4 | Abshire (III)

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The second mansion to the left was the royal family's residence and office. By the royal family, Reeca meant the whole Valkalin clan.

Glass flanked the opening that gave Reeca a perfect view of lounges and lobbies. Grand verandas with festooned balustrades guarded rooms by the second floor. Everything was made of glass that even the vines that crawled along the walls and some of the balustrades glinted against the sunlight.

Reeca glanced to her left and froze as she came face to face with a panting animal with fluffy, white fur that reminded her of a cloud. It sat on its haunches, its blue tongue lolling out of its mouth. Pink eyes followed Reeca as she followed Elred to the lobby and didn't attack. She didn't know how to draw her sword with this fancy gown of a glamour on top of her anyway. What in Pidmena's name were those creatures?

Reeca's boots that were glamoured to be sandals clanked against the glass floor of the mansion. Would all this glass break under her feet? Gold and silver candelabras hung from the ceiling with at least a thousand wax candles providing light on the whole room. Stairs curled here and there, each leading to various parts of the mansion. A counter was installed at the far end of the lobby where a single woman with bobbed pink hair sat.

Elred sped past the huge walls decorated with geometric shapes embossed into the glass and the hand-painted portraits of frowning people dressed in their finest textiles and jewelry. Reeca squinted at the portraits showing who looked like to be the King and Queen with their pale blond hair and eternally young faces. Elred stood behind the King's shoulder with an unknown fairy beside her. Both of them were also not smiling.

Reeca kept her eyes on the wall as another painting sped into view and this time, it featured just the King and the Queen. A mirror glowing faintly sat clasped in the Queen's hands. Reeca filed that information at the back of her head. Perhaps that's Helinfirth's throne.

Murmurs filled Reeca's ears as shard fairies milling about in the lobby turned their heads at Elred's quiet march towards the counter. Reeca lengthened her steps to catch up while keeping her eyes on the portraits.

The next one drove Reeca's eyebrow up. Elred was there, a circlet made from woven gems on her forehead, as well as the same young man she didn't know. Standing between the two fairies, however, was a boy no older than four having the same bored expression has Elred had on the portrait. Reeca stepped forward. Hell, the kid even looked like Elred. What—

A throat cleared, jarring Reeca back to reality. She straightened her back and whirled to Elred who had stopped in front of the counter. Dim corridors stemmed away from the lobby going deeper into the mansion's eerie insides. The darkness seemed to eat at it when Reeca narrowed her eyes in an attempt to fathom where they led.

From one of the chairs scattered around the lobby, a shard fairy was coaching a younger one on how to summon a layer of glamour. "Now you do it," the woman encouraged her daughter. The child extended her hand and light flashed. Soon, the woman was laughing with antlers growing out from her forehead.

"Try again, darling," the woman threw her arms around her child and kissed her cheek. Reeca's gut swirled. She wasn't sure if from envy or from the tenderness of the scene.

"Oooh, look at that," Nyxis's voice rang in her ear. "Someone was going soft."

Reeca clicked her tongue and slapped his face away from her shoulders. She was not going soft. Her hand flew to her face to smooth her cheeks free of any remnant of that smile. Let him have his fun while he still could.

Reeca turned back to the desk to find Elred arguing with the pink-haired woman behind the counter. "What do you mean I'm not entitled?" Elred growled before jabbing a finger against the countertop. "As the Crown Princess, I have the rightful claim."

The woman shook her head. Her finger was stuck between the pages of a tome, marking her progress on her reading. Reeca leaned over the counter and spied the title. For the Love of Witches, it read. She wrinkled her nose at the woman's genre preferences. That tome was the worst of all romance fiction.

The woman, however, craned her neck to frown at Elred. "The Queen explicitly ordered us to not provide you access to the vault."

Elred tousled her hair. "This is ridiculous," she started pacing in front of the counter.

"Elred, darling!" someone called from Reeca's left. She turned and came face-to-face with the unknown young man on the painting behind her. Up close, especially when dressed in a simple gray tunic and trousers, he didn't look like the fairy plastered into the wall. Average fairy build, average face, even average blond hair. His green eyes were as gentle as a flower-child's, though. He breezed past Reeca and Nyxis like they weren't there and took Elred by the shoulder, leading her away from the desk.

"Look at you," he waved a hand over Elred. Instantly, her hair was combed and neat. "What would the Queen say to you? Reza will get upset seeing you tired. He's on his way as we speak."

Elred slapped the man's arm away from her shoulders. "I'm fairly certain I didn't gain a third parent overnight," she looked him up and down before softening her tone with a sigh. "How are you holding up?"

The man massaged his nape as he stretched it. "It's bearable," he flicked his gaze at one of the dim corridors leading elsewhere. "The King has been running rounds over me about the Codex of Labors."

As if it's a bad thing and she can relate, Elred winced. "That can't be easy," she crossed her arms and jerked her chin at the man. "Reza's fine with you spending most of the day in the office?"

The man shrugged. "He hates his helper and would only ask for you or me."

Elred smoothed her dress. A frown was plastered in her smooth face. She moved to where Reeca and Nyxis stood. "These are my friends," Elred turned to the man. "Lord Roma and Lady Briane Almara of Lanteglos. They came here on my invitation. We had some things to catch up on."

The man extended his hand, a diplomatic smile stapled into his face. "Savel Valkalin, Heir Apparent to the Helinfirth Crown."

Reeca shook his hand to find out it's actually rough and calloused. She raised her eyebrows for a quick second. As Nyxis was shaking Savel's hand, a thought occurred to her. Heir Apparent? That meant that he was not of royal blood. If he was from another family, why did he say "Valkalin" for a family name? Unless...

"You're bonded?" Reeca whirled to Elred.

Savel raised his eyebrows and leaned over to peer at Reeca and Nyxis. "You haven't told your friends about that?"

Elred's glare could have stabbed Reeca's lungs. "Some of the things we should be catching up on," she rasped. Her tone was flat but carefully modulated to not show distress or annoyance. Reeca swallowed and pursed her lips.

Nyxis stepped forward and placed a hand to his chest. He dipped his head. "We, um, look forward to knowing you," he flicked his gaze at Savel's chest. "Um, nice shirt."

Elred rolled her eyes. Savel blinked.

"Mom! You're back!" a shrill voice shrieked from one of the corridors northwest of Reeca, saving them from an infinity of awkwardness. A figure leaped past Reeca and into Elred's waiting arms.

"Gods, how much you've grown!" Elred's smile was a direct opposite of her frown when talking to anyone else. The fatigue and irritation that clouded Elred's face earlier were gone. Instead, it was replaced by a mask of pure joy. Could glamours do that too?

"Mom, did you bring something for me?" the boy peered up at Elred, his large eyes searching hers.

Elred shook her head. "No, Reza. Mom didn't bring you anything," she set the boy down to his feet. "I'm sorry. It's been a stressful week for me."

"It's okay!" Reza, the boy, nodded and turned to Savel and took his hand. "I hope you finish your work so we can play!"

"Elred, where have you been?" a steely voice erupted behind them. Reeca's spine went rigid. What now?

A heavy presence misted into the room that made Reeca feel small. She cast her eyes down hoping it would hide her and her presence. Nyxis shifted from one foot to another beside her. Elred bent down to her son and whispered something in the boy's ear. The boy gave Elred a quick peck on the cheek before disappearing into the corridor to Reeca's east. Elred straightened.

"It's none of your business, Mother," Elred said. The frown was back in her face.

Mother? Reeca slowly raised her eyes to a woman not older than Elred finding the same shade of pale blond hair if not lighter. Bright red pupils accentuated the harsh frown rivaling Elred's as the woman strode along with her voluminous gown. Reeca resisted the urge to wince. Wasn't that heavy to be lugged around while being attached to one's body?

When Reeca's eyes studied the woman up and down, her jaw dropped. There was simply nothing wrong with her appearance. No untucked hem, unpressed textile, or even a stray lock of hair from that tight hairdo could be seen. It was just perfect with every color, detail, and flair seemingly in harmony with each other.

So, this was the Queen.

Reeca pursed her lips and edged closer to Nyxis, hoping the Queen wouldn't notice that little gesture.

"Oh, you brought guests?" the Queen piped. Reeca froze. Elred turned away from her mother's stare to glare at Reeca. The shard fairy began mouthing something. Reeca squinted, trying to make sense of it.

"Well?" the Queen splayed a hand to one side, expectant.

Nyxis elbowed Reeca. Reeca jumped. "Oh, yes! Was that argubian silk? Ugh, so cheap!" She squealed with the best whiny voice she could muster.

She wanted to claw her hair out and she hoped the twitch in her right eye didn't ruin the whole act. Gods, this was a nightmare. Nyxis cleared his throat. He made a show of quickly stepping in front of Reeca and bowing deeply.

"What my sister liked to say is that you look ravishing today, my lady. Argubian silk or not, you have the right to be called the fairest lady in the land...uh, plateau," he glanced at his vague surroundings before giving the Queen a wink.

Nyxis bowed again. "Please forgive my sister for her boiling tongue and dagrine-dung attitude. She is but a rear-brained mollusc that is uncouth from childhood."

Reeca held back a snarl. Her fingers clenched beside her. Damn this little pest.

"Shut up... Roma," she snapped, almost losing it over Nyxis's supposed name. Did he think he would get away with this?

Nyxis clicked his tongue. "Sister, not now," he smiled in triumph. "The Queen is not pleased."

The Queen snorted and fanned her face with her hand. Even that gesture had enough grace to rival that of grass swaying with the wind. "Oh, I would very much like you to continue bickering all day and be able to watch it, but I have other pressing matters to do." She folded her hands together. A bright smile crept into her divine lips. "But I expect to see you at dinner.

"Diante!" With a whole second swish of fabric, the Queen turned away and trotted off to where she came from. The air became breathable as the Queen's bedecked back disappeared into a corner.

Elred stalked over and grabbed Reeca's arm like it's an ajilte to be pressed for juice. "How about we continue in the guest room?"

Elred stretched as soon as the glass door shut behind Savel's form. The quick kiss the shard fairy planted in her husband's lips still sent blood rushing to Reeca's cheeks. Elred collapsed against a moth-eaten couch. Immediately, all her glamour vanished. The disheveled fairy was once again in full view.

"Now you see why I have to learn tricks in deception?" Elred muttered almost to herself, waving an arm at nothing. "It is hard to work when you have a family who has no clue about what you do."

Nyxis crept to another chair situated beside a quilted bed. Reeca took her place on the mattress. She raised an eyebrow when she actually sank a few inches in. Oh. Not everything here was made of glass, then.

"Then why not just tell them?" Nyxis's voice was a little clip like he wasn't sure of what he was saying. "I am sure they will understand."

Elred drew herself up like she was torched by lightning. "And tell them I have been running around, killing people?" She shook her head. "Not a chance. I am not risking it with Reza."

"Nyxis was right," Reeca jumped in, all the while hating it that the human had a point. She splayed a hand in Elred's direction. "Look what it is doing to you. You are ruining yourself. They are bound to find out someday, anyway."

Considering that Synketros was already on its way here.

Elred looked away. "It is not their fault I am like this," she crossed her arms and crossed her legs. "Maybe someday, but definitely not now," she raised her eyes to Reeca's. "That is why I need your help."

When none of them spoke, Elred sighed. "I do not want them in my mess. This is my fight, not theirs. But it will be if you and I fail to deliver to the Sovereign's demands."

"Why do you follow that person anyway?" Reeca leaned back against the mattress, using her palms to support her weight. "It is not like your life is devoted to her cause."

Elred regarded her with a kind of sorrow and regret not characteristic of a fairy that has lived in the short lifetime that she did. "I follow her because my life depended on it," she rubbed the inside of her palm. "Whether you like it or not, once you join Synkteros, there is no going out. The Sovereign has kept tight leashes on everyone after she suffered a major betrayal the last time."

"Betrayal? By who?" Reeca knitted her eyebrows.

Elred met their eyes. "Marthiaq Lebayou."

The name echoed around the room like a plucked bowstring. Reeca's head throbbed with the memory. Marthiaq Lebayou. He's one of her mother's friends. "What did he do?" Reeca leaned forward and propped her elbows on her thighs.

Elred exhaled loudly through her nose. "The Sovereign would not let his name be spoken in her presence. I could only guess what happened from the rumors going around in the ranks."

Reeca pursed her lips. More. She needed more information. "What happened?"

"It is rumored he entered the Sovereign's quarters," Elred said, shrugging. "Which I do not believe because the only way you can get so close to her is when you are her true ally."

"Or her lover," Nyxis's voice bounced against the walls.

Elred swung her legs off the couch. Her eyes were wide. "The Sovereign would never—"

"It makes sense, though," Nyxis scratched his head before moving to tousle it. "She would not take those extreme measures about the people she trusted if it was not because of love. Love and heartbreak can make you do crazy things."

Reeca coughed. Who could ever guess this knucklehead of a human was an expert on all things love? Reeca tapped her chin, immersing herself in her thoughts. If Marthiaq Lebayou was still alive, Reeca would have to track him down. He was their link to the Synketros just like Kymalin was to Cardovia. This was something.

"That aside," Reeca blinked back to the present and turned to Elred who had relaxed again on her chair. "We are in Helinfirth now. How can we help you?"

"We need to find Xanthy," Elred cocked her head to one side. "That is the plan."

Reeca stood up. "Alright, leave that to us," She grabbed Nyxis's arm and dragged him out the room and into the glassy corridor. The human sputtered in surprise but she kept her grip on his arm. The door to the guest room shut and the corridor's high domed ceiling and plain, glass walls surrounded them once more.

"Okay, what was that?" Nyxis looked at the empty corridor before settling back into Reeca.

Reeca leaned close, trying to phrase her next sentences. "Follow Xanthy," she met his dark eyes. "I have a feeling she's not safe."

"Why?" Nyxis knitted his eyebrows. He clutched his satchel closer to his chest.

Reeca scratched the side of her face. "The Death Knight demanded Xanthy's presence in Lanteglos. It has been on the networks since yesterday," she braced a hand on her hip. "I have no idea who the Death Knight is but I assume he is close. Xanthy might be in danger."

"The Death Knight does not exist, though," Nyxis inclined his head to one side. "He is a thing of the news killing off nobles who dared to speak against the High Queen. Perhaps he is just a tale spun by the Seelie Court to keep the people in line."

Reeca raised an eyebrow. "Yet he is there demanding Xanthy's attention," she crossed her arms. "Look, you can believe what you want but I do not trust Xanthy would be in the right mind to avoid confrontations like this. Besides, it is not like June would stop her."

Nyxis frowned. "I trust June. He would protect Xanthy as he had done in the past," he met Reeca's gaze. "I sure trust him more than you."

That dug a new pit in Reeca's gut for some unknown reason. Reeca stepped back before shaking her head. "Please," she lowered her voice as she brought out a weaving from her armor. "Keep Xanthy safe for me."

She pressed the weaving in Nyxis's hands. The human looked questioningly at her. "This is a trailtracker," Reeca closed Nyxis's hand around it. "I gave Xanthy a cloaker and that weaving could find the specific trail I wove into it. You can track her with that."

Waves of distrust swam off Nyxis's eyes but he exhaled through his mouth and tucked the tracker in the pocket of his trousers.

"Fine," he conceded. He twisted to get his hand inside his satchel and rummaged. After a few seconds, he drew out the familiar red jar. He passed it into Reeca's hands. "Apply that twice a day. It should be enough until you can use your wings again."

Reeca nodded. Nyxis turned to the direction of the lobby while adjusting the satchel slung across his torso. His hair fell in long waves over his forehead, almost blocking his green eyes that shone in stark contrast against all the glass around them. "Well, see you around," he dipped his head at Reeca before turning around and walking away.

Reeca stood idly at the corridor watching Nyxis's back turn smaller and smaller until she couldn't see him anymore. Nyxis was ingenious for a human. He'd figure out how to get off this plateau and find Xanthy.

The door to the guest room creaked open and Elred's head poked through. "What was that about?"

"Send men to trail after Nyxis," Reeca turned towards the door and pushed it wider as she stepped inside. "He'll lead you to Xanthy."

Elred nodded and followed Reeca into the middle of the room. Reeca turned to the shard fairy and crossed her arms. "This will not come without payment," Reeca said.

"What do you want?" Elred locked eyes with Reeca, scarlet against teal and amethyst.

Reeca brought out the maximizer from the spaces between her armor. "Help me find the thrones," she threw it lightly in the air before catching it. A grin painted her lips. "I have a plan."

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