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This is a year well-spent so I'll allot this acknowledgement section as some sort of a year-end reflection and my wishes for people for the holidays and the looming new year.

To my IRL friend and first reader, Hannah, I will continue to mention you in every acknowledgement section I will do because without you believing in my works back when they're trash fire circus of crap, I won't even be here. Thank you for showing interest that helped me push forward and reach for my dream. Thank you for listening when I was spending every discussion time in Science talking to you about my plans. You may not have time for leisure or for support but know that I am always, always thankful for the time we did have together. Thank you for being my first reader, my first fan, and the first person to say to me: "You're an awesome writer."

To my family at SWF, (TessaTuring, Waterbender_poet, AmnerisTenjo) thank you so much for not leaving my side through the long year of hardship, depressive talk of not being good enough, and writing monologues. You are the only light in the universe who hasn't dimmed when exposed to my darkness. For that, thank you. Keep your lights burning bright and know that I am here for you just as you are for me. Thank you for always having my back come what may. We may be ded in the server but that because we've all got lives to live and dreams to chase. Still, huge thank you for still responding every now and then with :uhmmm: emojis and for just being there. I couldn't ask for better online friends than you.

To friends both here and not, thank you for giving me a year of insanity, strength, and finding new identities. Thank you for the lessons our brief time together imparted. Thank you for without these experiences, I will never be as wise as I am now.

Here are some specific and personal appreciation messages for some of them who truly went beyond and more:

WonderfulMiracles. Myr, I know I said this enough times that you're probably sick of it, but you'll always have my gratitude as the first person to finish the series and for extending time, effort, and energy to read the semi-trashfire version from start to finish and for finding it worth your while. Thank you for finding my characters not flat and for saying the things you do about my works and my writing. Thank you so much. You truly are someone I don't deserve but will forever cherish.

Spruce_Goose. Amelia, when I first met you in the Ambs, I admit I'm a little starstruck because of the amount of followers you have. All of that changed when you found my series and binged the first book in seven hours or so. I will never forget the explosion of notifications I got and the natural high it gave me. I still look back to your comments and adore the wit, the effort, and the screaming (at the end). You are a gem. Keep doing what you are doing for other authors like me and I truly hope the universe repays you in ways I cannot. Thank you for the comment-spam and for caring enough about my story to have finished it as fast as you did. I will forever remember what you did.

SuVida777. Su, I honestly have no idea how you found me and what made you click my story and read it. The universe really works in mysterious ways because now, I have no idea how to deal with the praises you gave The Fairy Legacy. Thank you for the feedback you gave and like I told you back then, what you said made me feel like I've accomplished my mission in writing. You are a bright star in this wide but dark universe of writing and I can't thank you enough for all the things you did for The Fairy Legacy. For all the recommendations, the votes, and just existing, thank you. Keep writing excellent stories. Keep being witty. Keep being you. Thank you so much.

Moving away from the readers, this section will be dedicated to the people in my small, small circle of online friends that I have had the pleasure of connecting with.

BirtheV, I really have no idea why you find it worth your while to hang around my corner when it's literally ded but you have no idea how your reactions are the only thing that kept me going for the whole year of writing poetry that nobody reads. I also have no idea why you're being nice to me even though half the people in the server I share with you probably hate me now. So, for being there, even though you haven't technically touched my stuff, thank you. Keep being an angel, Birthe. The world surely needs more people like you.

mysterygalaxi Jamie, thank you for keeping my corner alive just by talking to me. I also don't know what you found interesting in me to keep hanging out even when everyone deserted me in that server but thank you for staying through all that. I will never forget your companionship and am forever grateful for that.

DreamlandCommunity. These seriously have one of the best teams I have ever worked with in my days roaming around Wattpad and Discord. To all the people behind this wonderful community, thank you for making me feel accepted and valid even when a lot of people have done the opposite. Thank you for still not kicking me out of the Dream Team even though I'm thoroughly useless. Thank you for the active chats, the deep talks, and the tea. To its founder and our boomer, momma dragon, Cross-Warrior, thank you for understanding me through my low points of being yeeted out of several engagements and for welcoming me with open arms apart from me having a lot of mistakes tied to my feet. I truly hope to cultivate a more meaningful relationship with everyone although I'm sure to piss one or two people or everyone from time to time. xD

If you have noticed at all, this novelette is dedicated to all of my readers, both silent and not so. It will continue to be that way in my future works, whether I state it in my dedication section or not, everything I put out into the world will always, always be for you. I conjure stories and tales of courage and adventure for myself but the reason I brave the danger of mirror sites and internet thieves is because I wish for you to have some form of escape from this cruel, cruel world even just for a short while.

I truly hope with all my heart that not only my stories provided you a temporary world to find solace in but also that you have learned something in them as well. Thank you for getting my series to where it is now. Thank you for all the votes, the comments, and the general belief in me, my skills, and the stories I tell. No matter where you are in this vast universe, no matter where you are in reading my series, please know that I will always be grateful. Always.

With that, I wish you all a happy and meaningful holiday this coming season. May you greet the new year, too, with hope and a fresh start without strings attached. I hope that you will find peace, happiness, and contentment as we go forward to 2022. Thank you to everyone who graced my life with their presence and due to time and circumstances have long faded now. Thank you to everyone who will decide to stay with me into the new year and beyond it.

To you, dear reader, who found this random story and random author in the vast universe of Wattpad, you have my thanks as well.

Finally, as I said in my last message in The Last Oracle, the road is long and the time is short. 2022 is a year of bounty and upcoming worlds and stories so I hope that you all will stick with me through that new path. Thank you so much for an amazing 2021 and for making the editing stage of the Chronicles of Fantasilia more bearable with your presence. Like Xanthy, I couldn't have asked for more.


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