthy alright? Nyxis gritted his teeth and summoned his magic. He formed a shield above his head, wincing every time stone chunks hit it.

The Palace shook again. A calm yet stern voice rang in the corridors. Emergency lock-down will ensue. All forces to the center. Emergency lock-down will ensue. All forces to the center.

Nyxis's blood coold. Gods. Gods. Gods. He dashed forward, past the familiar corridors. Come on, just a little more.

"Halt!" a deep voice came behind him.

Nyxis froze with his hands already raised.

"Turn around."

Nyxis did and he was greeted by a thick horde of red-coated fairies. They blocked the way he came from, erasing any chance of escape. Well, he still had to get to Xanthy. He simply couldn't afford to get captured now.

Nyxis exhaled and eyed the walls. An idea crept into his mind. He grinned as sly as he could as he flicked his gaze back at the red coats. "Sorry folks," he slowly formed the spell on his tongue. "I am occupied today."

"Mosdeta," he chanted. Instantly, his magic lashed control over the walls. He spread his hands and clenched it. The walls followed his movements in one fluid flow. The fairies behind his spell clamored to escape. He clapped his hands and either wall cracked and bent towards each other. He put his hands palms-forward. "Etamara."

The walls hardened as they melded together. Screams for help rang from the walls' embrace. Some fairies attempted to counter his spells and fly over the barrier. Nyxis locked them with a curse that only he could remove.

The walls he tore revealed rooms on both sides, filled to the brim with weapons and full armors. Nyxis resisted the urge to find out if that dagger by the corner contains hyurok. It would be useful in healing. And stabbing, apparently.

With the red coats sputtering while being smothered by the walls, Nyxis turned and continued on his way. In speaking of healing...

Nyxis put his hands together, lowering himself into the trail dimension as he ran. He muttered under his breath, looking for the strain of color he was supposed to see when looking at his satchel. "Serata rasto. Hastim. Parava," he chanted, rattling off the seeking spells he had perfected before.

A bright ball of light appeared on his palm. Nyxis threw it forward where it sizzled in the air for a second before zipping faster than his eye could follow. Let it be. It would find what he needed it to find considering it's not under any magical constraints. He scratched his head. He should have added a precaution clause, shouldn't he?

No matter. Nyxis waved his hand as the courtyard neared. There. He could see Xanthy kneeling over someone. Who was that? Who's the one beside them?

Nyxis stopped in his tracks just at the lip of the courtyard. Blood. Real blood pooled from a woman in a feathered dress. It stained her blood hair and exposed her pale skin in a horrid contrast. Spreading from her back like a grand blanket were white, bird-like wings.

His stomach twisted. He stepped back. Gods, this didn't happen.

"Nyxis! Help me!" Xanthy called to him.

He broke out of his reverie and ran towards Xanthy despite his dread. When he got to his friend, it didn't get better. Tears streaked down Xanthy's face as she shook June's limp form. Nyxis dropped to his knees and examined his best friend.

"He would not wake up," Xanthy blubbered. "What is wrong with him...?"

Nyxis clenched his jaw. What did this heathen do to make Xanthy like this? Nyxis wasn't sure if he would be angry or sad. He wanted to punch something. He exhaled and glanced from where he came from. So far, no squadrons made it to the courtyard. Yet.

He turned his attention to the half-blood. June's eyes were closed and he wasn't moving but his chest rose and fell which was always a good sign. Alright, what's wrong? Nyxis sighed and prodded June's shoulder. The half-blood groaned then shivered. Xanthy wept into her hands. Nyxis rolled his eyes. Ugh. Such drama.

Nyxis turned June's face over and saw no signs of sickness except for a few bruises and cuts. Huh, nothing magic couldn't heal. He spread his hands over June and chanted a healing spell. Lights danced along June's form in dizzying patterns as Nyxis's magic laid over him. Nothing happened. The cuts still bled. He peered closer. "Hmm, that is strange," he tapped his chin as he muttered.

"Uh, Nyxis?" Xanthy croaked.

"What?" Nyxis raised his eyes to hers.

Xanthy pointed to somewhere behind Nyxis. "There are soldiers."

Oh, Rudik's ass. He forgot about the lockdown. He stood up. Playing doctor will come later. "Xanthy, we have to run from here," he extended a hand to her. "Can you do it?"

"Stay right there!" The first line of soldiers stepped through the courtyard led by a stout council member. He pointed a finger at them. "Those who killed the High Queen will pay before the Imperial Council."

"What about June?" Xanthy looked up at him with her expectant brown eyes. She didn't take the hand he offered.

Nyxis shook his head. "Leave him," he crossed his arms. "He will slow us down."

"You are so heartless," Xanthy muttered. "We are bringing him."

Nyxis kept his eyes on the advancing soldiers starting to surround them. A little more and he would be having a hard time breaking through their defense. "Maybe you," he jerked his chin at her. "I will save you but I am not carrying him. You do that."

Xanthy took his hand. "Deal."

"Silence!" the Council member yelled. His reedy voice bounced along the walls. If that's going to scare someone, it's probably the topiagas. Nyxis narrowed his eyes at the Council member. Master Beiwar was the name, wasn't it? He was sure he saw the Councilman's face plastered in his mother's guest list someplace, sometime. He turned to Xanthy. "Do not let go. We are going to run in three..."

Master Beiwar continued screaming. "Whatever you are planning, stop, or you will suffer!"

Nyxis kept his eyes on the line of red coats. "Two..."

"I said silence!"

"One!" Magic wrapped around Nyxis's legs as he yelled a spell. They burst forward, tearing through the assembled ranks like a dagrine on oshella. Nyxis added flavor by shooting spells to anyone who attempted to block his way. His hand throbbed where Xanthy grabbed onto him with June's limp form zipping with them.

Nyxis angled his body. They whizzed past the arches with the Councilman's garbled orders behind them. Good riddance. Not. Soon, fairies broke ranks and proceeded to chase them down the maze corridors.

Something pricked at Nyxis's magic and up ahead, he saw his spell speeding towards him, bearing his beloved satchel. A grin spread to Nyxis's lips. Now things were getting interesting. He extended his other hand and grasped the satchel. He swung it over one shoulder, making sure he didn't accidentally hit Xanthy.

Xanthy had a greenish tinge on her light brown skin as they whizzed in a magically-aided flight across the Imperial Palace's corridors. June still remained unconscious. Nyxis's feet thumped lightly against the carpeted floor. The noises of pursuit were heavy behind them. He stuck a hand inside his satchel, rummaging among its contents while keeping his eyes on the road and making sure they wouldn't hit a wall or a display. His fingers brushed a familiar vial. This would do. He turned back to Xanthy.

"I will send you forward, alright?" Nyxis said in an urgent tone. "Continue from there. Fly. Whatever. Just go straight ahead and I will follow. Do not open your eyes."

Xanthy nodded mutely. Nyxis took that as her understanding. He grunted as he swung Xanthy in front of him, muttering an air spell. A strong vortex of wind swirled between them. Nyxis barked the spell to shoot forward, driving Xanthy's yelp to fade into the distance.

A spell ricocheted off the wall and a displaced chunk of the wall hit him in the shoulder. Nyxis crashed to the floor as he lost control of his speeding spell. His boots thumped against the carpets as he hoisted himself up.

"Do you... think you could...escape?" a breathless Master Beiwar said. He had his hands on his knees while his chest heaved.

"No," Nyxis said with as much cheer as he could muster. "I know so."

He smashed the vial against the stone wall. Instantly, dark green smoke plumed around the fairies. Nyxis squeezed his eyes shut, plunging his world in darkness. The sharp smell of erphine was heavy in the air. He stepped back. Then another. As long as he kept going along like this, he would put some distance between him and the red coats.

Gasps ensued. Then, curses. The thuds and scuffling came after. Nyxis bit his lip to keep himself from giggling. Inhaling too much of that potion could make him hallucinate for a week. Instead, he continued stepping back, one foot after the other.

After a few minutes, the smell evaporated. Nyxis opened his eyes and regarded his work. Red-coat fairies milled about, arms forward. Some clawed at their faces. Master Beiwar walked around in circles, cursing when he got shouldered around by other hobbling soldiers. Good riddance. For real, this time.

Nyxis turned and tackled the corridor he ordered Xanthy into. His lips split into a large grin. Erphine. A perfect tool for blinding your enemies. He sank into the trail dimension, searching for Xanthy's familiar trail. Then, he slapped his forehead. Of course, Xanthy wore a cloaker.

Nyxis turned a corner and almost tripped over Xanthy crouching against the wall. June was propped against the wall. His eyes were half open. Nyxis doubted the half-blood was even conscious enough to form sentences at this point.

"What happened?" Xanthy inclined her head at the silence in Nyxis's weight..

Nyxis shifted from one foot to another. "It was nothing," he rubbed the back of his neck. "We should go. The potion will not last forever."

Xanthy knitted her eyebrows. "What potion?"

"Oh, you know," Nyxis rolled his shoulders. "The one that makes you invisible to your enemies because they have no vision, literally."

"You little devil," Xanthy smirked, albeit a little thinly and didn't quite reach her eyes. Nyxis would take that. It's good to see her smile again.

"Come on," Nyxis jerked his chin towards a vague direction. "Exit is this way."

A high-pitched sound tore through Nyxis's mind. He looked around, trying to find its source. The furnishings of the corridors remained the same. Nyxis cursed. For the gods' sakes, these fairies really needed to stop thinking that pitch whistles work with humans. It just annoyed the afterlife out of him.

Nyxis swept his arm as his magic bled out of him. A spell flew from his fingertips and into something that grunted and thudded against the ground. The corridor shimmered and white-robed figures like Master Beiwar materialized. Nyxis's eyes widened. Oh, reflection manipulation. There must be a shard fairy among their ranks.

Nyxis ducked as a bolt of fire almost singed his hair to nothing. Oh, that's illegal. He turned to Xanthy. "Get behind me," he extended his arm as if to guard her...or prevent her from running forward and killing herself.

A whole variety of synnavaimis flashed towards him as almost half of the Seelie Court ganged up on him. Nyxis raised his hands and summoned a barrier just in time. With a yell, he sent it forward. His shield slammed into the Council and continued sweeping through them, sending them toppling over each other. "Go! Run!" Nyxis yelled.

"Nyxis, I—" Xanthy breathed. She was clutching her head. Then, her legs buckled and she collapsed. Nyxis spouted a slew of curses. Just—Oh, joy. He stepped towards Xanthy just as the Seelie Court were arranging themselves and getting their bearings back. Then, his leg began to sting. What in the...?

The sword!

Nyxis gritted his teeth through the pain in his leg and hoisted Xanthy up. The Council was getting up. "Come on, what is wrong with you?!" he shook Xanthy's shoulders but her head lolled sideways. Something in her chest pulsed. Blood rushed into his face as he shook his head. No, it's...inappropriate.

Something glowed in June's chest too. Nyxis recoiled. What was this, soulmates even in chest glowing? Nyis glanced at the light turning his leg into a lamp. The sword was glowing too. What was going on?

"Why are you glowing?!" a woman from the Council yelled. Nyxis rolled his eyes. Gee, if only he knew. The woman proceeded to yell in another garbled language he wouldn't understand because he's not a fairy. Nyxis cursed again and sent another barrier forward.

"Get him!" another man yelled.

Like flower-children, the entire Council surged for him, spells crackling and synnavaimis flashing. Nyxis shrugged. Run now, worry about the glowing things later. He grabbed both invalid bodies, wincing a little as their weight bit against his back. Damn, these two would advance his years faster than Pidmena could decree. He turned and ran. Okay, invoking Pidmena's name wasn't going to help with morale, either.

Nyxis ducked as three spells crashed against the wall by his head. With both of his hands occupied and his mind flying through different things at once, it's hard to cast a spell. He couldn't just stop, drop everything, and cast one spell that would probably achieve nothing. No. He had to run.

Another set of curses formed in lists in Nyxis's mind. How inglorious it was—him carrying two unconscious people as heavy as merchant carts with the Imperial Council scrambling behind him like vulkraine.

A bitter laugh tore off Nyxis's chest. He's probably going to die soon. If not here, it's from the stress. He couldn't believe the famed Seelie Court saw him with dirt on his face. Unacceptable!

The exit loomed before them, the same place where he last saw Canelis. Good, good. Just a few more steps. To freedom! The ground erupted at his feet, sending him forward in a mass of burning carpets and a few shards from a smashed vintage vase. His face hit fresh dirt. Xanthy and June flew away from his grip. They rolled out of the Imperial Palace with the bridge only a few feet away.

"The criminals are down!" someone yelled through Nyxis's ringing ears.

Nyxis gritted his teeth as he broke his roll. His cheek throbbed. The Council filed in a line by the lip of the Palace's entrance, catching their breaths. Something wet dripped from the side of his face. With shaking hands, he raised a hand to his cheek and gave it a light tap. His fingertips came away red. Gods of freaking Calaris.

They could have hit any part of his form. Just—

"Not in the face!" Nyxis yelled at the throng of white-robed fairies who blinked at him like he was insane. Yeah, now that they ruined his face, he was. His magic crackled to the surface in a torrent of heat pulsing underneath his skin. He raised his hand towards the Imperial Palace. "Ketaran Tuhotrefo."

The Curse of Destruction.

The island inside the moat shook, knocking the Council back. The west wing, which was a good distance from the center, erupted in a mass of stone, earth, and glass. Screams echoed through as displaced debris swirled together in a massive storm. The four towers cracked and boiled. The air dropped notches colder. The shingled roofs chipped and dislodged; the stone walls fizzled. Nyxis clenched his fists and the debris dropped to the ground.

He released his spell and when his vision cleared, the Imperial Palace now looked like someone bit a huge chunk off it. Huge chunks of rocks that once had been the spires and some of the wall cracked the cobbled roads around the Palace.

His eyes widened. He did that? Whoa.

Xanthy began to stir from where she stopped rolling, thankfully already halfway through the bridge. The Seelie Court started digging themselves out of the ruins. The heat from their magic being summoned was enough to fry Nyxis from where he stood.

Okay, time to run now. He scooped up his baggage and crossed the bridge to whatever city was at the end.

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